Do you struggle to get out of bed on these dark winter mornings? Do you feel like you’re constantly yawning and reliant on copious amounts of coffee to get you through the day? Fitness and Performance Coach, Jamie Lloyd, shares his expert advice on how to boost your energy levels this January.
But first, why do we feel tired in Winter?
Shorter days and lack of sunlight are the main reasons we feel more tired in winter. When it’s darker outside our body produces more of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which in a nutshell, makes us feel more tired.
Jamie’s top 10 tips for battling winter wipe out
- Take a magnesium bath
- Get to bed by 10:30
- Ditch the caffeine
- Exercise 3 times a week
- Eat chocolate
- Avoid the booze
- Drink bone broth daily
- Eat for energy
- Don’t skip breakfast
- Use energising aromatherapy essential oils
Maximise your magnesium
Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Not only does it aid in the production of energy and protein, but it also supports our bones, muscles, heart, nervous system, and immune system. It can also stimulate the bowels and is mineral activator for many detox enzymes. To increase your magnesium levels, eat more magnesium rich foods or try a magnesium bath (you can use either magnesium flakes or Epsom Salts). Taking a magnesium bath is thought to:
- Reduce fatigue
- Reduce stress and improve sleep
- Help muscles relax and function properly
- Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots
- Make insulin more effective by drawing in more nutrients to the cells
- Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
- Improve oxygen use
- Flush toxins
- Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
- Soothe and hydrate the skin
- Help prevent or ease migraine headaches
After having a magnesium detox bath, I also like to use a magnesium spray on my arms and legs to really maximise my intake! I swear by it!!!
Get to bed by 10:30pm
10:30pm is the perfect bedtime. Going to sleep at 10:30pm enables you to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, and still wake up by 5 or 6am. That means you can get in at least a 30-minute workout in the morning – a common habit among the most successful and productive people – and still be at work by 8 or 9am. By which time you will be buzzing and feeling more energised!
Ditch the caffeine
Caffeine comes with a burst of zing which is what most of us use it for. However, that energy also stimulates our “fight or flight” hormones. This may cause an increase in anxiety, nervousness, heart palpitations, and even panic attacks. Also, it increases your heart rate when training, so you use more energy. It’s therefore best to avoid caffeine before training to keep your heart rate down and maximise your energy!
Move regularly
Our bodies are meant to move on a daily basis – not 1-2 times a week! So if you are thinking about going on a diet or detox to shed a few pounds, think about how you are going to oxygenate your cells through movement. You could think about going for long walks in nature in the morning, followed by a 20-30 minute HIIT session in the afternoon, so you are moving regularly. Therapeutic exercise like Yoga is also useful as it helps with lymphatic flow, and twists help to stimulate peristalsis in the bowels. I find that after doing a Hot Yoga session I feel that my metabolism goes up and I have increased energy and am buzzing for a few hours after.
Eat chocolate
Yep go for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content! Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which will boost your energy and make you feel happier. In moderation, the caffeine and sugar in chocolate won”t lead to an energy crash. As a general rule, the darker the chocolate the less sugar and the more energy-boosting potential it has. Just don’t overdo it, because chocolate can have a high fat content.
Ban the booze
Ok, I’m not saying go totally tee total, but try ditching the booze for at least 7 days, and just feel your energy levels go up! Not only will you sleep better but you will be jumping out of bed before your alarm clock goes off as you will feel more rested, energised and won’t be nursing a headache.
Drink bone broth daily
Bone broth is the forgotten superfood! This delicious drink is packed full of vitamins and minerals and will soon add a spring into your step. It is beneficial for your digestive and immune system and will support your joints, and has also been linked to improved mood, energy and healthy sleep. So, why not try replacing your morning coffee with bone broth? Chicken bone broth is especially helpful in this way – so get down to your butchers, grab some chicken and get the slow cooker on!
Eat for energy
We all want to shed a few pounds at this time of year, but many of us are too tired to even think about going to the gym. But, get your nutrition right, eat clean and drink plenty of water and your energy levels will go up! Then you will have enough energy to start lifting weights! So, fuel your engine with clean organic foods daily, and even get a fruit and veg box delivered to stop you going to the supermarket and slipping down the BOGOF isles! Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oily fish, avocados, goji berries, blueberries and spinach are just some foods that will get your engine running!
Don’t skip breakfast
Skipping breakfast will cause you to overeat later in the day and you will be tempted by heavy-laden carbs like bread or potatoes that’ll have you nodding off at your desk. Have a high protein breakfast like salmon, scrambled egg and avocado to start the day and your sugar levels will be steady for several hours and you will feel energised till early afternoon. ‘Eggsellent’ for energy I say!
Use energising essential oils
There are a variety of stimulating essential oils that can help with both mental and physical fatigue. Rosemary, Peppermint and Basil are particularly good for reducing mental fatigue and citrus and spice oils such as Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, Black Pepper and Ginger are ideal for fighting physical fatigue and lifting the mood. Studies also indicate that essential oils can be helpful in improving athletic performance. A small 2016 study concluded that the inhalation of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) and Spearmint (Mentha spicata) essential oils was effective in improving exercise performance and lung function.
Here are a few blends to try:
- In the morning try diffusing 3 drops Lime essential oil, 3 drops Rosemary and 2 drops Peppermint to kick start energy levels at the start of the day! You could also use these oils in an aromatherapy inhaler to sniff while out and about.
- For an energising blast in the shower mix 120ml fragrance free shower gel with 10 drops Rosemary, 10 drops Lime, 4 drops Black Pepper and 2 drops Ginger.
- Mix 20ml of carrier oil with 3 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Black Pepper and 2 drops of Grapefruit and massage into the muscles before a workout to prepare and energise mind and body for exercise.
- For a soothing, night-time soak to encourage a restorative night’s sleep add 2 cups of Epsom Salt to running bath water. Mix 4-10 drops of Base Formula’s Sweet Dreams pure essential oil with 15ml of bath oil or shower gel and add to the water once run. Swirl around gently to disperse the oils then lie back and soak for 15-20 minutes.
Note: While winter tiredness is common it can also be a symptom of other conditions such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Chronic Fatigue. Click on links to read Base Formula’s expert aromatherapy advice on both of those issues.
Jamie Lloyd BSc NLSSM IICT
You can learn more about Jamie via, Facebook and Instagram.
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