AstrologyWhat the Full Moon in Taurus This November 2024 Means for You

What the Full Moon in Taurus This November 2024 Means for You

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The full Moon in November 2024 is an invitation to come home to yourself. Ruled by the Earth element, the full Moon in Taurus provides a stable container amidst the emotional rollercoaster of Scorpio season. Taurus reminds you that no matter how chaotic life can feel within or around you, we always have resources to support yourself.

When is the Full Moon in Taurus?

The upcoming full Moon takes place on Friday, November 15, 2024, at 1:29 pm PST.

What the Full Moon November 2024 Means for You

This full Moon in November 2024 is an opportunity to be present with all your senses, to feel grounded, and to revel in the wonders available to you. Ruled by Venus, Taurus teaches that your earthly existence is nothing short of a miracle.

Lean into this feeling today and let it return you home. Then feel how this home was with you all along. Even when the world throws you about and you feel like you’re falling, you always have a foundation within yourself where you can land. You are your own foundation and you have everything you need to manifest your greatest potential. Feel this strength within you during the full Moon in November 2024 and release anything that makes you doubt it.

The full Moon in Taurus is a time to feel your attachments to your comfort zones. These are the places which initially feel like they nurture you, but in fact actually prevent your growth. Comfort zones can be people, places, or things. They show up in the form of jobs, romantic relationships, even cities. They block you from manifesting your potential and hold you back simply because they are familiar. The familiar is comfortable, and growth generally is not.

In order to leave your comfort zones to create, or take leaps of faith, you need inner reliance. You need to trust that you can always rely on yourself no matter which way the road turns. You must understand that you can always bring yourself back home and that you possess all the tools you’ll ever need to build the life you desire. This enables you to venture into the unknown.

As you make your way through the energy of this full Moon, feel its power to bring you to the beauty of your soul. Let it illuminate your strength, your perseverance, and your power to create your life. Connect deeply with your body and senses to feel your way through this period of your life and let yourself bask in the present moment under the light of the full Moon this November 2024. Pause, find stillness, then dive deep into the unknown, releasing any fear that holds you back, knowing that you can always save yourself.

The alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Moon during a full Moon (“pleine lune“). (Illustration: ilbusca | Getty)

What the Full Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio Mean for You

When the Moon is full, it and the Sun are positioned directly opposite one another in opposing zodiac signs. All their energies are illuminated, allowing them to confront one another. We can feel these energies on a full Moon, which is part of what makes this part of the lunar cycle feel so intense.

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The full Moon in November 2024 allows us to work with the energies of Taurus and Scorpio, align with the Sun and Moon, and integrate these energies within ourselves.

Taurus and Scorpio form a single axis of energy. Looking at these signs, we see two sides of the same coin. They are both concerned with the present moment. They both want to help us find stillness and center our energy. Scorpio does so by encouraging us to face all our shadows, demons, and life cycles. As we wade through our trauma, fears, and pain, we can find our way to the bottom of it all. Here we find a thread that binds everything together. In feeling this interconnectedness of every energy, we find our truth, and we find stillness. Scorpio wants us to experience every up and down life has to offer and, at the end of this rollercoaster ride, we find peace.

Taurus also wants us to find peace, but it does so through connecting with tangible resources we can touch. Instead of digging through our shadows, Taurus encourages us to look outside ourselves to see our reflection in all of nature. It reminds us that we go through the same cycles as the seasons and carry the same energy as the ocean. Like a tree, we, too, can stand firm in the midst of any storm.

It’s not that Taurus wants us to ignore our emotions. Rather, it encourages us to go beyond them. Taurus asks us to seek comfort not through understanding our own energy but through understanding we are one with everything. From this oneness, we can find stillness. Furthermore, this stillness brings out our most creative self, which is also connected to the creativity of the Universe.

The signs of the zodiac, including the opposing signs of Taurus and Scorpio on their single axis. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Every astrological sign has a high side or low, shadow, side. The lower frequencies of Scorpio show up when we find ourselves in a constant loop of transformation. In this frequency, we never feel good enough and are always looking for ways to improve upon ourselves. We become attached, even addicted, to creating events that pressure us to evolve. We may even attract the same type of person over and over again because they cause the same cycle of drama in our lives.

Although we may be trying to heal from these cycles, we miss the opportunity to break out of them through positive transformation. Instead, we keep riding the roller coaster. In the lower side of Scorpio, we can become obsessed with the darkness in life and focus too heavily on what we, and others, need to change instead of appreciating the positive energies of life.

If you find yourself aligning with the lower vibrations of Scorpio, pause amid all the transforming to appreciate where you have been and who you have been. Love every version of yourself and reflect on the journey of your life. Then ground into the present moment and be still for a while. Give yourself permission to be who you are right now without feeling the need to work on anything. Pause between the cycles of your life and honor the person you are today.

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The lower frequencies of Taurus cause us to look outside ourselves to tangible resources, but not those of nature. Instead, we constantly feel the need to gather more possessions, time, and money. We feel anxious about what we lack in our lives and never feel we have enough to feel centered. We may become preoccupied with the number in our bank account or the packages arriving at our door. We may even become addicted to tangible manifestations of nature, like comforting food and luxury items we can’t quite afford. This vibration of Taurus makes us forget about our connection with nature. It makes us feel unsupported. In an effort to find support, we seek physical comfort beyond ourselves.

The lower vibration of Taurus also makes us feel insecure. It causes us to forget about inner resilience and fools us into thinking we need to rely on forces outside ourselves. If the high side of Taurus teaches us that we are the strength of nature, the low side causes us to forget about our universal connection, and makes us question our very existence.

This lower vibration also causes us to worry excessively about money and abundance. It causes us to forget that we are infinitely abundant in all energies and instead encourages us to focus on lack. Instead of holding the simple truth that we are abundant beings, this low side compels us to overcomplicate things. It makes us question how we are creating abundance and if we are even worthy of it in the first place.

If you find yourself aligning with the lower, or shadow, side of Taurus, observe the behaviors that it causes. Do you find yourself checking your bank account too often? Do you feel insecure about your place in the world? Do you not feel worthy of the abundance that is your birthright? And are you complicating your life by looking too far outside yourself for answers that rest in the stillness of your energy?

Become aware of how these lower frequencies of Taurus show up in your life and accept that they are part of you. They deserve compassion and acknowledgment. Then give yourself more time to sit with your feelings about these energies and your observations. Feel the stillness within you. Feel your connection with nature and your part in the vast Universe. Breathe deep and know that the Earth is supporting you, and trust your life course. Trust your ability to rely on yourself. You can survive any storm, and you don’t even need to know it’s coming.

Let go of the need to project the future to control it. Instead, feel your stillness, resilience, and ability to feel creative solutions when needed. Your instinct is strong. Resist the urge to overcomplicate or overanalyze it because it makes you feel more in control of the world around you. Instead, look for the simple connections that remind you of your strength.

Notice where repeating patterns are showing up in your life. Make different choices that break the ongoing loops that cause you to feel trapped. Become aware of how your choices, even the energetic ones, create the cycles of your life. Ask yourself if you choose certain patterns and even people because they keep you in a familiar cycle of drama, without which you would feel lost. Look at any cycles relating to finances and abundance and consider if they are keeping you in an infinite loop of insecurity.

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A full Moon grants us the opportunity to observe where and how we are embodying lower frequencies of the signs involved. Lower vibrations block us from manifesting our visions by causing misalignment with our souls. They cause our energy to stagnate and even move in circles as we unconsciously repeat patterns in our lives. By recognizing these lower vibrations, we can shift them through conscious awareness. We can break patterns that keep us trapped in a life that doesn’t match our potential.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation

Breaking patterns can cause you to feel insecure. The full Moon in Taurus is here to help you break through old foundations that cause drama and insecurity in your life. As you crack your old self open, you may feel vulnerable for a time until you establish a new foundation and way of being. As you go through this transformation, feel your inner strength, choose the unknown, and find freedom from perpetual cycles that bind you. You will find yourself in the present moment, full of inner resilience, and capable of creating the life you desire.

Some resources that can help are any tools that bring you emotional regulation, techniques that connect you to your body and breath, such as yoga or meditation, and the support of friends and community. Meditation of any kind can be an ideal partner for the full Moon in Taurus. It’s an opportunity to align with the present moment. It allows you to drop into the moment as the mind quiets so you are left with the stillness of the present moment. Find some time to stand under the light of the Moon and feel the stillness available to you.

The challenging part is quieting the constant thoughts that race through our minds. The key is to allow these thoughts in but not become attached to them. See them as clouds drifting through the sky of your mind, coming in and leaving with no attention from you. This skill can take years to master, but it is one worth dedication and commitment. A still mind gives us a place to rest from the chaos of the world and our own emotions.

As you work with the energy of this full Moon, feel the stability within and around you. Remind yourself that you can always rely on yourself. You can face any storm and find the center. Furthermore, you can use the storm to evolve and find the next version of yourself. You have inner resources that can be called upon anytime you need them. You have yourself.

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Learn more about the full Moon in Taurus, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Taurus Full Moon Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. 

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