AstrologyWhat It Means for You, According to Your Sign

What It Means for You, According to Your Sign

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Welcome to Gemini season, an invitation to play within the realm of the mind, remain curious, and follow inspiration. It’s a season of communication, learning, movement, and adaptability. It’s a season of connection through sharing words and swapping stories and information. And it’s a season of allowing ourselves not only to be inspired and enlivened but changed in the process.

Gemini season clears what is stagnant, creates space within us, and asks us to move freely and openly. It also invites us to do the same for ourselves.

What Day Does Gemini Season Start?

The Sun transits from the earth sign of Taurus into the air sign of Gemini on May 20, 2024, where it will remain until June 20 2024.

What Gemini Season 2024 Means for You

In astrology, the Sun is the center of who we are. It is our our life force, our spirit, and our identity. As the Sun shifts from one zodiac sign to the next in the cosmos, we shift along with it.

After exploring the Taurean themes of stability, worthiness, slowness, and tangible pleasures, we step into a different world. As we transition from earth sign to air sign, time seems to speed up. As we move from fixed sign to mutable sign, we find ourselves called by freedom, changeability, and adaptability.

Taurus invited us to sink into ourselves and tend to our inner safety and belonging. With safety, we open to freedom, play, curiosity, exploration, and connection. As we shift into the realm of Gemini, we change our emphasis from the tangible to the intangible, from the body to the mind, and from creating with our hands to creating with our thoughts.

During Gemini season, let a gust of fresh air flow within your connections, consciousness, beliefs, and structures in your life. Create spaciousness in your identity and allow space to surprise yourself. Allow for flexibility and openness, observing where the winds of change, inspiration, and curiosity guide you. You are breathing new life into yourself, and in the process, you are clearing out what may be stagnant, heavy, or expired.

Astrology for Gemini Season 2024

Gemini season begins: May 20
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: May 23
Sagittarius full Moon: May 23
Venus enters Gemini: May 23
Jupiter enters Gemini:  May 25
Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus: May 31
Mercury enters Gemini: June 3
Venus cazimi: June 4
Gemini new Moon: June 6
Mars enters Taurus: June 9
Mercury cazimi: June 14
Mercury enters Cancer: June 17
Venus enters Cancer: June 17
Gemini season ends as the Sun enters Cancer: June 20

RELATED: Weekly Astrology Forecast, May 19-25: Expanding Your Perceptions

What Gemini Season 2024 Means for You

As the Sun moves through Gemini, it moves through the part of your astrology chart where Gemini lives, highlighting themes, invitations, and directions that are calling your name this season. By looking to your rising sign, you can begin to understand these themes.

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Aries Rising

What do you want in your thoughts, Aries rising? Gemini season invites you to open the window and let in some fresh air as if it were a room in your thoughts. What is in this room and how does it feel in here? Is anything that no longer belongs here taking up space? Are you ready for a refurbish? Gemini season is a redesign of the narratives and frameworks that determine how you move through the world. It is an invitation to play in the realm of curiosity, learning, and communication. Let yourself redesign the room.

Taurus Rising

Worthiness. Inner value. Safety. Gemini season is here to breathe new life into these spaces, Taurus rising. It also reminds you of the healing and growth found in play and flexibility and invites you to clear what is old and heavy. It asks you to consider what you want to create in these spaces and how you want to feel. Gemini season is a doorway to those desires, an invitation to embrace openness, adaptability, and flexibility, and a knowing that security and stability can still be found from within.

Gemini Rising

It’s your season, Gemini rising. An invitation to introduce space, openness, and flexibility in the structures of your identity. An invitation to allow yourself to surprise yourself, for you are not who you once were. An invitation to breathe new life into who you believe you are. Gemini season is a space where you can pour your energy, attention, and curiosity toward yourself, celebrating who you have been and opening to who you are becoming. Allow your altered identity to shift your desires, your movements through the world, and your life that you are continually creating.

Cancer Rising

The space for new life is created through introspection, reflection, and quiet moments, Cancer rising. Meeting you in preparation for your rebirth in a month, Gemini season arrives with the invitation to clear what you will not be taking with you—the narratives, the beliefs, the memories in your body, and the ways of being that you no longer want to carry. That includes the many past versions of yourself which allowed you to arrive where you are, as you are. Honor and love them. Gemini season is healing medicine, inviting curiosity, openness, acceptance, release, and self-love as you reflect on where you have been and create space for where you are going—whether you know where that is yet or not.

Leo Rising

Isn’t it beautiful, Leo rising, how diverse, varied, and colorful humanity can be? Isn’t it beautiful how we each have a unique self to express within the collective? Gemini season invites this truth to inspire you, to open you, and to remind you of your own belonging, both in who you are and in the world. It asks you to celebrate your own uniqueness and to curiously explore the uniqueness of others. Let their perspectives, experiences, paths, and colors expand yours and draw you further into your sense of belonging.

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Virgo Rising

You understand that a vision requires commitment, consistency, and staying power, Virgo rising. Gemini season reminds you that it also requires openness to your vision shifting and changing. This season breathes new life and adaptability into your long-term visions, your work, and your legacy. It invites movement and openings, ideas and potentiality. It encourages curiosity and playfulness, collaboration and sharing. It means opening to what is possible, adapting where necessary, seeing things from a new vantage, and reigniting excitement. Allow the thread of curiosity to guide and inspire you as you continue to build.

Libra Rising

Gemini season brings an expansion of your mind, Libra rising. It invites flexibility, curiosity, and openness in your beliefs and perspectives. It creates a doorway for you to travel beyond the bounds of how you see the world and opens you to all that exists beyond those borders. It invites wisdom through conversations, teachings, and new life experiences that help you shift and open yourself. Let yourself occupy the spaces of both student and teacher as you tap into and learn from your own wisdom.

Scorpio Rising

According to mythology, Mercury was the only god who willingly traveled both up to the heavens and down through the underworld. It was a messenger, gathering information and relaying it between the two realms. As Gemini’s ruler, Mercury invites you down into your own underworld, Scorpio rising, so that you may untangle the darkest corners of you. It encourages a curious exploration of what lives within your unconscious so that it may be brought to the light and reframed. Gemini season is a time for journaling, talk therapy, dream analysis, and anything else that strengthens the bridge between conscious and unconscious and allows you to shift energy and emotion between the two.

Sagittarius Rising

There are profound gifts in sharing who you are through communication, Sagittarius rising, and in allowing others to do the same. It creates a thread between the worlds within you and the worlds within others. It allows you to be seen and allows you to see others. Gemini season inspires this connection and prompts you to curiously explore the threads that bring you and others together through words and careful listening. In so doing, it invites an openness to the way others experience the world so you can add to your own perspectives and beliefs. And it invites the magic of collaboration by being inspired and guided to see where you can go and what you can create together.

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Capricorn Rising

Gemini season invites new life into your days, Capricorn rising. It asks you to release the movements and habits that no longer support you and implement the ones that do. It invites flexibility in the ways you go about your day and compels you to create space for play and curiosity. It also reminds you that how you live your days is how you live your life. How do you want to decorate your days?

Aquarius Rising

It’s a season to tend to your happiness, Aquarius rising. As if your creativity, your art, and your play are your only tasks. It’s a season that reminds you that play lightens your mood. Laughter moves your energy. Creativity enlivens you. Happiness heals. And openness lets life’s wonder in. As you lean into these spaces, there is something waiting within you that wants to open wider to life, to yourself, to your heart, and to your meaning and fulfillment in the world.

Pisces Rising

What does your atmosphere feel like, Pisces rising? Meaning, the energy of you. The emotions of you. The world of you. This season invites an exploration into yourself and the experiences that have made you who you are. It invites a clearing and cleansing breath of curiosity to sweep through your psyche and all that lives within it. It asks you to discern what is true to you and what is learned from others. It invites you into your own sacred space—energetically, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And it invites belonging—to yourself, your home, your people, and your life.

Explore the effects of the Moon on you, what your opposite sign means, and how astrology intersects with your everyday life with our astrology email newsletter.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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