AyurvedaWhat is Ayurveda Panchakarma? | The Ayurvedic Clinic

What is Ayurveda Panchakarma? | The Ayurvedic Clinic

Ayurveda Panchakarma is an ayurvedic treatment in which its values lie in herbal and organic medicine such as medicated oils, which eliminate the risk associated with the side effects of modern-age pharmaceuticals. 

The purpose of Panchakarma is purification (sodhana). If the sodhana approach is used to treat a disease, it does not recur. Thus, panchakarma sodhana is the ultimate way to re-balance and cleanse both the body and mind. 

Panchakarma treatment is unique since it ensures both short and long-term well-being of the individual

The human body is constantly creating toxins, thus it is important to cleanse the body regularly. Everyone can benefit from a panchakarma procedure detox. 

These are signs that your body may need a detox:

  • A thick layer of coating on the tongue
  • Feeling tired throughout the day, especially after meals
  • Body aches and pains
  • Uncontrollable cravings
  • Foggy mind
  • Bad breath, body odour, or flatulence
  • Constipation or diarrhoea

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic medicine, which was developed in India over 3000 years ago, is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems which relies on the belief that there must be an equilibrium between the mind, body, and spirit upon which health and wellness depends. 

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the idea that the world is made up of five elements A combination of each element results in three humours, or doshas, known as vata, kapha, and pitta. These doshas are believed to be responsible for a person’s physiological, mental, and emotional health

Every person is said to have a unique ratio of each dosha, usually with one standing out more than the others. An Ayurvedic physician can help you determine your dosha.

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What is panchakarma?

Panchakarma therapy is a revitalising and cleansing procedure in Ayurveda. The Pancha (Five) Karma (Action) approach to preventing disease is a combination of five tried-and-tested treatment techniques that rejuevante patients by restoring their physical and mental equilibrium.

What are the 3 stages of Panchakarma?

– Poorva Karma

This is a preparatory procedure in which your body is prepared with prescribed methods to encourage it to let go of the accumulated toxins. The first procedure involves an oil massage– Snehan, where oil is applied to the entire body to help remove stress and nurture the nervous system. Snehan is given daily for three to seven days and is immediately followed by Svedana, which involves sudation or sweating to promote the movement of toxins towards the gastrointestinal tract.

After three to seven days of snehan and svedana, the doshas become well ‘ripened.’ Thereafter, a particular panchakarma method is given according to the individual’s composition and disorder.

– Pradhana Karma

This is the Panchakarma, a five-step procedure which is an individualised procedure based solely upon each person’s needs, age, digestive strength, immune system, and other factors. This intense Panchakarma procedure can only be done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

The five major therapies to cleanse the entire body outlined by the school of Ayurveda are:

  • Vamana (therapeutic emesis) – induced vomiting which helps clear the upper GI tract to the duodenum (end of the stomach) and a part of the respiratory tract.
  • Virechana (purgation) – induced purgation clears the GI tract from the duodenum to the exit.
  • Nasya – nasal inhalation of medicated substances which help clear the respiratory tract and sinuses.
  • Anuvasana vasti (therapeutic enema using medicated oil)
  • Niruha Vasti (Enema with Herbal Decoction)
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In certain situations, the two Vasti (enema) techniques are combined into one, and added as Raktamokshana (blood-letting) to the process of Panchakarma, which is based on the belief that the impurities in the blood are a major cause of illness.

– Paschata Karma

This is a post-therapy dietary regime which includes rejuvenating treatments, lifestyle management, diet management, and intake of herbal supplements. Its main aim is to restore the body’s digestive and absorptive capacity to normalcy. 

It includes the following procedures:

  • Sansarjan Karma – food therapy after detoxification, which aims at gradually increasing the patient’s diet from liquids to semi-solids to a normal diet.
  • Rasayan Adi Prayogam – a rejuvenating rasayan therapy which aids in increasing natural immunity and enhancing your general well-being.
  • Shaman Chikitsa – a pacification therapy with herbs and lifestyle management.

It is important to note that a panchakarma procedure is designed specifically for each individual after a thorough examination, hence there is no ‘one size fits all’ package for everybody. 

What are the benefits of Panchakarma?

The benefits of this treatment are extensive, ranging from physical benefits such as weight loss to mental health benefits including stress relief.

Other benefits of Panchakarma include:

  • Helps restore metabolic and digestive fire (AGNI)
  • Eliminates AMA (toxins) and strengthens tissue functions.
  • Assists balance all three doshas.
  • Helps implement a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Reduces stress, improves relaxation & tolerance.
  • Slows the ageing process.
  • Boosts the body’s immune system
  • Improves strength, endurance and vitality.

Certain Panchakarma procedures are not suitable for certain health problems and some procedures should not be performed on children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

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Panchakarma treatments should only be performed by qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioners.

What can you expect from this treatment? 

This treatment aids in the overall purification of the physical and mental elements of the human body. After this treatment your body and mind will feel noticeably lighter and more alert.

By way of some or all of the above therapies, and an Ayurvedic prescribed diet and yoga regimen, Panchakarma reverses degenerative processes and its effects are often deep-rooted and long-lasting.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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