AromatherapyFeel younger, healthier and rejuvenated!

Feel younger, healthier and rejuvenated!

So, it”s Spring again – at last! We are surrounded by nature in all its bounty with that wonderful fresh green that only comes once a year. As the bulbs and the blossom reflect nature’s beauty once again – I’m wondering how I can help nature along in my garden – to give back a little when I feel we take such a lot! I’m planting many more bee friendly flowers this year for the Bumble Bees and putting logs in sunny places with holes drilled in for bee nesting! I’ve even bought a Bumble Bee nesting box with a viewing flap!

Meanwhile, after the long winter months our thoughts can turn to our own replenishment – how to create ‘youthful ageing’ so that we look and feel like Spring has Sprung in our own life, as well as in our natural environment. Aromatherapy holds many special secrets to help our skin glow, our hair shine, and our energy buzz like the bees.  However – our skin and hair condition and energy levels are hugely reflective of our general health – so here’s some top tips – before we give you our recipe ideas – that could help you to S L O W down that ageing process.

Top 10 tips for a more youthful you

  1. Yes, it has to be said – water is one of the keys. If you don’t normally drink more than a few glasses daily – try 2 litres for 1 week and see the difference in your skin. Being constantly dehydrated is one of the single most prematurely ageing things you can do!
  2. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). They are key to your body’s renewal and repair mechanisms. If you are on a low fat diet – or if your skin condition is dry, suffer from PMT, or if you have sore joints/difficulty in concentrating – try increasing your EFA intake with oily fish, avocado and Linwood’s Flaxseed Powder. This will help reduce high cholesterol too or protect you from higher low density lipo-proteins that cause high cholesterol.
  3. Go to bed early twice a week. Many of us suffer from low grade sleep deprivation as life is lived at such a fast pace these days. Try avoiding your phone/computer after 8pm at night so that your brain isn’t over-stimulated, and you sleep more deeply –awaking more refreshed and revitalised. If you have problems sleeping, try our soothing Sweet Dreams pure essential oil blend to encourage more restful sleep.
  4. Reduce Electro-magnetic radiation. If you have a computerised alarm clock on your bedside table – or you use your mobile phone and charge it next to your bed – move it! There are more emissions given off than you may realise – and over a long period they may damage your health. When you make or receive a call on your mobile try putting it on loudspeaker as much as possible and don’t hold it to your head unless you must. Some of us are considerably more sensitive to EMR than we realise – which can cause tiredness, headaches and “brain fog” which is often not attributed to the actual cause.
  5. Have a chemical clear out! Do you use too many toiletries that are full of chemical adulterants? Avoid petro-chemical derivatives and synthetic perfumes as much as you can. When you know about essential oils most of them become unnecessary and may be slowly undermining your health and vitality.
  6. Give yourself a nutrient boost! This could do more to boost your body, mind, and spirit than you may imagine. Aim for 3 different types of fresh raw greens daily, and 3 different types of fruit – organic when possible. Try starting the day with fresh fennel, nettle, and ginger tea, for a mini detox.
  7. How about an alcohol-free week? Combine with taking Milk Thistle for a month to give your liver a real tonic.
  8. Give your body an aromatherapy exfoliation once a week – and your face twice a week – to help remove dead skin cells and create that healthy glow. If your skin is dry or damaged, add a regular aromatherapy face mask once a week (see recipes below).
  9. Exercise. Not exercising is not an option if you want to slow down the ageing process. Aim for 3 sessions a week to stimulate your metabolism and your immunity and to help release tension and stress. Try making sure one session includes deep breathing and relaxation – such as yoga, Pilates, or Tai Chi. Many of us suffer from stress so consistently that our breathing pattern is affected, and we shallow breathe more than we realise – which is deleterious to our health.
  10. Nature knows best. Get outside once a day if possible – preferably midday. Give your body a boost by generating that Vitamin D that is so important in youthful ageing. Yes, we must take care in the strong sun – but it is also vital to our health as our body’s need for Vitamin D is a great deal more important that hitherto recognised. If you get outside rarely – try BioCare’s Biomulsion D – 5 to 10 drops daily if you are tired and rundown or 2-4 drops daily if not.
See also  Essential oils for a pre-summer detox

Aromatherapy recipes for softer, smoother, younger looking skin

Enriching Body Scrub

Give your body and mind an aromatherapy boost that will make you glow on the inside as well as the outside. Use once a week to help stimulate your body’s ability to cleanse itself, and to remove dead skin cells which will improve your skin tone.

Mix 3 tablespoons of French Green Clay, 2 tablespoons of pinhead oatmeal, 1 teaspoon Dead Sea Salt, 1 teaspoon runny honey, 1 teaspoon Borage Seed Oil (also known as Starflower Oil) and 1 teaspoon Hazelnut Oil and then add Rose Hydrolat to form a paste. Add 2 drops of Carrot Seed essential oil, 2 drops Juniperberry, 4 Geranium and 2 Rose and mix well. Massage in circular directions paying particular attention to thighs, elbows and any area of dry or scaly skin. Rinse off in the shower/bath.

Rejuvenating Face Mask

Mash half an avocado* into a pulp, add 1 teaspoon of runny honey, 1 teaspoon of Borage Seed Oil, 1 teaspoon of Rosehip Seed Oil and 1 tablespoon of French Green Clay. Mix into a paste with Orange Flower Hydrolat and add 1 drop Neroli essential oil, 1 drop Rose and 1 drop Carrot Seed Oil. Apply to the face, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

*Avocado helps fight the signs of ageing. It is packed with Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant), detoxifies the skin and fights free radicals. It penetrates deep into the skin to assist cell regeneration and is high in sterols which can help reduce sun damage, age spots and scarring.

Facial Oil (for mature/dry/damaged skin)

Add 10ml Hazelnut Oil, 10ml Borage Seed Oil, 10ml Rosehip Seed Oil and 10ml Sweet Almond Oil to a small bottle and shake well.  Add 3 drops of Neroli essential oil, 3 drops Rose, 2 of Frankincense, 2 Carrot Seed Oil and 4 Geranium and shake again. Apply a thin layer at night after cleansing and toning and leave for 10 minutes. Pat off any excess with tissue and then leave overnight. Use 3 times a week for best results.

See also  Top essential oils for sleep and mental health

Rich Body Moisturising Balm

Take 100ml of Base Formula Moisturising Lotion, add 5ml Borage Seed Oil and 5ml Rosehip Seed Oil. Then add 5 drops Patchouli, 8 Rose, 5 Neroli and 2 each of Benzoin and Carrot Seed Oil. Shake well and use regularly, especially after exfoliation.

Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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