AstrologyWeekly Astrology Forecast, February 18-24: Becoming Even More Yourself

Weekly Astrology Forecast, February 18-24: Becoming Even More Yourself

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It’s a new week. And, according to astrology, it’s a new season. As the Sun shifts from one constellation into the following, it takes us from Aquarius into Pisces. The week also brings a full moon in Virgo and Mercury, Mars, and Venus each whispering invitations of openness, creativity, authenticity, and motivation.

Sun Enters Pisces

In our solar system, the Sun is the center of everything. Its gravity holds our cosmos together. Its presence offers us life. Its warmth radiates toward us. In astrology, the Sun is the center of who we are. It is our life force. As it makes its way through the constellations in zodiac wheel, it takes on the characteristics of whatever sign it finds itself in. While in Aries, it is bold and courageous. Gemini, quick and excited. Aquarius, open and oriented toward the future.

Just as the Sun’s expression is shaped by the zodiac it finds itself in, so is ours. As the Sun leaves the futuristic air sign of Aquarius, its season draws to a close and we are welcomed into the intuitive and soft waters of Pisces beginning on February 18 or 19, 2024, depending on where you are in the world.

An intuitive water sign, Pisces easily loses sight of any lines of demarcation between self and others. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

As Pisces season unfolds, there is an invitation into softness. This time is a deep exhalation. It is a slow yoga flow. Mystical poetry. The way the ocean and horizon merge. It is the boundless nature of energy and vibration and the soft whisper of intuitive guidance. The archetype of Pisces invites us into unseen realms and reminds us of the immense support, love, and beauty of something divine, whatever that might mean to us.

Pisces is the final zodiac season before the astrological new year begins once again on March 21, 2024, with Aries. Therefore it holds an invitation of release, reflection, and retreat.

Mercury Enters Pisces

As the Sun enters the mystical realm of Pisces, Mercury soon follows on February 23, 2024, where it remains until March 9, 2024.

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Just as the Sun is the center of oneself, Mercury is the mind. Mercury is the inner filter through which we see and process the outer world around us. It is the lens that tints our perceptions and colors our thoughts. Mercury is communication, learning, and teaching. As it travels through Pisces, our mind, too, begins to take the shape of this water sign.

Pisces is a receptive sign. It allows, it draws us inward, it reflects, it allows us to float until we reach so far into the ethers that we are reminded of oneness, of the sacredness of life, and of the beauty in allowing the evolution and life to unfold in divine timing. It invites calm and stillness as it receives through imagination and intuition.

As Mercury moves its way through this Neptune-ruled sign, our intuition heightens. Mercury in Pisces is a retreat for the mind. It is a time and space that’s more about allowing and receiving than proactive problem solving, more about imagination and art than logic and detail.

A forward-thinking air sign, Aquarius persuades you to find a balanced space in between your inner Venus and Mars. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius

Look at the night sky this week and you will see two beautiful lights shining together, dancing together, and coming together into a beautiful partnership. Those lights will be that of Venus and Mars.

In astrology, Venus is our planet of harmony. It is the light within us that is drawn to love, connection, beauty, art, and life itself. It supports our self-worth, our connection to pleasure, and our belief in abundance. Like Pisces, Venus is receptive in nature. Conversely, Mars is our passion, motivation, and action. It is how we assert ourselves with the courage to create and express ourselves.

While Pisces season invites a reflective and receptive chapter for us, Venus coming together with Mars in our skies on February 23, 2024 inspires more spark, movement, and creativity. As these two seemingly opposing planets come together in our skies, it is an opportunity to bring together our inner Venus and Mars. Together, they gift us with magnetism, creativity, passion, beauty, independence, and harmony. We are invited to open to a beautiful new relationship to our own courage, motivation, desires, assertiveness, and self worth.

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We are the embodiment of both soft beauty and fiery passion, receptivity and expression. Whether this manifests within our relationships or work, creativity or the excitement of a desire, it is a beautiful time to explore what healthy, balanced, and loving independence looks and feels like, consider what loving and enjoyable courage and movement feel like, and ask yourself what goals or desires around creativity, love, money, leadership, and courage come to you.

A practical and detail-oriented earth sign, Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces and has a nuanced understanding of the self. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Full Moon in Virgo

Closing the week and illuminating its theme of release is the full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024.

As the Sun transits into Pisces, the Moon reaches fullness in its opposite sign, Virgo. This relationship highlights one of the many paradoxes of what it means to be human. There is a space in which we are all one from which all life emerges. Yet there is also a space where you are you and I am me. Where your guidance is different to mine, and my path is different to yours.

The zodiac wheel is comprised of 12 signs. Follow its axis across the circle and you encounter its opposite sign. (Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Virgo is the discerning filter that cleanses itself from all energy, frequency, emotion, and guidance that is not uniquely for it. Not all energy is for us. Not all emotions are for us. Not all paths are for us. Our bodies remind us of this. Our nervous system reminds us of this. Virgo reminds us of this. Virgo is the purification of all the ways Pisces asks us to feel, hold, filter, and transmute energy that is not ours to process.

The full Moon shows us what we are holding onto, whether consciously or unconsciously, and what we are ready to release. It is our mirror. As you look into this mirror—as you see yourself, your life, and your reality from this illuminated perspective—how much of it is you? How much of it is others? How much of it is learned patterns and narratives that were never a part of your unique system? How much of it is emotion that you have absorbed from the environment around you? How much of it is simply not the pure magic that is you?

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The magic of the illumination from the full Moon in Virgo is that as we release what is not ours and what is not aligned with our current and next season, the more we attune to what is meant for us.

Your Invitation From the Weekly Astrology

This week contains the essence of magic. It reminds us of our place in the vast dance of surrender to what guides our existence. It asks us to explore how to find surrender and receptivity while honoring our courageousness and drive to create what is ours to create and become even more of ourselves.

How does this dichotomy sit within you? What does it mean to be both part of the whole and the whole in expression? To be receptive to purpose and destiny while simultaneously creating your own reality? To be a drop in the ocean and the entire ocean in a drop, as the Persian poet Rumi is quoted as saying?

You contain every planet within you. Every sign of the zodiac, color, and frequency forms you. You possess every opposite within you. Every dichotomy and point of contrast. As you explore every astrological sign and its opposite sign, you come into greater relationship with your wholeness and the way in which your own part of the entire universe desires to be expressed.

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