AstrologyWhat September's Full Moon in Pisces and Eclipse Mean for You

What September’s Full Moon in Pisces and Eclipse Mean for You

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This September brings us the power and beauty of a partial lunar eclipse and full Moon in Pisces. Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. These shifts don’t take place all at once, though. They start or continue on an eclipse but their work continues throughout the period when eclipses are occurring in the same set of signs. Consider it a preview of what’s to come and an opportunity to find closure in what has passed.

When is the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces?

The eclipse and full Moon will take place on September 17, 2024, at 7:35 pm Pacific time.

What the Lunar Eclipse in September 2024 Means for You

A lunar eclipse is a supercharged full Moon that brings us intense emotional energies, especially when influenced by a water sign, such as Pisces. Lunar eclipses also connect us to our feminine energy and heighten our intuition.

Whereas a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. This eclipse is the bridge between last year’s eclipses, including the total solar eclipse in April, and the series of eclipses that will take place in 2025. This means that what occurs during and around this eclipse in the fall will continue in the spring.

The various moments of the Moon’s orbit, including a lunar eclipse (upper left) in which the Earth falls in between the Sun and Moon and casts its shadow on the rocky satellite. (Illustration: mikroman6 | Getty )

A lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life. A lunar eclipse is an energetic push from the cosmos to take you out of stagnant energies and old patterns and move you forward. This change may come about abruptly, as lunar eclipses tend to bring information to you from out of the blue. You may find yourself feeling surprised or even caught off guard at some of the things you learn about others and yourself over a lunar eclipse.

Not all of this information is negative. Some of it is positive and may encourage you to shift your life. Whatever arises, gift yourself the time to process any information coming your way over this period and hold space for it. The lunar eclipse will eventually bring needed changes. Closure, though, requires knowing the whole story, and some of the pieces may take some time to process.

This forward motion can feel disruptive to your nervous system and you may want to resist it initially. There is no moving backward on the lunar eclipse, though. The lunar eclipse and the month that follows it is an opportunity to detach from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your evolution. If you attempt to cling to energies that no longer serve your evolution, you will only be met with frustration and misalignment. If the lunar eclipse reveals something in your life that needs to be released, it’s best to say goodbye.

These changes can feel scary and uncomfortable, but once you cross to another way of being, you will feel as if you’ve broken through a wall built between you and your highest visions. Eclipses are the time to break through the barriers, in whatever form they take, that prevent you from reaching your potential.

Hold space for yourself and give yourself time to process the information revealed. Do not rush into any decisions at this time, but rather let the energy settle and then make whatever moves are needed to propel you forward.

The water sign of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is typically represented by the two fish depicted by its constellation. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

What the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces Mean for You

The lunar eclipse and full Moon in Pisces is a magical time with the potential for healing and release. Pisces represents the vastness of the Universe and teaches us the interconnectedness of all beings. Symbolized by the fish and ruled by the planet Neptune, this sign inspires us to expand our dreams and feel our internal mysticism.

This eclipse is the first on the Virgo-Pisces axis with the Sun in Virgo. It is connected to the next two years of eclipses that will take place on this energetic axis. Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are within 17 degrees of a lunar nodes, which are where the Moon’s orbit meets the Sun’s apparent path. A lunar eclipse always coincides with a full Moon. Currently, the North Node is in Aries, and the South Node is in Libra. During this full Moon in Pisces, though, the Moon will be close enough to the South Node in Libra to create a lunar eclipse from a different zodiac sign.

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This lunar eclipse is a time to embrace your most spiritual self and open your consciousness to the possibilities of the cosmos. It’s a time to experiment with different forms of meditation, sound frequencies, and other energetic work. It’s a time to open yourself to new realms of thought and evolve your vision to a higher level. Know that anything is possible on a lunar eclipse in Pisces.

This full Moon is also a supermoon, meaning the Moon will appear larger in the sky due to its close proximity to the Earth. We tend to feel a supermoon intensely, as if it has a greater pull on our body because of its closeness. This intensity, coupled with the vibrations of the eclipse, will make this full Moon in Pisces feel amplified in our energetic, emotional, and even physical bodies.

As our subtle frequencies and vibrations become more apparent, we can explore our inner consciousness to a greater degree. This eclipse has the potential to open your consciousness to understanding yourself as an energetic being connected to the infinite energy of the Universe. This understanding can help you release control over your life, knowing that you already have everything you need.

Pisces and Virgo fall opposite one another on the zodiac. As such, these signs are opposing energies that fall along the same axis, relying on different means to achieve the same middle point. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

What the Full Moon in Pisces and Sun in Virgo Mean for You

Every full Moon brings the opportunity to work with its counterpart where the Sun is positioned. Throughout the Pisces lunar eclipse, we are also working with the influence of the Sun in Virgo. These opposing energies exist on a spectrum. On one end, we have the extreme, or shadow side, of Virgo. On the other end, we have the extreme side of Pisces. In the middle, we have a beautiful mix of the highest sides of both signs. The key is to become aware of when we are aligned with the shadow side of either vibration.

Each zodiac sign carries certain archetypal vibrations. We all hold the frequencies of Pisces and Virgo in our natal chart and either the low or high side of these frequencies can become predominant at any time. If you find yourself aligning with the lower frequencies of any sign, know that this is not personal to you. It can happen to anyone, and there is nothing wrong with you. You are simply attached to a certain vibration.

Pisces and Virgo, like all opposing signs, share some interesting similarities. They are both highly feminine signs, meaning they enhance our ability to receive energy. They both carry the vibrations of great healers. They are both highly intuitive. They are also both signs of service, Virgo through its keen insights and discernment and Pisces with its ability to connect energies throughout space and time. They are also both mutable signs, helping us transition from one frequency to another.

These signs hold some differences, though, and this is where we find their shadows. Pisces is boundless like the ocean. It sees no separation between oneself and others. Virgo knows only separation. It seeks to constantly filter, organize, and refine energy. Whereas Pisces can lack boundaries, Virgo can develop too many.

Pisces can also be too malleable and not take any shape, position, or perspective. It can go with the flow a little too much and end up overly passive in response to the world. Virgo can become too inflexible and rigid. It can seek to overly define situations and lose the magic of spontaneity and serendipity. Virgo can become misaligned with the flow of life by trying to control it or box it in with perfectionism.

When we align with the lower vibrations of Virgo, we construct too many walls in life. We seek to organize and control every aspect of our world. We forget to leave room for the impossible and for the things we can’t quite imagine. We become inflexible to spontaneity.

We also forget that we constantly co-create our reality with the cosmos and instead try to take charge of too many situations. We lose the ability to pause and observe the space between an event and our response. Instead, we launch straight in with our demands, need for validation, and attempts to control every outcome. We are not comfortable in the space of not knowing and, in turn, are not comfortable with ourselves. We may even become restless in our own bodies.

If you find yourself aligning with the lower energies of Virgo, harness that need to control into setting up a routine of self-care. Carve out time to meditate and connect with your energy subconsciously. Seek to create space in your life and observe your reactions with compassion. Let go of the need to create a perfect life for yourself and instead embrace the chaos that is necessary to cultivate a wonderful life.

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As you learn to develop the pause before you react to the world, feel your intuition. Let it lead you away from logical answers and toward your feeling sense. Trust yourself, trust the process of your life, and know that you don’t need all the answers to make decisions that move you forward. You can wander into the unknown and let life surprise you with the unimaginable.

Conversely, when we align with the lower vibrations of Pisces, we become passive and lack boundaries. We merge our energy with everyone we meet and take on their pain. We become overly empathic and overly sensitive to the needs of others. We also forget to observe our reactions and instead become overwhelmed with emotions and energy. We cannot discern what is ours and what does not belong to us.

We also forgot about our power to create our lives. We leave everything up to life and become passive participants. We disempower ourselves to make decisions. We also forget about our responsibility to remove internal barriers. We expect that life will flow without us having to work on ourselves to heal, evolve, and be accountable.

If you find yourself aligning with the lower energies of Pisces, spend time in deep meditation. Feel your intuition but also feel your emotions. Feel what is yours versus what you are carrying for someone else. Also, feel your power to co-create your reality. While you do want to leave space for serendipity and magic, you also want to declare your intentions. It’s important to be okay with things evolving differently than you imagined but it’s also important to know what you want in the first place.

As you meditate, you will gain the insight of higher consciousness, which teaches you to do the work needed to be detached from any outcome. You will also learn to create a pause before your response. This enables you to process what just unfolded and perhaps understand its higher meaning in the context of your evolution.

Pisces also teaches us to become the witness of our inner worlds and the observer of our conscious mind. The principles of meditation teach the space between stimulus and response. When we are centered and at ease within our energy, there is space before a reaction. When we are overstimulated and overwhelmed, that space shrinks and we become reactive very quickly. The more space we have between an event and a reaction, the more time we have to observe our feelings, energy, and desired reaction. In that space, we can watch or witness all the sensations of the body and process them.

Creating more space in your conscious mind will also help you understand when boundaries are needed and how to develop them. Boundaries can protect your peace and help you align more with the flow of your life. Boundaries are needed at all times, especially when you feel highly sensitive or overstimulated by the world. When you can insulate your energy from intrusive vibrations set out to invade your space, you can then align with your intuition and higher visions to a greater degree.

These boundaries may look like time away from your phone, limits on how much energy you share with others, and not allowing everyone into your life. They can also be practices like encasing yourself with white light when helping others process their experiences or when going out into the world. The more energetic and sensitive you become through meditation, the more boundaries you need. We do not live in a world that respects energetic sensitivity, especially if you live in a city. You need to prioritize taking care of yourself or the world around you will overstimulate your system, causing you to feel emotional, reactive, and powerless.

As you work with the lunar eclipse and full Moon in Pisces, look for the full integration of Pisces and Virgo. Seek to feel your intuition and your emotions and become the observer. Commit to routines of meditation. Find the balance between having just enough boundaries to protect your energy but not so many that you keep out the magic and serendipity of the Universe. Be open to this lunar eclipse helping you expand your consciousness and realize your potential. Let it move through you.

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(Illustration: Spirit Daughter)

Your Invitation

Pisces is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, and her energy reminds us that we are spiritual beings in a human form. This full Moon and lunar eclipse is a time to practice our most observant self and, instead of reacting to sensations that arise within, watch them and let them pass.

This observation is the essence of meditation, which starts by observing the feelings that exist in each area of the body. Through placing our awareness methodically on each part of our bodies, we hold space for sensations and emotions to be felt, seen, and released.The purpose of this meditation is to train the conscious and subconscious mind to merely observe events internally or externally, not react to them. True observation is an art form— one that takes time, commitment, and understanding.

You may not be able to tolerate the same stimuli today as on other days. Everything may feel amplified, louder, and more intense on the lunar eclipse and full Moon in Pisces. You may experience greater nervous system deregulation as it feels like the world is pulling your energy this way and that.

Give yourself permission to insulate yourself from the world and honor any emotions of irritation, anxiety, or resistance. Take care of yourself so that you can be more receptive to the magic that this eclipse holds. Protect your energy and protect your peace. Turn off your phone, limit your interactions with people who don’t understand boundaries, and give yourself time to transition from one space to another. Ground your body and slow your breath through yoga and meditation to center yourself.

Unhealed parts of ourselves tend to control us on a subconscious level. These old memories and ways of thinking and being cause us to react in certain ways without conscious control. We go on autopilot and respond to current stimuli as if it were part of the past. Trauma does not know the difference between today and yesterday. When we act from our wounds, we do not live in the present moment. We live in the past.

Watch your inner world with a curious mind. Learn from your responses and open your consciousness to new possibilities in the form of new reactions. By giving ourselves space to observe our emotions, we can choose to respond differently instead of perpetuating the old behavior. On this eclipse, notice what reactions are unconscious and tied to past pain. Ask yourself if they belong in the present or if a new response can be formed based on the reality in front of you.

Also, notice where you need to surrender and trust more. Pay attention to where you are holding on and be curious how you can open yourself to feeling supported so that you can release what you no longer need. One of the key balances of life is knowing when to act and when to surrender. Furthermore, it’s important to act from intuition versus anxiety or the need to control. Look at the bigger picture of your life and ask yourself where you need to release control and where you need to take aligned action.

Aligned action does not come from fear, worry, or anxiety. It comes from a deep knowing that something needs to be done. When you act from your intuition, it feels solid. You know what to do without overanalyzing or looking for answers outside of yourself. You make bold decisions and know that you are correct, even if others don’t agree with them. You also do them when it feels right to you, not because some outside source is compelling you.

Learn more about the full Moon in Pisces and lunar eclipse, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Pisces Lunar Eclipse workbook, from which the above is excerpted.

About Our Contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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