AstrologyWhat the New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You

What the New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You

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The new Moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023, is a time to look to the future and ask yourself: What’s the best that could happen?

Ruled by Jupiter and the element of fire, Sagittarius brings us joy, optimism, and meaning. New Moons help us understand what we want. They lower the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind so we can truly understand what we desire in life and then access our intuition for guidance on manifesting it.

New Moons allow us to understand what we desire from a soul level. This is not merely fleeting wants but rather a deep understanding of our energy’s desires for its evolution this lifetime. New Moons teach us about ourselves and how to trust ourselves as we envision a life full of everything we desire.

Vintage French engraving depicting the phases of the Moon. The new Moon, or “Nouvelle Lune,” occurs when the Moon is directly in between the Sun (Soleil) and Earth (Terre), effectively hiding the Moon from our sight. (Illustration: duncan1890 | Getty)

What the New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You

Sagittarius helps us view all events that occur on our paths as experiences that help us evolve. There are no negative occurrences, and there are no positive ones either. There are just energies that teach and expand us. Some may frustrate us, some may break our hearts, some may confuse us, and some may bring smiles to our faces. All the ups and downs, though, lead to one thing: expansion. It’s not just about the open road or many hours at sea for Sagittarius. It’s also about gaining knowledge of how the world works, the different perspectives it holds, and the higher meaning of it all.

The new Moon in Sagittarius asks us to take a leap of faith. It encourages us to view the possibilities of our lives from the most optimistic viewpoint available. This is not a Moon to wonder if your intentions will manifest. It’s a Moon to wonder when. As you align with the energy of this day, lean into the excitement in the air. Anything and everything is possible. Know you have the power to create any life you want to live. The key is knowing what that life looks and feels like and then believing in yourself to materialize it.

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This Moon is influenced by Sagittarius’s planetary ruler, Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Currently stationed retrograde in Taurus, Jupiter’s energy grounds us this new Moon. It reminds us to feel into our bodies for the answers we seek. Over this new Moon, notice the subtle messages from your body as you write your intentions. Become aware if something constricts in resistance as you envision your future life. Or notice if something relaxes and opens as you see yourself living your dream. Your body can tell you many things about your subconscious. It will tell you if you are holding yourself back because of fear or are open to the uncomfortableness of the unknown as you grow and evolve.

Jupiter also helps us recognize where we are not meeting our potential. As you write your intentions, feel them. Then feel if they are big enough. This new Moon dares you to dream bigger and envision once unimaginable possibilities. Notice if you are doubting yourself and placing a limiting belief on your visions. Is there an old story you are telling yourself? Are you sabotaging your visions before they have a chance to materialize with this story?

For your visions to turn into reality, you must be willing to receive them. That means you are ready to change, willing to reach for your potential, and willing to let go of old energies that weigh you down. Part of this work is rewriting stories that limit you.

As you work with the element of release on this final new Moon of 2023, release mantras, narratives, and stories that limit you. Sagittarius is the seeker of truth. What truths are you living by? What are you telling yourself is possible or impossible? We have subtle ways of communicating with ourselves daily. Notice if you are sabotaging yourself and resisting growth, even in small ways that add up to something big. Lean into any fear around growth and find out what you are really afraid of. Then, ask yourself, who would you be without these fears? What would you do?

See also  What the New Moon in Taurus Means for You
The fiery nature of Sagittarius compels you to experience adventure and to alter your understanding of life as a result. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Other Astrological Aspects Influencing the New Moon in Sagittarius

The new Moon in Sagittarius also forms a trine aspect with the north node in Aries. Trine aspects are beneficial and allow energy to harmonize. The north node reminds us of our destiny. In Aries, it aligns us with our soul’s path and encourages us to prioritize it. As you work with this energy on the new Moon in Sagittarius, feel your karmic path. Notice any signs around you pointing out the lessons you are here to learn and the attachments you may have to the past. Ask yourself what you must detach from, including energies brought in from a past life, to fully align with your life’s purpose. Then, expand your life’s purpose to take up even more space in your life and the world.

With the additional influence of the north node this new Moon, lean into your destiny. What were you born to do? As you answer that question, rely on your intuition. It will be less filtered than your logical mind. You intuitively know the path that you are here to walk.

Then ask yourself what support you need to walk it. Know that your purpose is bigger than yourself. It reaches far beyond your energy. Feel the expansiveness of your soul’s path and let it guide you to intentions that help you visualize your full potential. When you feel yourself shrinking back or staying small, challenge yourself to reach beyond your fears into your infinite greatness. Remember, you are the Universe and hold every potential ever created.

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Your Invitation

Sagittarius is about finding adventure and learning from it. With any great adventure, courage is the first requirement. Being courageous does not mean being fearless though. Quite the opposite. Instead, courage is cultivated through feeling fear, becoming aware of it, and not allowing it to take control. The first step in developing courage is becoming aware of your fear and acknowledging the information it carries, but not allowing it to make decisions.

Meditation can put you in touch with where fear lives in your body so you can circumvent it before it acts on your behalf. Learning about our fear in a safe, comfortable place makes us more aware of it when we are confronting new situations out in the world. Fear is an important emotion and can keep us away from truly dangerous situations, so we don’t want to eradicate it completely. We just want it placed firmly in the back seat, not driving the car. Practice meditation throughout Sagittarius season and on her new Moon to help you learn from your fear and feel it.

RELATED: Weekly Astrology Forecast, December 10-16: Thinking Bigger for Yourself

Learn more about the new Moon in Sagittarius, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Sagittarius Season + New Moon Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. Dive deeper into the magic of this lunar cycle with the 29-day Manifestation Course.

About Our Contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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