AstrologyWeekly Horoscope for June 23-29: Melding

Weekly Horoscope for June 23-29: Melding

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As the Sun continues to move through Cancer and the Moon begins to wane, this week brings further invitations for the kinds of change that come only through presence, feeling, and self-care. Looking ahead to Mercury square Chiron and Saturn beginning its retrograde in Pisces, your weekly horoscope hints at merging the conscious and unconscious, the emotional and mental, the past and present.

Weekly Astrology for June 23-29

June 24 | Moon Enters Aquarius
June 26 | Venus Square Lunar Nodes; Moon Enters Pisces
June 28 | Mercury Square Chiron; Moon Enters Aries
June 29 | Saturn Retrograde Begins

Venus Square Lunar Nodes

On June 26, 2024, Venus in Cancer comes into a square aspect with the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are not tangible objects but rather mathematical points in space where the Moon’s path intercepts the apparent path of the Sun. They speak to growth, becoming, and evolution, and since 2023, they have been inviting us to take up more of our own space and heal our confidence, selfhood, and relationship dynamics.

A square aspect is tension. It says, ‘please look at me’. Inner tension can be just that—tension—or it can be a doorway, a surrender, an opportunity. Venus square the nodes is a doorway into our depths. An opportunity to hear the inner child within us all sharing their fears and hurts around being loved and loving another.

While in Cancer, the goddess of love and beauty invites us to come into a profoundly nurturing relationship with ourselves, our inner child, our past, and our emotions. When the past is present—whether in our bodies or in our psyche—it colors and shapes the present. It creates a wall between us and the opportune-rich, moment-to-moment dance that is life.

As you consider your weekly horoscope, consider this square an opportunity to be with the past that is bleeding into the present. Give it the safety and space it needs to heal and evolve so that you may arrive in the now moment—and the now relationships—of your life.

Mercury Square Chiron

June 28, 2024, brings a square between Mercury in Cancer and Chiron in Aries. Another square in our skies this week means another opportunity for unravelling and healing.

Mercury is our awareness. It is our mind, our thoughts, our narratives, and our perspectives. Chiron is alchemizing hurt into medicine, wound into wisdom. Stationed in Aries since 2018, Chiron has been quietly inviting healing to our sense of self, individuality, confidence, and courage.

As these two planetary bodies connect this week, our conscious awareness that is Mercury comes into the alchemy of Chiron. Narratives, stories, and other perspectives, both conscious and unconscious, come into awareness so that we may begin to re-write them. Dialogue can heal and it can hurt. Our inner and outer dialogue asks for our discernment. How are we using our mind? How are we using our voice?

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This square’s influence on our weekly horoscope invites us to tend to our emotional landscape beneath the surface, shining our light of awareness on the vulnerabilities and insecurities around courage, self-assertion, and confidence to speak our truths. And bringing our awareness to the healing capacity that are our words, thoughts, and voice.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Our annual Saturn retrograde begins June 29, 2024. In astrology, Saturn is sacred responsibility, discipline, definition, and realism. Saturn is boundaries, mastery, time, and devotion to what we are here to do.

Retrogrades are the opportunity to integrate the path we have just walked. To look back, observe, and begin to digest the wisdom of our experiences. It is an opportunity to see things from a new lens, for we have changed since we were last on this path. It is a chance to see what we’ve missed, to observe from a new perspective.

Swimming through Pisces since 2023, Saturn has been nudging those boundaries, devotion, discipline, and responsibility toward our spiritual connection, the unseen, energetic realm, and our dreams. As Saturn begins its five-month long retrograde, it invites us to reflect on our relationship to those boundaries—physical, emotional, and energetic.

Saturn retrograde asks us how we have been interacting with structure, discipline, and commitment to our desires and our well-being. It creates the space to return us to spiritual practices and structures that support us, that have more wisdom and medicine for us since our last engagement with them. And it invites us to explore our devotion to our creativity, inspiration, and dreams and trust in the unfolding of our direction through commitment. Saturn retrograde lasts until November 15, 2024.

Weekly Horoscopes for June 23-29

As Cancer season holds this week’s astrological movements in its healing waters, it’s a time of surrender, allowing, feeling, and presence. It asks that you hold space for both your inner child and your inner parent. It’s a week to tend to your relationship to love and safety, confidence and selfhood, boundaries and commitment.

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological charts, highlighting different areas of your human experience. Look to the weekly horoscope for your rising sign so you can begin to discern related shifts and invitations.

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Aries Rising

Become a loving boundary of safety, presence, and nurturing for yourself. There is healing at the core of who you are beneath the surface of this week. How can you be your own medicine?

Taurus Rising

This week invites an element of surrender and trust as you are invited into an unseen realm of the energetics, the unconscious, and the sacred that exist within you. Create spaces and structures where the unconscious and conscious can begin to speak, and where old narratives and stories can begin to unravel.

Gemini Rising

Ground yourself. Land yourself deeper into the physical world and your existence in it. Here you will find the space for healing around your sense of belonging, self-expression, inner worthiness, and the building of long-term desires. This week reminds you just how held you are by vaster energies as well as the wisdom of the earth.

Cancer Rising

Tend to the roots of yourself. Observe how those roots influence and shape the health of both your inner and outer worlds. How they shape your selfhood, trust in life, and ownership of and devotion to your dreams. Simply creating space allows whatever is ready for you to transpire.

Leo Rising

You are here to feel what is yours to feel. To process, love, and heal what is yours and no more. It’s a week that invites energetic and emotional boundaries, and the awareness that your body and your mind cannot process what is not yours. Your heart cannot heal what is not yours. Lovingly release all that you are holding onto that is not yours.

Virgo Rising

Your sense of safety and trust in life feeds deeply into your sense of belonging and how you show up to the world and your desires. Do you feel safe in yourself? Do you trust in your capacity to be present with all that life presents? Explore what it means to find stability in your body, tending to what lives within it and waits for safety and love.

Libra Rising

What are your boldest dreams? Who are those dreams asking you to become? You deserve the visions that call your name, and this week is an invitation to bring healing and love to your self-confidence, your inner fears, and inner dynamics so that you may step into those visions.

Scorpio Rising

Many mystics believe that humans are where heaven and earth meet—here within you. It’s a role that would require you to be both grounded in life and open to vaster wisdom. This week invites you to observe how the sacred moves through you each day and how wisdom speaks uniquely to you.

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Sagittarius Rising

What would it mean to create structure and discipline for yourself born of self-love? This week invites inner healing beneath the surface. The doorway to your healing can be found in remembering that you are art and expressing yourself in such a way. This week, creativity is your medicine, structure is your safety.

Capricorn Rising

Come home to yourself this week. Be your own safe space and allow others to hold you as well. Healing the foundation of who you are ripples out into all of life—your relationships, your dreams, and your self-expression. This week invites that kind of foundational healing.

Aquarius Rising

Your voice and your thoughts can be medicine or they can create harm. Your weekly horoscope invites you to begin pouring love into yourself, using your voice and directing your thoughts with the purpose of healing. What lives within you that is asking for your medicine? Speak to those spaces. Let them transform through your words.

Pisces Rising

Let boundaries and structure be your medicine this week and beyond. Feel how they can support you, hold you, and offer you stability and safety even as you dance in the spaces of intuition and creativity. Feel how safety allows what is old to unravel, be felt, and transform. Offer yourself the types of structure that feel like safety.

Explore the effects of the Moon, learn what your opposite sign means, follow your weekly horoscope, and understand how astrology intersects with your everyday life through our astrology email newsletter.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are. You in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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