AromatherapyQ&A - Essential oils for cystitis

Q&A – Essential oils for cystitis

Q: Can you offer any advice or recommend any essential oils for treating Cystitis?

A: Cystitis is a common urinary tract infection (UTI). It occurs when the bladder is inflamed – usually due to a bacterial infection. Symptoms include the urgent and frequent need to wee, dark, cloudy or strong smelling wee, stinging or pain when you do go to the toilet, and pain in the bladder. It may also cause you to feel achy, tired and generally unwell.

Most cases aren’t serious and will often clear within a few days without treatment. Some people however will experience frequent infections and may require regular or long-term treatment. If symptoms do not clear within three days or if symptoms are severe (blood in urine, fever, pain in the side), or if you’re pregnant, you should always seek the advice of your GP as cystitis can lead to a more serious kidney infection. You should also see your doctor if you have more than 3 attacks per year.

Taking antibiotics can predispose you to cystitis, as they kill the good/friendly bacteria in the gut that normally keeps the ‘bad’ bacteria under control (the bacteria that commonly causes bladder infections is normally found in the gut). Eating a good quantity of live yoghurt while taking antibiotics can help to re-populate and boost your intestinal flora and immune system. I also recommend taking BioCare’s Bio-acidolphilus Forte when you have finished a course, which is much more powerful than most others available).

Steer clear of a diet high in sugar and yeast (mushrooms, bread, marmite, beer and wine) which will cause the fungus Candida Albicans to proliferate.

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Drink plenty of water plus fresh lemon juice to help boost immunity and reduce acidity that will increase the likelihood of another infection. Drinking chamomile tea may also help with symptoms as it’s thought to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberry juice is often recommended too, but there is no firm evidence to support this.

Regular bathing can be effective in helping to prevent and treat occurrences of cystitis. Bathing after sexual intercourse is particularly recommended as increased inflammation can increase the likelihood of an attack, and if fungus/bacteria has been introduced this can also help flush it out.

Using essential oils in the bath or in a local wash, at the first signs of irritation, can often prevent a full-blown attack of cystitis. Try mixing 15ml fragrance free Bath Oil with 4 drops Bergamot, 4 drops Tea Tree, 4 drops Lavender and 2 drops Myrrh. Add this to a cup of Dead Sea Salt and dissolve in the warm bath water. Bathe at least once a day or more if possible, to help soothe the symptoms and act on the fungus/bacteria that is causing the infection.

If you have a lot of pain a hot compress may also help.  Fill a bowl with hot water (as warm as you can stand) and add 4-5 drops of Chamomile essential oil. Dip a folded, clean cloth into the water so it can absorb the essential oils floating on the top. Wring out excess water, place the cloth onto the painful area and cover with a towel. Repeat the process when the cloth cools to body temperature.

See also  The science of essential oils - debunking the myth of ‘woo’

Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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