With over one third of our lives spent in the workplace, the importance of creating and nurturing a positive work environment is clear. It is also equally important that the work we do and the career path we choose reflects our true passions and utilises our strengths and assets.
And though job fairs and career aptitude tests may help us select a particular profession, true understanding comes from learning about your specific dosha, and its unique attributes and tendencies.
Understanding your dosha, and thereby your unique personality, helps you to choose a vocation that highlights your attributes and is suited to your specific nature. This also allows you to be your most fulfilled and productive self.
But what do mean by dosha? And how can it affect your career? Let’s take a look.
What is meant by an Ayurvedic Dosha?
Ayurvedic medicine is based on the concept that the world is made of 5 elements; namely space, water, earth, fire, and air. A combination of these elements results in 3 types of doshas, which essentially contribute to specific physiological, mental, and emotional characteristics of an individual.
Based on which dosha is predominant in a person, you can identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding their physical, mental, and emotional states.
The 3 Ayurvedic doshas are:
Consisting mainly of the elements fire and water, individuals exhibiting a pitta dosha are generally muscular and athletic. They also tend to be goal-oriented, highly-motivated, competitive, and tenacious individuals.
They are viewed as strong, natural leaders; and show skill, intelligence, and great purpose.
Consisting mostly of air and space, people with vata dosha are known to be slim, energetic and creative.
They are also known to be fast learners, multi-taskers, and out-of-the-box thinkers.
Based on earth and water, individuals with kapha dosha are steady, stable, patient, and strong. They work slowly and deliberately, and rarely make hasty decisions.
Identifying your primary, secondary, and maybe even tertiary doshas is only the first step. Next comes the focus on how you can utilise this knowledge to understand specific triggers, and how they can account for particular emotions and attitudes.
Why is it important to understand the dynamics of the doshas in the workplace?
Naturally, your temperament and personality affect your mood and can be affected by your work place. But more than that, realising our strengths, and understanding the stressors that may cause an imbalance within ourselves, can drastically affect our productivity as well as our career fulfilment.
The strengths and struggles that are unique to each dosha may also indicate which direction we should lean towards in order to achieve success in our work lives.
Here’s what we know about each dosha within the workplace, what makes them tick, and what makes them thrive:
Their drive, determination, focus, and organisational skills make people with pitta the quintessential leaders.
They are dependable and punctual; and happy to take on more than their share of responsibilities. This also means they require little supervision, and in fact, prefer to work with autonomy.
However, pittas tend to expect the same commitment from their colleagues, and are also more prone to burnout. In order to succeed they require some structure within the workplace, and thrive when faced with challenges.
Their innovative thinking, creativity, and adaptability make vatas ideal co-workers who love to brainstorm and collaborate.
Vata individuals thrive in the arts, and prove to be exceptional designers, writers, teachers, and photographers.
However, their lack of focus and short attention spans may be frustrating for employers who are deadline-oriented.
The epitome of loyalty, kaphas are dependable, calming, and grounding influences in the workplace. They are more likely to be found in administrative positions, nursing professions, or even manual labour jobs.
Because of their compatibility with other doshas, kaphas are the perfect team players.
However, kapha individuals lack the innate drive for professional advancement, and may require extra nudging and motivation to stay focused.
How does understanding the dynamics of doshas help keep balance in the workplace?
With so many other responsibilities and roles to look into, you may wonder about the importance placed on doshas in the workplace. However, understanding the subtleties of the different doshas could mean the difference between a productive workplace with motivated employees, and an office with burnt out and unhappy colleagues.
A true understanding of Ayurvedic doshas enables you to:
- Create a positive work environment
- Understand your employees and co-workers better
- Learn the skills and strategies that keep people grounded and motivated
- Recognise the strengths and weaknesses of employees better
- Approach different situations with renewed creativity and empathy
There are many factors and elements that need to be considered when trying to create the ideal work environment that promotes productivity and innovation. Understanding Ayurvedic doshas and how they influence an individual’s personality, temperament, and even work ethic is often the best, first step that you can take towards achieving this goal.
Recognising and appreciating the different minds, approaches, and creative processes of those around us, while celebrating and honouring their gifts is the perfect way to create a harmonious work environment.
And with the perfect balance of doshas, comes an ideal environment that both inspires and motivates, leading to professional growth and success.
If you want to learn how to attain a more fulfilling and rewarding career, that celebrates your strengths while inspiring and motivating you, visit us at The Ayurvedic Clinic. We can help you identify your dominant doshas, interpret how they may influence each aspect of your life, and guide you towards achieving the ultimate work-life balance.