AstrologyWeekly Astrology Forecast, April 14-20: Becoming More of Who You Are

Weekly Astrology Forecast, April 14-20: Becoming More of Who You Are

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It’s a week that introduces the healing balm that is Taurus season. It also brings the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, one of our most anticipated astrological events of the year.

Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 14-20

April 16: Moon enters Leo
April 18: Moon enters Virgo
April 19: Sun enters Taurus; Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries
April 20: Jupiter Uranus conjunction

Ruled by Venus, the sign of Taurus reminds us that sensory pleasures abound in this life. (Illustration: gogoloji | Getty)

Sun Enters Taurus

In astrology, the Sun is our center. It is our life force. Our spirit. Our experience. As the Sun makes its way through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, it also makes its way through who we are. During each month-long transit, we explore the different terrains and invitations of that zodiac sign. We feel it. We move through it. We experience the world through its lens. In our own way, we become an expression of that zodiac sign.

On April 19, 2024, the Sun makes its way into Taurus. We partner with Taurus to become it, learn from it, and experience the world through its lens.

Ruled by Venus, Taurus is an Earth sign. It invites us to honor the physical world in which we find ourselves. Not to transcend it, but to sink into it, embrace it, and fall in love with it. It draws us into the pleasures of being alive, the senses of our body, and all things tangible.

Under the impulsive spell of Mars, Aries can bring a determined and, at times, impetuous vibe. (Illustration: gogoloji | Getty)

As we step out of eclipse season and the high tides of transformation that we have all been moving through, and as we step out of the fiery and quick pace that is Aries season, Taurus season invites us to slow down, come into the body, bring safety to our own beingness, and take a moment to reflect on where it is we want to go, and how we want to experience the journey.

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While Aries season may have sparked passions, visions and ideas for your own inner rebirth, Taurus season is where we ask, how can I maintain this spark? How can I ground this idea? And how can I move in a way that honors my body, mind, energy? How can I build myself and my life in a way that is sustainable, pleasurable, and not overriding my own pace but honoring it?

Taurus season returns us to nature. The safety she brings. The belonging she brings. The embrace of the tangible. The foundational basics of tending to our bodies and honoring nature’s pace and seasons. Taurus and Venus remind us of the unquestionable truth of our own worthiness and value.

We are coming into partnership with ourselves, our sense of self-worth, our inner value, and our belonging—to ourselves, to this life, and to this Earth—until May 20, 2024.

The glyph, or symbol, for the planets, including Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. (Illustration: Getty)

Jupiter Uranus Conjunction

With Jupiter’s relatively quick 12-year orbit around the Sun and Uranus’ slow 84-year orbit, Jupiter catches up to Uranus every 14 years. Here they form a conjunction, which is a coming together in the cosmos, and it happens on April 20, 2024, in Taurus. This expansive energy has been floating in our ethers all year and will continue to influence us for months to come. It is this week, however, that it reaches its peak.

In astrology, Jupiter is our planet of growth and expansion. It magnifies whatever it touches, opens new opportunities, and leaves a trail of hope and optimism. Uranus is our planet of individuality, freedom, liberation, and revolution.

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Both Jupiter and Uranus are visionaries. They are planets that look ahead. With their orientation toward the future, they are concerned with making tomorrow better than today, opening new doors, and embracing new potentials. This cosmic meetup is our invitation to look ahead, too, and welcome the self that is tapping us on our shoulder, the self that is ready to step forward, the self that we are ready to become.

The Jupiter Uranus conjunction speaks to themes of success, safety in our own beingness, and bold individuality. It speaks to the part of us that knows we are here to be ourselves, wholly and completely, regardless of who the world tells us we should be. It speaks to an inner revolution in which we are guided less by our past and fueled more by the inspiration of who we are becoming and how we are honoring our own magic.

We have been shifting, changing, shedding, transforming, releasing, and rebirthing through the cosmic tides of the recent eclipse season. As Jupiter and Uranus come together in our skies on April 20, 2024, we are met with a spark of innovative and abundant newness. Here all of our inner movement will begin to make sense, as if it has been leading us exactly where we desire to go.

It is a day of abundant potential and optimism that awakens something from within that we are so ready to experience.

Your Invitation

This week invites you to come home to yourself, inhabit more of your body, and embrace the abundance of pleasures inherent in being given a life. It invites safety, belonging, pleasure, and a sustainable pace. It reminds you that life takes place in the everyday moments and not just the destination.

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As the gift of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction activates you from within, tend to your foundation as you meet your own expansion. Let Taurus be your safety, self-worth, belonging, calm, and grounding. Taurus reminds you of the pleasures available in your current life and Jupiter whispers that it can get even better, especially as you embrace Uranus and say yes to your individuality, your fulfillment, and your liberation. Honor your process and honor who you are here to be.

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