AstrologyWhat the Full Moon in Gemini Means for You

What the Full Moon in Gemini Means for You

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During the full Moon in Gemini that takes place in November 2023, there is an array of vibrations and frequencies to work with. We can observe and try to understand the spectrum of these astrological frequencies within ourselves, including their low and high vibrations, as well as their corresponding emotions and qualities. Each energy has a low side and a high side. On the full Moon, we can become aware of how we might be aligning with each side, even subconsciously.

Full Moons create storms in our world with their whirlwind of frequencies. They provide a catalyst for us to feel—and feel deeply. They are a time of opposition, crisis, and breakthrough. They bring a certain intensity that can stir up emotions buried below the surface of our beings. Once the storm clears, so do old feelings and past regrets. The full Moon allows us to rewrite stories of the heart from month to month and clear the way for new truths to emerge.

What Day is the Full Moon in November 2023?

The full Moon in Gemini will take place on Monday, November 27, 2023.

The air sign of Gemini tends to be likened to twins for its swift shifts in thinking. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

What the Full Moon in Gemini Means for You

Ruled by Mercury and the element air, Gemini’s energy moves quickly. It affects our nervous systems, our minds, and our vibrations. It can cause our thoughts to race, our toes to tap, and our worries to soar. It can also open our minds, bring us new perspectives, and help us rewrite old stories. If we’re willing to flow with this energy, it can give us just what we need to break through old patterns and outdated thinking into a new reality.

Gemini rules communication. When the air sign is activated through a full Moon, it can cause us to overshare, talk too much, or misconstrue words. Gemini’s influence is about so much more than verbal communication, though. It’s also about the thoughts and perspectives that inform our words. It’s about energy exchanged through subtle signals and body language. It’s also about shifts in perception that allow us to jump from one narrative to another.

Gemini teaches us that we live by the stories we tell ourselves. We have narratives about almost everything and everyone. These stories help us process the world around us and form expectations that make life feel more controllable or at least predictable. Our stories make us feel safe, but they also limit us. They close our minds to new possibilities and give us labels that may no longer be appropriate.

But our stories can be rewritten at any time. It simply takes a shift in perspective to redefine narratives or release them altogether. Gemini can provide just the inspiration we need to break out of patterns that keep us limited to a certain story and subsequent reality.

During the full Moon in Gemini, be open to information, inspiration, and brilliance coming your way. Gemini’s energy has the power to provide you a flash of insight in a single moment that can be the very thing you need to change your world. It may be an unexpected realization, a single phrase from a mentor, or even an inspirational quote that shows up. This full Moon, be open to unexpected information coming your way that may, at first, seem insignificant. Pay attention. It may be exactly what is needed to change your perspective.

As you open your mind and energy to messages and signs, also open yourself to the notion that you can break through anything that stands between you and the intentions that you set on the new Moon earlier this month. The full Moon in Gemini has the power to help you release doubts, shed limiting beliefs, and let go of old stories that constrain you. It does this by helping you expand your consciousness and invite the unexpected.

As you move through the full Moon in Gemini, feel its power to help you transform thoughts and stories that block you. Be open to its fast-paced energy that can help you break away from layers of expectations and assumptions about how the world works. Allow your perspectives to change and welcome new information that helps you shape an alternative reality—one where your highest visions can manifest.

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Vintage French engraving depicting the phases of the Moon. Note the straight line of the Sun (Soleil), Earth (Terre), and Full Moon (“Pleine Lune”). (Photo: duncan1890 | Getty)

What the Full Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius Means for You

On this full Moon, we are working with the energies of both Gemini and Sagittarius. As the Moon and Sun sit across from one another in opposing signs, we can see the illumination of both signs in ourselves. We can feel into where we align with the low side of Gemini and where we embody the lower vibrations of Sagittarius. We can then release or shift these vibrations and align with the higher vibrations of both signs, merging them in our fields to take on the highest qualities of both signs.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are concerned with the mysteries of life and how we understand them. Gemini sees the details, while Sagittarius considers the bigger picture. Together, they create an expansive view with the knowledge of the intricacies that make the whole. Aligning with their higher vibrations requires an open mind, a willingness to expand past our current perceptions, and gratitude for all the dots that connect to form our lives.

Gemini occupies the third house of communication, while Sagittarius occupies the ninth house of truth and knowledge. Together, they form the axis of the mind. When working with these energies, you can understand the foundation of how your mind works, how you approach new information, and how you process it. Do you embrace new ideas with comfort or do they threaten your sense of reality and make you feel defensive? Do you hold on to narratives for the sake of comfort, or do you readily change the stories you tell yourself and welcome the unknown? Do you think in linear terms or do you understand the interconnectedness of everything?

These are the questions of the Gemini and Sagittarius axis and the full Moon in Gemini. As you work with this axis of energy, enjoy the process of understanding how you think and how you relate to information. Remember not to take it personally. Instead, be an observer of your mind and energy. It’s all information—and this full Moon reminds us that information is powerful.

Of all the opposing signs, Sagittarius and Gemini are the most similar. They both are in search of truth, they both will stop at nothing to gain knowledge, and they both follow their curiosity. Also, they both teach us to suspend judgment and keep an open mind in every situation. Gemini, though, encourages us to focus on the details and make distinctions among energies, people, and places. Gemini helps us understand all the information we need to perceive the larger picture of the world. It helps us analyze and use left-brain rationality to make decisions, come to conclusions, and decide on which viewpoint to see the world from.

When we align with Gemini, we use logic to deduce answers and make rational conclusions based on our experiences. Gemini’s energy helps our thoughts move quickly as we use our intellect to navigate the world through reason and logic. It helps us ask questions and pay attention to the important details of life. It also helps us remain curious and inspired to find out more about our world and all the information it holds.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, lives in the big picture. This energy helps us see everything as one big array of interconnected dots. Much like an artist putting together a collage, Sagittarius guides us to see similarities everywhere. When we align with this energy, we see the world as a constant thread of interwoven and entangled energies ready for exploration. Sagittarius aligns with the right side of the brain, which prefers to rely on feeling and intuition over logic. Sagittarius helps us feel into the deeper meaning of life, focusing on the horizon and, as a result, sometimes missing the details.

Both of these signs need each other. The full Moon in Gemini is a time to appreciate the details of life while working on the bigger picture. It’s a time to understand how to both micro- and macro-manage life. Our desires and dreams require intuitive guidance as well as logic. They need to-do lists and steps along with visions, daydreams, and serendipity. This full Moon gives us the opportunity to find both the little things and the higher meaning of it all.

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Part of merging and working with the energies of Sagittarius and Gemini is releasing their low sides. For Gemini, this low side looks like division. It occurs when we close ourselves off to other people’s perspectives or ask questions for the sake of proving someone wrong. Gemini’s low side appears when we overshadow another person’s truth and talk over them to show our own knowledge. We forget to listen and we forget to learn. This shadow side can show up when we feel uncomfortable, threatened, or afraid of losing the stories we tell ourselves.

If you find yourself aligning with these low sides, have a conversation with someone and open yourself to their perspective. Spend more time listening than talking. If you feel yourself becoming defensive, take a deep breath and lean in more. Ask yourself what you are resisting. What story are you attached to that may be scattering? What perspective is being challenged and does it need to be challenged?

A fire sign, Sagittarius influences our passions and our desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Sagittarius has a similar low side that shows up as self-righteousness and arrogance. Instead of remembering that everyone has something to teach, we assume we have the answers. We close ourselves off to people and act as if we know better because of our experiences. This full Moon in Gemini, let go of any need to be correct. Accept that your energy is constantly evolving and growing. No one has all the answers, and that is part of the beauty of being human. Align with the high sides of Gemini and Sagittarius to weave a new story—a story that allows for changes in perception and embraces new information, seeing us all as interconnected energies.

The highest merger of these energies teaches us that there is no you or me. There is only us.

Other Astrological Influences on the Full Moon in Gemini

Along with the opposition of the Sun and Moon, we have a few other aspects to work with during the full Moon in Gemini. The Moon also opposes Mars in Sagittarius while the Sun conjuncts the red planet. Mars in Sagittarius brings us motivation to take massive leaps of faith. It pushes us off the ledge we’ve been standing on, wondering if we should jump. The full Moon in Gemini can already feel a little ungrounded. With the involvement of Mars, you may feel overwhelmed with energy, whether anxiety or excitement. Be sure to take some deep breaths throughout this time to connect with your body, especially if you feel your energy start to spin out of control.

With the Moon opposing Mars, you may notice where you have stagnated in your life. It’s an opportunity to see where you are preventing yourself from moving forward because of fear or worry. It’s also a time to notice if you’ve let frustration or impatience get the better of you and block your path.

The end of the year can also bring up feelings of regret. It’s important to remember that not everything you consciously desire will happen. Sometimes, your higher self and energy have a different plan for you. Align with the open-mindedness of Gemini this full Moon to envision a bigger plan for you than you had initially intended. View what didn’t work out this year as a detour on your path.

To work with the energy of Mars during the full Moon in Gemini, ask yourself, where in your life do you need motivation? Where do you need to take a leap of faith? Where have you lost your passion and are you ready to renew it? Align with the fire of Mars to release some of the energy you have carried all year and what you no longer need and let the air of Gemini carry it away from you as you make your way to the last month of 2023.

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The Moon and Sun also square Neptune in Pisces on this day. Squares tend to bring up tension and allow for a breakthrough to occur. Neptune is the planet of dreams. It reminds us that we are the creators of our reality. Our minds and energy are expansive. When we open ourselves to this expansion, we realize there is no limit to what we can create and manifest.

With this square aspect, the full Moon in November 2023 may illuminate stories you may have told yourself that limit your potential. It can show you where you doubt yourself and your infinite potential. These realizations may come through challenging circumstances, which is the nature of the square aspect. It’s important, though, to consider all events—even trying ones—as messages showing you where you are limiting yourself. Your energy is vast and capable of more than you could ever imagine. It’s time to step into this power and release stories that tell you otherwise.

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Your Invitation

As we near the end of this year, take the time to reflect on your journey. Look back and process the path you have walked since last January and since the new Moon in Gemini in June. What have you learned and what has shifted in your consciousness? How do you view the world differently now than you did six months or a year ago? How have these new perspectives shaped the stories you tell yourself daily? How have they transformed your vibration? As you contemplate these questions, talk them out with others or journal them.

Gemini is one of the more social signs of the zodiac, which means this full Moon is a time to gather with others. It’s a time to exchange energy, stories, and gifts with those around you. It is the perfect time to have a full Moon circle or meet with a trusted friend. Have honest conversations this full Moon in Gemini with people in your life. Communicate and connect with those around you and share your process of evolution as we complete another year.

The energy of Gemini moves quickly, like her ruling planet Mercury. This speed can be a great thing if we are grounded and connected to our bodies. However, if this energy is left unchecked, it can cause our minds to spin out of control and our anxiety to soar. This full Moon, it’s crucial to steady your mind and provide an anchor for your energy. Grounding yourself through intentional movement and meditation can allow you to utilize Gemini’s energy—which moves fast, like the air that governs her— any time you feel your mind is running in circles and you need to focus.

Be receptive to anyone who crosses your path in the seventy-two hours around the full Moon. They may just have a pivotal piece of information for you—perhaps something that will help you understand your journey, foster a release, or shed light on an old pattern. Ask them questions, listen to what they have to say, and be open to learning something new. Be open to flashes of insight that can help change your outlook on life.

Enjoy this time. Gemini lightens the mood of even the darkest of times. Feel the inspiration raining down from the cosmos and use it to see a future full of unknown stories ready to propel you to the next level. Create positive affirmations that support the narrative you want to experience and that encourage you to expand beyond your self-imposed limitations. Align with people who can teach you something to help create positive truths about yourself and the world in which we live.

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Learn more about the new Moon in Scorpio, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Gemini Full Moon Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. You can also learn more about your personal natal chart

About Our Contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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