Remember the buzz when you started your first yoga teacher training? The pure joy of doing something truly meaningful with a group of like-minded people? Then there was the excitement of taking your first steps as a yoga teacher – scary but oh so rewarding. 

But somewhere down the line, thoughtful yoga teachers begin to wonder what more they can offer the world beyond teaching 60 minute group classes. They notice that many students struggle with the poses or ask for help with injuries and realize that the ‘group-fitness’ model of teaching yoga isn’t working for lots of people. Including them. 

Those forward thinking yoga teachers have also realised that COVID-19 has changed everything. There were already lots of yoga teachers looking for work in an environment where yoga studios and gyms battle it out for survival, paying teachers less and expecting more for free. And now the internet is flooded with free classes. Sounds familiar? Here’s an idea….

Upskill with Yoga Therapy. Yoga Therapy is a powerful modality that is making waves in the yoga community and in health care settings.  If you’re curious about the healing potential of yoga – and the career opportunities Yoga Therapy offers –  there are three very important reasons why more and more yoga teachers are taking Yoga Therapist training: 


  1. Experience the satisfaction of making a REAL difference.


Your students love your classes. But they also love red wine, pilates and Netflix. As a Yoga Therapist, you have the opportunity to make big differences to people’s lives, going beyond making them feel better for 60 minutes. When you help somebody manage their chronic pain, heal from an injury they’ve been carrying for months or reduce their anxiety so they actually sleep at night, the sense of satisfaction, gratitude and meaning is inexpressible.

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  1. Feel truly confident as a yoga teacher.


Many of the yoga teachers I mentor feel helpless when working with some students. They don’t know what to say to the student who breaks down and cries at the end of class. They don’t know how to support a student who is struggling with an injury. They don’t know how to work with the one awkward student in class who can’t keep up with the rest. Training in yoga therapy equips you with the skills and confidence to compassionately and effectively cope with whatever comes your way in the yoga room.


  1. More students, more career options – on your terms.


There are many, MANY yoga teachers out there. There are not many yoga therapists. Why? Because anybody can become a yoga teacher in just a few days. Accredited Yoga Therapists undergo significant training, mentoring and practice teaching. Yoga Therapists are different. This is being increasingly recognized by medical professionals as yoga therapists are recruited to work in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare environments. They also work one-on-one online and a good yoga therapy training program will give you the skills and confidence you need to reach your students, wherever they are in the world.


If you want to make a real difference and climb off the 60-min group fitness treadmill, it’s time to consider training to become a Yoga Therapist.


Discover the NEW Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy!



See also  two yoga myths that are giving you back pain


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