AstrologyYour Weekly Horoscope for June 16-22: Finding Self-Expression

Your Weekly Horoscope for June 16-22: Finding Self-Expression

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Welcome to a week of shifts in the cosmic tides of which we are all a part. The days to come hold the threshold of Cancer season, the summer solstice, the movement of Mercury and Venus into Cancer, Neptune square the Sun, and a full Moon in Capricorn. As you explore your weekly horoscope, you explore your unconscious.

Weekly Astrology for June 16-22

June 16 | Venus Enters Cancer
June 17 | Mercury Enters Cancer; Moon Enters Scorpio
June 19 | Moon Enters Sagittarius
June 20 | Sun in Gemini Squares Neptune in Pisces; Sun Enters Cancer; Summer Solstice
June 21 | Full Moon in Capricorn

Venus Enters Cancer

As Venus shifts into Cancer on June 16, 2024, it is our introduction to the emotional waters of Cancer. Venus in Cancer is a slow breath out. It is easy movement. It is tending to the emotional body, being a safe space for our feelings, and becoming the medicine we need for ourselves.

Observe any shifts in your emotional body. Venus reminds us that we deserve to be taken care of by ourselves and our loved ones. Ask how you are called to tend to yourself as if becoming a loving parent for your inner child. This transit creates space to observe your emotional needs in relationship and draw your loved ones closer, caring for them just as you care for yourself. Venus will remain in Cancer until July 11, 2024.

Mercury Enters Cancer

A day after Venus enters Cancer on June 17, 2024, Mercury also enters the water sign. Mercury is the mind. Cancer is emotion. Mercury is awareness. Cancer is vulnerabilities and memories stored within our body and our subconscious.

As an archetype, Mercury is an objective observer, collecting and relaying information as if it were data. As it swims through the seas of Cancer, however, it loses some of that objectivity. It becomes more about understanding and tending to our subjective reality.

Mercury in Cancer is an opportunity to be in conversation with our emotional selves. It explores the way emotions move and exist outside of logic and how vulnerabilities and memories don’t fit in a neat box of understanding. It allows us to be in compassionate and caring conversation with our inner children. It is an opportunity to witness and question our emotional reactions and movements. It is a chance to consider what memories and patterns we are unconsciously running.

As you consider your weekly horoscope, also consider, Am I reacting to this present experience? Or is this touching on something already within me based on past experiences or events? What does this part of me need to hear?

Sun Square Neptune

Hours before the beginning of Cancer season, the Sun makes a final connection in Gemini. On June 20, 2024, the Sun finds itself dancing with Neptune in Pisces, inviting spaciousness for the dream world, imagination, and intuition.

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Neptune can create confusion in our tangible world, especially when in a square aspect. This is by design so that we may remember its illusion. The Sun square Neptune is an opportunity to remember this unseen world—the spiritual, the all-encompassing, the energetic—that we live within as we simultaneously live in this tangible reality.

This offering of energies is less about doing than it is being. Being with silence. Being with space. Being with dreams and being with the sacred. It is a day for devotion to what matters to you, to feel the love that hums beneath the surface, and to melt into oneness as if it was a healing bath.

Sun Enters Cancer

As the Sun shifts from Gemini to Cancer on June 20, 2024, we shift from the mind to the emotions. From analyzing to feeling. From quick movement to whatever pace it is that most nurtures us.

Cancer season is an invitation to explore our inner terrain with compassion. To tend to our inner child. To know our foundation of understanding and memory that was built in our formative years. To see ourselves, to know what we need, to offer the presence that requires, and to create the safe and loving structures that allow our emotions to be heard and seen.

The journey of Cancer is to feel at home in itself. To feel at home in its emotional and inner world. To feel safe in its atmosphere. As you consider this season and your weekly horoscope, know that we are all on that journey. Simply observe yourself. Where does the shift take you? What comes alive within you? What is asking for your attention?

Welcome to Cancer season. Welcome to nurturing tenderness, emotional subjectivity, and creating safety and care in your life. Expect subjectivity to color your lens, emotions to hold information, intuition to heighten, and sensitivity to the emotions of those around us to increase.

Summer Solstice

As Cancer season begins, we experience summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, on June 20, 2024. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words sol, which means “Sun,” and sistere, which is translated as “to stand still.” We have been building and growing, shifting and becoming. It is on this day that we meet our peak. It is on this day that we stand still for a moment, just like the Sun. We pause, receive, feel, and integrate before we shift into the second half of the year.

As Cancer season invites us to nurture ourselves, the Sun offers its rays in abundance and celebration to support us.

Capricorn Full Moon

As the Sun begins to make its home in the waters of Cancer, the Moon meets her fullness in the opposite sign of Capricorn on June 21. As Cancer invites us to tend to our emotional realities, Capricorn creates a sacred structure offering a sense of safety and stability.

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The Moon rules Cancer. While full, the Moon whispers to our bodies, our reactions, our memories, and our unconscious. It moves past the narratives of the mind and into corners that our awareness can’t always reach. Acting as a mirror, the Moon moves the emotional tides within our body and brings them to the surface of our awareness.

When the Moon is full, all of us is on display—conscious, unconscious, and everything in between. The full Moon in Capricorn creates a bridge between our bodies and our knowing, our underground, and our consciousness. Not unlike your weekly horoscope, it offers self-insight, intuitive awareness, and access to more of ourselves.

Weekly Horoscopes for June 16-22

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological charts, highlighting different areas of our human experience. Look to the weekly horoscope for your rising sign so you can begin to discern related shifts and invitations.

Aries Rising

How do you connect with yourself? How do you come home to yourself? How does it feel to surrender to insights from the more spiritual spaces of yourself? Healing awaits you in these feeling spaces. Allow your intuition to nudge you toward long-term visions.

Taurus Rising

As you move through your emotions, observe the narratives, stories, and memories alive within them. Observe what is asking for your attention and what is ready to be reframed and rewritten with presence and compassion. Allow your trusting relationship with life to guide you through the week, holding you in support and offering you wisdom.

Gemini Rising

What would it feel like to land in your body? What would it feel like to journey through your underworld and offer yourself love, presence, and acceptance? It’s a week of inner child healing and reparenting. Remind yourself that you are worthy and you are safe.

Cancer Rising

Welcome to your season. Allow yourself to swim in the healing currents of your own energy. This is a time to tend to yourself.  Slow down, nurture yourself, allow yourself to come home, and let yourself feel and emanate more of your own light.

Leo Rising

This week invites you to explore energetic and emotional undercurrents. Find space between and within the movement. Offer yourself moments of retreat and rest. Silence, meditation, and safe spaces for emotional expression are your friends.

Virgo Rising

Dream yourself into new spaces. Within your underlying emotional currents exist information, meaning, and guidance. What matters to you? What is your meaning and where does it guide you? Let it whisper directions as if to bridge your inner child and future self. See where that takes you.

Libra Rising

Tend to yourself because you deserve it. Tend to yourself because the life you are building begins from a space of safety, self-love, and rootedness in yourself. Become what you need this week. Habit and ritual are medicine for your soul so bring that into your life.

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Scorpio Rising

What does it all mean? What is the purpose of it all? Ask the bigger questions and swim in the emotions that are sparked in response. It’s a week and a weekly horoscope that brings deeper meaning into your understanding of life and your place in it. Let it shift your mind in the process.

Sagittarius Rising

There are entire worlds within you and this week is an invitation to explore them all. Look deep within your body and witness your underlying emotional currents. Surrender into your unseen and let the river of your memories guide you through a slideshow of your unconscious patterns.

Capricorn Rising

The world is much richer when you open your heart. Create and offer yourself the safety you need so you can meet the world and the people you love with truth and vulnerability. Invite the week to bring you home to yourself and your chosen ones.

Aquarius Rising

How can you become what you need for yourself? Sometimes that looks like a delicate blend of structure and flow, discipline and compassion. This week invites you to create the habits, rituals, and movements that allow space for well-being. Observe your daily actions that hold you back and instead choose acts of self-love.

Pisces Rising

Inspiration, imagination, and meaning. Self-expression, emotional truth, and creativity. It’s a week to allow your inner currents to bring you back to yourself and remind you of what matters, of the beauty in feeling, and the medicine in self-expression. It’s a week to reconnect to self and life through the play of creativity.

Your Invitation

Your weekly horoscope is an opportunity to slip into your emotional self and observe what exists within. The invitation is for you to take up more space in your own being. To land you deeper in your life. To sift through memory and emotion and bring in love and transformation. To create safety in your own beingness. What would that feel like for you?

Explore the effects of the Moon, learn what your opposite sign means, and understand how astrology intersects with your everyday life through our astrology email newsletter.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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