AyurvedaThe Most Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Common Digestive Problems

The Most Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Common Digestive Problems

Digestive issues do not discriminate. They affect the very young, the very old, and everyone in between. Their wide prevalence has given rise to many remedies and concoctions, most of which cause or even worsen digestive problems.

Ayurvedic medicine is therefore seen as the most obvious and effective remedy for digestive disorders.

Why? Because gut health is affected by numerous factors such as diet, eating habits, lifestyles, stress levels, and even hormonal changes. And Ayurvedic medicine is an ideal system that focuses on treating the primary cause of a disorder, along with its digestive symptoms.

Healthy living through the science of Ayurveda

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of healing which emphasises on a natural and holistic approach.

Ayurveda focuses on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual, and promotes health and healing by achieving a balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurvedic medicine does not rely on singular remedies, but rather attempts to identify the root cause of an ailment. This, along with the focus on promoting an overall healthier lifestyle, makes Ayurvedic treatment have a profound effect on the overall health and wellbeing of patients, even when taken as a complementary treatment.

Digestive Ailments

What causes digestive problems?

Digestive problems are wide and varied, with as many as 80% of the population experiencing some form of digestive disorders at some point in their lives. This cannot be taken lightly, especially as the rate of bowel diseases keep rising each year.

Ayurveda views the digestive process in terms of Agni (fire or digestive power), which is essentially the root of all metabolic functions. When an individual’s Agni is weakened, they become prone to digestive issues and ill health. This Agni must therefore be nourished, strengthened, and balanced to ensure good health.

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As a result, Ayurvedic remedies for treating digestive disorders primarily focus on correcting the Agni and restoring normal digestive function.

Some of the most common digestive issues that ail many of the population include:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Gas

These themselves may be symptoms of indigestion, GERD, or something more serious.

Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disorders often includes a combination of simple herbal remedies and lifestyle changes to help nourish the Agni and achieve a balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

Some of the best Ayurvedic remedies for treating digestive disorders are:


Often referred to as the ‘universal medicine’, ginger offers a number of benefits and is useful in treating a variety of ailments. For the digestive system in particular, ginger (both in its fresh and dried forms) can have a carminative effect. It also helps with bloating, cramping, and gas.

One of the main uses of ginger however lies in its efficacy in easing diarrhoea. Simply boiling ginger with water and ingesting the ginger water can help relieve an upset stomach. It is also full of antioxidants, and helps move food along the digestive tract at a normal pace, making it an important dietary agent.


Synonymous with Ayurveda, turmeric is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances. This allows it to effectively fight infections and treat digestive disorders.

This extraordinary spice helps ease the symptoms of IBS and gastritis, while also preventing digestive conditions such as intestinal hyperpermeability. Simply put, from alleviating the uncomfortable symptoms of flatulence, reflux, and indigestion, to treating disorders like ulcerative colitis, turmeric does it all.

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Lemon and Honey

The incredible combination of lemon and honey acts as a powerful tonic that relieves constipation, flushes out toxins, and improves digestion.

This mixture is also packed with nutrients and anti-oxidants, and results in better absorption of digested products, and improved metabolism. All of which contribute to aiding weight loss, as well as increased immunity.

Peppermint Oil

Being an anti-spasmodic, peppermint oil helps the muscles in the wall of the gut to relax. This makes it extremely effective for the treatment of cramps, bloating, flatulence, heartburn, and other symptoms of IBS.


Nausea, vomiting, intestinal gas, diarrhoea, and indigestion. These are just some of the many digestive disorders that cloves and clove oil help treat.

Being an incredibly versatile spice with anti-microbial properties, cloves are extremely effective in controlling acidity, and ensure that your digestive tract stays healthy.

Cloves are also full of anti-oxidants, thereby helping reduce the risk of diabetes and certain cancers.

Lifestyle changes

With so many benefits and very few side effects, it is easy to see why Ayurvedic medications are the go-to for digestive problems. But, in order to fully reap the rewards of a holistic Ayurvedic treatment, certain lifestyle changes are also recommended. These not only relieve and revive the gut, and strengthen your Agni, but also help you to achieve an overall better, healthier you.

Staying hydrated

Drinking sufficient water is vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Not only does water play a crucial role in digestion, it is also a major factor in promoting cognitive function, immunity, and vitality.

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Eating well

This encompasses a range of simple eating practices such as eating only when you are hungry, not over-eating, and incorporating a wholesome, fibre-rich ayurvedic diet.

Reducing stress

Practicing stress-relieving techniques such as meditation or even regular exercise is a great way to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Getting sufficient sleep

Going to bed early and getting in the required hours of sleep helps your body and mind recuperate, and optimises your natural circadian rhythm. This in turn also improves digestion.


It is clear that digestive and gut health is not dependent on the food we consume alone. Our habits, lifestyle, and even our daily routine can have a significant impact on our Agni, and thereby our gut.

Ayurveda aims to heal, restore, and nourish our Agni in a holistic manner that not only helps to cure our digestive disorders, but also restores health and vitality to our mind and body.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the best ways to cure and treat digestive disorders using Ayurvedic medicine, visit The Ayurvedic Clinic. Our panel of experienced consultants can guide you towards the most natural and holistic practices that help you achieve perfect gut health along with physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation.

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