Prenatal YogaYoga and Parenthood

Yoga and Parenthood

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When I was pregnant, I was delusional about how my yoga practice would continue once I became a parent. I carefully planned out my work and childcare schedule to attend at least one yoga class a week and practice on my own the other days. Before baby, I attended three classes a week with two home practices. Fast forward 4 years, I now have two kids. I attend one class a week and sit to meditate maybe twice a week for 5 minutes maximum. My one class a week has become my cornerstone for sanity. It is a time to escape my hectic life and nurture myself. At times I have felt guilty for allowing this class to be a priority. However, I have grown to believe, if I take care of my needs, leaving class feeling restored, grounded and present, I will have so much more to give back to those who need me. My children will greatly benefit from a mother who can demonstrate the importance of self care.

My yoga practice has also manifested beyond the physical asana into a practice of mindfulness and staying present. This has proven to be been more challenging than most asanas. In all honesty, there are times when I am home with my two young kids, I become bored and a bit depressed. My first impulse is to grab my phone and scroll through emails, Facebook or troll the internet. But I have made the conscious decision to sit with this discomfort. When these feelings emerge, I focus on my breathe and come to my mantra “let go” or “this too shall pass”. These moments are not unlike finding my way through challenging asanas.

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I never have would have predicted such a shift in my yoga practice. I had spent years honing my asana practice into something I was very skilled in and proud of. I was not ready to easily lay down my practice just because I birthed two babies. The biggest lesson to emerge was, I did not have to give it up, I just had to allow for transformation. My reasons for coming to the mat have changed and the experience feels more necessary for my internal balance. Yoga will forever be a part of my life. I am excited to see how my practice will continue to change as I keep venturing forward in life and parenthood.

Photo Credit: Ingrid Skousgard

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