AstrologyWeekly Astrology Forecast, March 10-16, 2024: Surrendering to Magic

Weekly Astrology Forecast, March 10-16, 2024: Surrendering to Magic

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Welcome to a mystical and magical week in astrology. As we continue to make our way through Pisces season, we experience the new Moon in Pisces, which brings potential, dreaming, surrender, intuition, and change. The days that follow bring the movement of Venus into Pisces, which invites compassion, creativity, beauty, and receptivity.

Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 10-16, 2024

March 10: New Moon in Pisces; Mars square Uranus; Mercury enters Aries
March 11: Venus enters Pisces and Moon enters Aries
March 13: Moon enters Taurus
March 15: Moon enters Gemini


The nuanced terrain of the Moon, which is hidden from us this week during the new Moon in Pisces. The new Moon occurs when the Moon falls in between Earth and Sun with its dark side facing us. (Photo: mikroman6 | Getty )

New Moon in Pisces

On March 10, 2024, we welcome our new Moon in the water sign of Pisces. Welcome to the mystical. Welcome to what you can imagine. Welcome to a heightened awareness of our oneness and a reminder that within it exists all potential.

The new Moon brings closure and surrender as well as potential, possibility, and an invitation to dream. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces acts as a portal into another realm. It is the doorway into the boundless, the infinite, the timeless, and the sacred. It is where we remember the oneness of all of life and the eternal flow of energy that connects all things. It is where we explore what is beyond separation and peer into the divine.

As we merge the final lunation of the astrological year with the vastness from which all life emerges, we return to the source of it all. This is where everything that is real in our world exists first as dreams, visions, and possibilities. To play in this energetic realm is to open to greater possibility for ourselves and our lives. To play in this realm is to become one with our desires and, in so doing, become the bridge for them to land in our physical world.

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A detail from the 15th-century artwork “The Birth of Venus” by Botticelli. The painting illustrates elements of the archetype of the planet Venus. Namely, beauty, compassion, and gentleness. This week, these traits become influenced by the astrological sign of Pisces. (Illustration: Mondadori Portfolio | Getty)

Venus Enters Pisces

The day after the new Moon in Pisces, Venus enters this empathic and compassionate water sign, where it joins the Moon, Sun, Saturn, and Neptune.

Venus is love. Venus is beauty. Venus is healing. Venus is partnership. Venus brings us together. Venus invites pleasure in being alive.

In the world of Pisces, we are all one. To love another is to love all. To love is to remember that within the sacred waters of life, our nature is love. To love is who we are. Pisces reminds us that we are made of the stars and are all unique expressions of something divine.

As Venus enters Pisces on March 11, 2024, it heightens our compassion. It also heightens our creativity, intuition, empathy, compassion, and opportunities to connect with others. Filled with invitations to invite more beauty and love into our lives, Venus in Pisces is a surrender into the remembering that love is everywhere, beauty is everywhere, and a sacred sparkle can be found in everything and everyone if we so choose to see it. Venus will remain in Pisces until April 4, 2024.

There is a sacred romance to Venus in Pisces, both with our chosen people and humanity as a whole. A love for all that doesn’t discriminate. A love for all that looks beyond our differences. A love for all that somehow goes beyond our preferences and experiences.

A 19th-century depiction of the solar system, including the Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Earth’s Moon, each of which fall under the spell of the astrological sign of Pisces this week. (Photo: mikroman6 | Getty )

Your Invitation

It’s a romantic week. A dreamy week. A week of imagination, intuition, beauty, creativity, and connection. A week that invites surrender and receptivity.

Pisces season reminds us that we exist within two seemingly separate realms—that of the tangible and intangible, physical and energetic, seen and unseen. It also acts as a bridge where these two worlds become one. This week heightens our knowing of this.

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The new Moon encourages and invites creation in the energetic realm so that we may bring these creations into form in the tangible world. Venus lessens any resistance to this process, opens us to the beauty of simply being alive, and invites even more miracles and magic into our everyday lives.

It is a week to spend time with our hopes and desires and to allow life to show us, through synchronicities and subtle messaging, that it is listening and responding. It is less about movement and assertion and more about allowing and becoming increasingly aware of all that is available to us. It is a time to simply remain in awe that what we have been desiring for ourselves is what life has been desiring for us as well.

RELATED: What the New Moon in Pisces Means for You

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