AstrologyYour Weekly Horoscope, August 18-24: Rediscovering Yourself

Your Weekly Horoscope, August 18-24: Rediscovering Yourself

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As the planets move and dance in our cosmos, they bring different shifts for each of us. The week ahead is crowded with movement, including an Aquarius full Moon, Mercury retrograde cazimi, the onset of Virgo season, and other planetary transits activating what lies within us. There’s an invitation to experience a different way of being with and relating to others, ourselves, and life. As you experience these movements, your weekly horoscope can help you discern where to take action and where to allow things to happen.

Weekly Astrology for August 18-24

August 18: Mercury Square Uranus & Mercury Cazimi
August 19: T-Square; Full Moon in Aquarius; Moon Enters Pisces
August 22: Sun Enters Virgo; Moon Enters Aries
August 24: Moon Enters Taurus

Mercury Retrograde Square Uranus

In astrology, Mercury is our mind. It is our mental processing, thought patterns, and lens through which we experience the world. It connects us to our everyday consciousness, our higher consciousness, and our unconsciousness

Mercury has been retrograde since August 4, 2024. Since then, it has been revisiting and reframing our memories, experiences, and beliefs. It has been observing all that exists within us from a new perspective, including our unconscious habitual thoughts and responses. And it has been questioning, untangling, reorganizing, and rewriting things that have previously gone unchallenged.

On August 18, 2024, Mercury retrograde comes into a square with Uranus, which is oriented toward change, the future, ideas, innovation and freedom. The presence of Uranus within Mercury’s dance brings an opening to the mind. It illustrates the space between what exists in our minds and what must shift before we can step forward. As these two planets come together, they highlight the dichotomy within us all between where we have been and where we are going. In the process, we rewrite our perspective and our beliefs. Your weekly horoscope can explore where in life you want to focus.

Mercury Cazimi

A few hours after the square takes place, Mercury creates a conjunction with the Sun known as a cazimi, an Arabic term meaning “in the heart of the Sun.” As Mercury comes into the heart of the Sun, it arrives with a package of information and insights from its backward travel and its time with Uranus. Here we can become privy to information and insights that we are ready to integrate into our Sun self, which is our identity and continual unfolding of who we are.

The mind can be busy on this day. Yet the effects of the cazimi extend beyond its 24 hours. The transit brings with it the reminder that we see ourselves and the world through our minds. This environment shapes, filters and co-creates our definition of ourselves and life, whether rooted in truth or not.

It’s a day for questioning, compassion, release and rewriting. It’s a day for contemplating your weekly horoscope and journaling, grounding, meditating, or taking part in any practice that helps you declutter or clear the superfluous noise. It’s a day when you can tune into what is real and true for you.

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Venus, Jupiter, Mars & Saturn T-Square

Hours before August’s full Moon, we are met with what is called a T-square in our cosmos, which is a conversation among three or more planets that find themselves at specific angles to one another. On this day, it is Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn that are in conversation.

These planets are all saying different things and coming from different perspectives. Venus in Virgo speaks from the heart and body, while Mars and Jupiter in Gemini speak from the mind and Saturn speaks exclusively about our responsibilities and real-life commitments. It’s a planetary dance that invites us to observe what emotions present themselves, what thoughts become louder than usual, and what, if any, inner contradictions begin to arise.

While we don’t need to act, change, or understand everything while in this energy, we will continue to work with its effects for months to come. Observe what arises on this day and begin engaging, integrating, and curiously exploring what is being planted. With so many different voices, archetypes, and expressions of ourselves looking to be heard, it is a day for compassion, spaciousness, and permission to not know everything in this very moment. Trust that things will continue to unfold and come together with time and space.

Vintage French engraving depicting the phases of the Moon. Note the straight line of the Sun (Soleil), Earth (Terre), and Full Moon (“Pleine Lune”). (Photo: duncan1890 | Getty)

Aquarius Full Moon

The Moon reaches her fullness in Aquarius on the same day as the T-square to life, a rare occurrence that stirs much energy and change from beneath the surface.

A full Moon is the direct opposition of the Sun and Moon, which sit on different sides of Earth in opposite signs of the zodiac. As they do so, they come into a square aspect with Uranus, creating yet another T-square,and making this planet and all that it represents a major factor in this full Moon.

The full Moon in Aquarius asks each of us, what does it mean to be free? It answers through our inherent need to be who we are, follow our own path, and cultivate trust in our own guidance, knowing, decisions, and way forward.

This full Moon breaks down old structures, both internally and externally. There is vast rearranging occurring within each of us, with patterns shifting and transformation happening. This full Moon, supermoon and blue Moon, stands in between the old and new. It bridges who we have been with who we are becoming. It asks us to reconcile where we have been with where we are going. And it reminds us, through insights in our weekly horoscope, that to be free is to be ourselves and follow our unique calling. It all comes into culmination under this lunation.

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Virgo Season

The Sun shifting into a new sign brings an entirely new astrological season and a new backdrop of energy for us to work with and understand.

As the Sun shifts from the sign of Leo into the sign of Virgo on August 22, 2024, we also shift from fire sign to Earth sign. Here, time slows down and the wisdom of the ground that is literally beneath our feet becomes more accessible. We enter a space of integration, where the vast change, movement, and shifting within and without has an opportunity to assimilate and bring us closer to who we are and further away from who we have been.

Virgo season is a period of tending, organizing, refining, and grounding. It invites us to clear the clutter in our lives, return to the foundations of our well-being, and create the rituals, habits, and everyday movements that support us rather than drain or distance us from ourselves. Among the many other cosmic movements this week, Virgo season is a long, slow breath out that brings us deeper into our bodies and ourselves.

We are invited to clear away the noise as we tune in and consider our bodies to be an extension of the Earth. We are asked to honor Earth’s pace, listen to its guidance, and take steps in service to our well-being.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Weekly Horoscope, August 18-24

There’s a lot of energy moving through the cosmos this week and things may feel unclear at first. We are literally taking things apart, rearranging them, trying something new, and feeling the pull of the old as we try putting things together again in a slightly different fashion.

This week explores permission. Permission to not understand everything. Permission to declutter. Permission to let go. To allow. To lean deeper into trust. To try on new ways of being. To say no. To feel what arises within and offer it space. To take your time and move at your own pace. And to give yourself space and both be in the experience and be the observer of it.

As you assimilate the vast shifts of this week and everything that came prior, your weekly horoscope can help you make sense of how to support yourself. Read for your rising sign.

Aries Rising

Your medicine is found in coming back to the basics. What habits support you? How can you let the Earth hold you? Are you in your body? Don’t be surprised when there are shifts in your sense of self-worth, belonging, and self-expression.

Taurus Rising

Express all that is shifting within you. Express it by sharing your voice, creating art, moving your body, or inhabiting any space that allows what is in you to move into the world. Your expression is your doorway to freedom, liberation, purpose, and belonging.

Gemini Rising

This week brings an active mind, a space you know well. Yet behind this activity there is a purpose—a rearranging of belief systems, a seeking of self-identity, and a reaching into the sacred. Find practices that bring you into your body, ground your senses, and clear excess noise so what’s on offer this week can quietly reveal itself.

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Cancer Rising

This week brings tending to your inner worthiness, safety, power, and trust in yourself. With liberation and transformation calling your name, find solace in the presence of the sacred, the nurturance of community, and the decluttering of your mind, days, and physical space.

Leo Rising

As your identity and self-beliefs continue to shift and open, this week initiates change in the space of your long-term goals and visions, your relationships and your community. Your medicine is found in rooting into your body and finding security and safety amid the movement inherent in your weekly horoscope.

Virgo Rising

As the Sun shifts into your sign and you shift into your season, there is opening and rebirth. The planets are bringing change to your larger visions and long-term roles, belief systems and understandings of life. Offer yourself space to allow for these many moving parts to begin integrating. There you will find your connection to the sacred.

Libra Rising

You are here to be who you are. This week reminds you that all of you is on purpose. And it invites you to become central to the way you move through the world. As you enter Virgo season, step back, breathe out, clear the noise, and find the divine within the quiet and the sacred within the stillness.

Scorpio Rising

Your weekly horoscope invites greater intimacy and truth within yourself. Look carefully at what exists within you and how you offer yourself love. This is where it all begins. Take care of the basics. Only then can you find fulfillment through yourself, your relationships, and your career.

Sagittarius Rising

As Virgo season begins, begin thinking about your long-term legacy, purpose, and path. As you bring your awareness back to tending to the basics of your well-being, habits, health, belonging, and mind, things will open. Ask what do you need? What would support you?

Capricorn Rising

Reconnect to yourself, your body, and your inherent value. It’s a week of remembering your worth, your belonging, and your place in this world. Life uniquely supports and converses with you when you speak through your voice, your creative expression, and your power.

Aquarius Rising

There’s a full Moon in your sign that invites you to leave behind all the ways you have been taught to dismiss parts of yourself or abandon your inner knowing. As Virgo season begins, a chapter of inner intimacy, vulnerability, and reclamation of self also commences.

Pisces Season

Remember yourself as sacred. Allow the reorganizing of your mind, psyche, and relationships to speak to you and help you surrender. Your weekly horoscope brings shifts from within that aren’t meant for you to control but rather to trust.

RELATED: What the Full Moon in Aquarius Means for You

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