AstrologyTurn Your Emotions Into Actions

Turn Your Emotions Into Actions

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This week brings heightened opportunities for self-awareness, release, transformation, and a breaking free of an old chapter. As Mars opposes Pluto and later enters Leo, the days ahead bring big energy stirring within the cosmos, and therefore from within. opportunity for self-awareness, transformation, and reclamation of unconscious drives moving from beneath the surface. Your weekly horoscope for November 3-9 explores how this plays out for you.

Weekly Horoscope Preview for November 3-9

November 3 | Mars Opposite Pluto; Moon Enters Sagittarius
November 4 | Mars Enters Leo
November 5 | Moon Enters Capricorn
November 7 | Moon Enters Aquarius

Mars Opposite Pluto

November holds within it an era-defining astrological transit. It’s the movement of Pluto into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 19 years. Before this shift, however, we are met with opportunities for deep release. On November 3, 2024, we meet one of these opportunities.

Mars opposing Pluto is the culmination of energy that has been accumulating beneath the surface since mid-October and will continue to unfold all the way into April of next year. But this week, we meet the immense depth of this energy at its peak.

(Illustration: mikroman6 | Getty)

In astrology, Mars is our drive, will, and motivation. It is how we act, defend, and pursue our desires. Mars is fire, movement, and passion. Pluto is transformation, transmutation, and the depths of the psyche. It is our unconscious, underworld, and capacity to regenerate, reclaim, and rebirth ourselves after moving through profound psychological transformation.

As these two planets meet in an opposition aspect, it is an opportunity to peer into our own underworld. To feel what’s unconscious rise from beneath the surface and express itself through our bodies, emotions, and impulses. This day represents an open door for unprocessed material to be experienced and transmuted and old patterns to be broken.

On a more esoteric level, while Mars represents our conscious desires, Pluto represents the more unconscious desires of the soul. From this perspective, Mars opposite Pluto may offer insights into the evolutionary intentions of our soul, the lessons that we desire to learn through and master, and the spaces where we are intended to transform and empower ourselves.

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Mars Enters Leo

The following day, Mars finishes its journey through Cancer and enters the fires of Leo, where it will remain until January 6, 2024. Leo is here to express itself. To bring what lives within into the world around it through its creative self-expression. It is fire and joy, passion and love. Mars in Leo brings a greater drive for selfhood, expression, and creativity. It heightens passion and outward movement and expression.

Mars will begin its retrograde in Leo in December, so the steps that it takes now in this fiery sign will soon be retraced when it turns around and rewalks the path that it is beginning now. When that happens, it will be possible to observe things from a new perspective.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope for November 3-9

This week asks for self-awareness and courage. It asks that you observe what your unconscious reveals to you through your actions and reactions. It asks that you take compassionate responsibility for these reactions with the knowing that they are a mirror for what is being transformed within yourself.

As your weekly horoscope explores, Mars in Pluto can heighten your emotional responses. Here you may find that the focus is much less about the external happenings you are reacting to but rather it’s through these responses that you are able to peer into what takes place within you. As you move past this heightened day and Mars shifts into Leo, you may feel the energy begin to wane. Now it’s self-expression that is calling our names.

Aries Rising

Our internal experience feeds into our external, both consciously and unconsciously. What lives within us, known and unknown, drives and shapes our motivations, dreams, and desires for ourselves. This week asks you to travel within yourself with vulnerability, openness, and truth as it reveals unconscious desires from within your psyche.

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Taurus Rising

It’s an untangling of the mind, a reclamation of your beliefs, and a transformation of perspectives. This week brings a breaking open in the way that you perceive the world and the realization of mental patterns and systems that you are ready to shift.

Gemini Rising

Safety within your body. Safety within your emotional depths. This week invites you to strip away the layers keeping you from self-empowerment and self-trust, ultimately offering safety and security within your own being on all levels.

Cancer Rising

Who are you? And who are you in the world? Who are you in partnership or with another? This week brings a culmination of personal transformation that has been building for some time. This shift in self ultimately shifts how you show up to the world, including how you show up in love and collaboration.

Leo Rising

This week invites a surrender to your deepest motivations and desires that live beneath the surface and come from somewhere sacred within you. What is this longing? What is it whispering? As Mars enters your sign, observe how your energy wants to move, express, and create—and let it revitalize and enliven you in the process.

Virgo Rising

There is an inherent directionality to each person’s energy. The direction of being who we are, and who we are here to be, regardless of the movement and expectations of others. This week reveals any spaces within your own self and life that were learned from the outside world, and not inherently yours, so that you may take your power back.

Libra Rising

When you look ahead, what calls your name? When you dream of your life in its broadest sense, what does it look like? What would feel on purpose, fulfilling, and meaningful? This week reveals more of the story, inviting you deep into your underworld and offering insight into your heart’s desires.

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Scorpio Rising

This week is here to transform what lives within your mind. To release you from the thought patterns, perspectives, and inherited ideas that were never yours or simply aren’t aligned with your next chapter of self. It invites you to open your mind, and in this opening, rebirth awaits.

Sagittarius Rising

Through reclaiming the space of your physical body, you reclaim yourself. Through occupying more of your physical body, empowerment, transformation, and a new level of trust in yourself awaits. This week heightens the drive to uncover what lives unknown within you, asking you to continue peeling back the layers and coming deeper into yourself.

Capricorn Rising

Pluto has been moving your sense of self, identity, and core being through immense transformation for more than a decade. Your weekly horoscope acts as an essential moment in this transformation, asking you to meet your depth with renewed empowerment and trust in yourself. The deeper you meet yourself, the deeper you meet life, beauty, love, and others.

Aquarius Rising 

You are here to bring divinity into form through your very being. This week reminds you of this by stripping away all that sits in the way of you being a channel for intentional healing into this world. Your body is a vehicle for love. Your actions are a vehicle for the sacred.

Pisces Rising

Through revelations and insight, your weekly horoscope illuminates the ways the collective voice has been louder than your own. You’re offered the opportunity to experience all the ways the expectations and pressures of the world have been prioritized above your own knowing, truth, and self-expression. You’re also offered the opportunity to choose again.

Stay tuned in with yourself by following your upcoming weekly horoscopes, learning the effects of the Moon’s phases on you, and how astrology intersects with your everyday life when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.

RELATED: Your Weekly Horoscope, November 10-16: Creating the Life You Want

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