AstrologyWeekly Astrology Forecast, March 17-23: Aligning With Your Intuition

Weekly Astrology Forecast, March 17-23: Aligning With Your Intuition

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Welcome to a week that bridges the etheric with the earthly, imagination with action, and surrender with new beginnings. These are the last days of dreamy Pisces season, our final hours of magic and intuition, before we restart the astrological year with the fiery sign of Aries. The dance between the intangible and the tangible continues even as Venus and Saturn come together in our cosmos and Mars enters the waters of Pisces.

Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 17-23, 2024

March 17: Neptune cazimi
March 19: Sun enters Aries; Moon enters Cancer
March 20: Moon enters Leo
March 21: Venus conjunct Saturn
March 22: Mars enters Pisces; Moon enters Virgo

Based on the zodiac wheel, the astrological calendar repeats itself in endless loops. The sign of Pisces draws the year to a close and the sign of Aries starts it anew. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Neptune Cazimi

We begin the week with a day of dreaming, surrender, and ethereal flow thanks to the occurrence of Neptune cazimi on March 17, 2024. The term “cazimi” is an Arabic word meaning “in the heart of the Sun.” In astrology, it has come to mean the moment when a planet comes together in the sky with the Sun, seemingly sitting in the center of it. A cazimi is understood to contain the essence of realignment and renewal.

In astrology, the Sun is our life force, our spirit, our spark of energy that shines from within. As it comes together with Neptune while in the waters of Pisces, we learn that it is through surrender that we are reborn, and it is through allowing ourselves to be supported by something beyond the tangible realm that things begin to transform in the tangible realm.

We are invited to become one with this flow, to release any tightness in our chest or busyness in our minds. To let ourselves be held by something larger, something that washes away what is not ours to hold onto in this moment. This cosmic event reminds us that sometimes it is through unclenching our will and allowing things to be that completely transforms what is. This week welcomes a slow yoga flow, a surrender-filled meditation, a prayer to something beyond our awareness, and a continual reminder to let yourself take a long, slow breath out.

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The fire sign of Aries initiates action and forward movement. As the Sun enters the constellation of Aries, we initiate a new cycle of the astrological year. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Sun Enters Aries

Neptune cazimi takes place toward the end of Pisces season, in what could be considered our final days of surrender, release, and dancing with the unseen in preparation for renewal. Pisces season represents a return to that from which we all originate, whereas Aries season represents our rising from these waters.

When the Sun enters Aries on March 19, 2024, it brings with it the astrological new year and the spring equinox. As the Sun offers new warmth, we, too, are welcomed into a season of blooming and self-expression. Aries is inspiration. It is fierce courage. It is the will to exist, the urge for self-expression, and the pulse of life that emanates through all. Aries is aliveness itself.

This season welcomes movement, action, expression, and the bold assertion of our dreams into the life we are creating and the person we are becoming. Aries season summons from within us the fiery courage to claim ourselves, our path, our hopes, and our lives.

Venus Conjunct Saturn

While Aries continues to influence our cosmos as well as ourselves, there continues to be movement and magic in the realm of Pisces. Venus entered the water sign last week on March 11, 2024, and will remain there until April 4, 2024. Venus is art. She is beauty, love, balance, and harmony. Venus is healing, receptivity, and blessings. While in Pisces, she is compassionate, intuitive, creative, and soulful and channels a deep and vast love for life itself as well as all that is held within it.

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Meanwhile, Saturn has been building a home for itself in the last sign of the zodiac since March 2023 and will continue to do so until February 2026. Saturn governs this tangible world. It is discipline, structure, boundaries, and responsibility.

This week, these two planetary enter into a conjunction in the mystical sign on March 21, 2024. As the two planets come together in partnership, they do so with balance. During this time, both love and commitment are required, compassion and boundaries, and creativity and discipline, whether in our relationships, our creative endeavors, our growth, and so much more.

This conjunction highlights the same dance that imbues this entire week of operating in both the seen and unseen, the energetic and the tangible, the vision and the responsibility for that vision.

As Aries season ignites and emboldens our desires and related visions, this conjunction brings healing to how we relate to the discipline, responsibility, and commitment required for those visions to become our reality. Whether that vision is a relationship, a business or career endeavor, health, easy of mind, flowing finances, or anything else, allow this day to bring love into the practical aspects of life.

The intuitive sign of Pisces encourages you to follow your sense of intuition and inner knowing. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Mars Enters Pisces

A day after the Venus-Saturn conjunction, Mars enters Pisces. The ruler of Aries, Mars represents our drive to take action. It is our courage, ambition, and assertion. Like Aries, Mars turns up the volume on our desires just as it turns up our life force to claim and create those desires.

Whereas Pisces brings us into the ethereal potentials and dreams in our unconscious, Mars claims these potentials and directs its life force into the manifestation of them. While in Pisces, Mars connects our conscious desires with those of our soul. It’s as if a conversation is taking place.

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Mars remains in Pisces until April 30, 2024. This time will continue the dance between the energetic and the tangible and invite collaborations between turning to something higher for guidance and taking action. It encourages courage through self-compassion. It compels us to claim ourselves and our dreams as love letters to the unknown.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation

This week invites you to explore your relationship with the sacred. It invites you to allow that space to imbue who you are as well as who you are becoming. It invites release and surrender as you step into more of yourself. And it invites you into the unconscious, the mystical, and the unknown so that you may begin to create your life from the wisdom and guidance received from those spaces.

As the Sun shifts from Pisces to Aries, life will begin to spark with enthusiasm and new beginnings, yet invitations will continue to come from the unseen realms of Pisces. Let these messages act as a reminder that you are supported, cheered, and held beyond your awareness and that there is sacredness to be experienced when you heed the inexplicable whispers of your heart and take action to make them real.

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