Sound HealingUsing Frame Drumming For Anxiety Relief

Using Frame Drumming For Anxiety Relief

In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety has become an almost ubiquitous presence, affecting millions of people globally. From the pressures of work and personal life to the relentless flow of information from our digital devices. 

While there are numerous approaches to managing anxiety, one ancient and often overlooked method stands out for its simplicity, accessibility, and effectiveness: frame drumming.

In this blog, we will explore frame drumming and its benefits in sound healing for relieving anxiety. We will also share exciting news with you – the launch of Remo Drums in our Sound Therapy Shop!

What Is Frame Drumming?

Frame drumming is one of the oldest musical practices known to humanity. Its roots date back thousands of years to ancient civilizations in the Middle East, Africa, India, and the Mediterranean.

A frame drum is typically a simple, circular drum with a shallow depth, often covered with animal skin or synthetic materials. Despite its simplicity, the frame drum holds a profound capacity for healing, particularly in sound healing.

The act of drumming is inherently rhythmic, and rhythm plays a crucial role in human life. Our bodies, after all, are governed by rhythms – the heartbeat, the breath, the sleep-wake cycle. These natural rhythms can easily become disrupted by stress, leading to dis-ease. The repetitive drumming can result in an altered state of consciousness (Maurer et al., 1997).

Frame drumming, with its primal, grounding beats, offers a means to reconnect with these internal rhythms, restoring balance and promoting a state of calm. To find out more, take a look at our blog on, “An Introduction To The Frame Drum.”

The Sound Healing Aspects Of Frame Drumming

Sound has been a healing modality for centuries, with various cultures recognizing the therapeutic effects of different sounds and vibrations. 

Modern science has begun to validate these ancient practices, with research showing that sound can profoundly affect the brain and body, altering mood, reducing stress, and even alleviating physical pain.

Drumming at frequency rates between 3 and 8 Hz can induce a theta brain wave state associated with relaxation and meditation (Neher, 1962; Neher, 1961). 

A more recent study has reported a significant increase in brain wave synchronization following drumming repetition rates of 1-8 Hz (Will & Berg, 2007). Core Shamanism technique is a drumming method developed by Michael Harner, which is centered on using rapid drumming at around 220 beats per minute at under 4 Hz to induce a trance state (Harner, 1982).

1. Vibrational Healing

At its core, sound healing is about vibration

Everything in the universe, including the human body, vibrates at its own frequency. When our body’s frequencies are out of sync, whether due to stress, illness, or emotional turmoil, sound can help to realign them. With their deep, resonant tones, frame drums produce vibrations that can permeate the body, creating a soothing, harmonizing effect.

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The act of playing the drum itself is also vibrationally beneficial. As the hands or mallet strike the drumhead, vibrations travel through the body, providing a physical, tactile experience of sound. This can be particularly grounding, helping to anchor the mind in the present moment away from the anxieties and worries that often dominate our thoughts.

2. Rhythmic Entrainment

One of the most powerful aspects of frame drumming is its ability to induce a state of rhythmic entrainment. Rhythmic entrainment occurs when the body’s natural rhythms synchronize with an external rhythm. This phenomenon is well-documented in neuroscience; rhythmic stimuli can influence brainwaves, heart rate, and even breathing.

When you play or listen to a steady, repetitive drumming pattern, your brainwaves begin to match the rhythm, typically slowing down from the fast-paced beta waves associated with active thought to the more relaxed alpha and theta waves. 

These slower brainwave states are associated with deep relaxation, meditation, and the reduction of anxietyThe drum’s rhythm helps shift the brain and body into a more tranquil state.

3. Mindfulness & Meditation

Frame drumming is also a powerful tool for mindfulness and meditation, which are proven methods for reducing anxiety. 

When playing the drum, the mind is naturally drawn into the present moment, focusing on the rhythm, the sound, and the sensation of the hands against the drumhead. This focus on the “here and now” is the essence of mindfulness, which can help to break the cycle of anxious thoughts that often spiral out of control.

In a meditative context, the repetitive nature of frame drumming can induce a trance-like state, similar to the effects of mantra chanting or breath-focused meditation. 

This trance state is deeply calming, allowing the practitioner to release mental and emotional tension and reconnect with a deeper sense of inner peace.

4. Emotional Release

Music and rhythm are powerful emotional outlets. Playing the frame drum can facilitate the release of pent-up emotions, providing a safe and constructive way to express feelings that might otherwise contribute to anxiety. 

The drum becomes an extension of the self, a medium through which emotions can be externalized and processed.

In many cultures, drumming is used in communal rituals to foster emotional expression and connection. Whether playing alone or with others, drumming can be cathartic, helping to clear emotional blockages and create space for healing.

5. Ease Symptoms Of Anxiety

Drumming has been shown to improve well-being and decrease anxiety and depression in particular populations, and several recent studies support this. 

Here, we focus on one study that examined the impact of group drumming on mental health services users. Within just a 6-week program, there were decreases in depression alongside significant improvements in anxiety after a further 4 weeks. 

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This study was encouraging because the positive changes were maintained beyond the program when data was collected 3 months later. This study combined participant-perceived outcomes as well as measured biological markers by measuring cortisol levels in saliva. 

The findings here showed anti-inflammatory markers, highlighting the potential for drumming to improve immune function (Fancourt et al., 2016). Although this was using African drumming, it is a significant study into the impacts of drumming and rhythm on improved health and well-being.

How To Incorporate Frame Drumming Into Your Life

If you’re new to frame drumming, you don’t need to be an experienced musician to reap its benefits. 

Here are some simple ways to incorporate frame drumming into your anxiety relief toolkit:

1. Start With Simple Rhythms

Begin by exploring basic, steady beats. Even a simple rhythm, played consistently, can have a profound calming effect. Don’t worry about complexity – focus on the feel and the sound of the drum.

2. Use A Drum Meditation

Set aside time each day for a drum meditation. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably with your drum, and begin to play a repetitive pattern. Allow yourself to become fully absorbed in the rhythm, letting go of distracting thoughts. You can do this meditation for a minimum of 5 minutes a day, working up to 20 minutes.

3. Join A Drumming Circle

If possible, join a local drumming circle or group. Drumming with others can enhance the therapeutic effects, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. The collective energy of a group can be particularly powerful in alleviating anxiety.

4. Integrate Drumming Into Mindfulness Practices

Incorporate drumming into your existing mindfulness or meditation practices. You might start a meditation session with a few minutes of drumming to help quiet the mind and prepare for deeper introspection.

New In The Sound Therapy Shop – Frame Drums

Right image from Remo Ocean Drum

To further support your journey into sound healing, we are thrilled to launch our brand-new Remo Frame Drums, now available in our Sound Therapy Shop

These drums have been carefully selected to enhance your practice. They offer unique qualities that can deepen your connection with both yourself and your clients.

Among them, you’ll find the Buffalo Drum, the Bahia Buffalo Drum 16”, and the Ocean Drum, each crafted to deliver powerful, resonant tones that are perfect for therapeutic work.

The Buffalo Drum & Bahia Buffalo Drum 16” 

Both Buffalo Drum and Bahia Buffalo Drum are designed to connect you with the primal rhythms of nature

Their deep, earthy tones evoke the earth’s heartbeat, helping practitioners ground their energy and facilitate a powerful connection with their clients

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They are ideal for practitioners looking to add a more robust and grounding element to their sessions, allowing the sound to penetrate deeply into the body and spirit, fostering a sense of stability and security.

The Ocean Drum

Image from Remo Ocean Drum

The Ocean Drum offers a completely different yet equally transformative experience. 

Mimicking the soothing sounds of the ocean, it’s perfect for creating a calming atmosphere that can help ease anxiety and promote relaxation. The gentle, rolling sound of waves can transport clients to a place of serenity, making it an excellent tool for stress relief and meditation. 

Whether you’re a seasoned sound healer or just beginning your journey, these new drums will help you take your practice to the next level, offering new ways to connect with nature’s rhythm, your clients, and your own inner self.


Frame drumming offers a unique and ancient pathway to anxiety reliefIt harnesses the power of rhythm, sound, and vibration to restore harmony to the mind and body.

Whether through vibrational healing, rhythmic entrainment, or the meditative focus it fosters, the frame drum is a versatile tool that can help alleviate anxiety and promote well-being.

In a world where anxiety is all too common, reconnecting with these ancient practices can provide a simple yet profound remedy. By picking up a frame drum, you’re not just making music but tapping into a healing tradition that has resonated through the ages, offering solace and peace to those who need it most! 

If you enjoyed reading this blog, make sure to check out as well:

And don’t forget to head over to our NEW Frame Drum Collection in our Sound Therapy Shop to experience the transformative energy of these exceptional frame drums!


Fancourt D, Perkins R, Ascenso S, Carvalho LA, Steptoe A, Williamon A (2016) Effects of Group Drumming Interventions on Anxiety, Depression, Social Resilience and Inflammatory Immune Response among Mental Health Service Users. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151136.

Harner MJ (1982) The way of the shaman: A guide to power and healing. New York: Bantam

Maurer RL, Kumar VK, Woodside L, Pekala RJ (1997) Phenomenological experience in response to monotonous drumming and hypnotizability. Am J Clin Hypn 40: 130–145. doi:10.1080/00029157.1997.10403417.

Neher A (1962) A physiological explanation of unusual behavior in ceremonies involving drums. Hum Biol 34: 151–160. 

Neher A (1961) Auditory driving observed with scalp electrodes in normal subjects. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 13: 449–451. doi:10.1016/ 0013-4694(61)90014-1. 

Will U, Berg E (2007) Brain wave synchronization and entrainment to periodic acoustic stimuli. Neurosci Lett 424: 55–60. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2007.07.036.



Do you want to learn more about the healing powers of the drum?

Join one of our Online Rhythm & Drums Courses or In-Person Training Courses



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