AyurvedaThe ayurvedic view on pregnancy and early motherhood

The ayurvedic view on pregnancy and early motherhood


Pregnancy is a time of wonder and joy, not to mention a life changing experience. At the same time it is a period through which a mother’s body goes through many changes as it adapts to support and nurture a new life. Ayurveda provides support for the mother during pregnancy and early motherhood, emotionally, physically and mentally through easily adoptable practical and spiritual teachings.

The ayurvedic view on pregnancy and early motherhood

For ayurveda pregnancy is a spiritually significant period for expectant mothers, a time when selfcare has to be give priority both for the health of the mother and unborn baby. Both prenatal care and postnatal care are equally prioritised in ayurveda because a mother transitioning into motherhood experiences all the intense emotions of joy and responsibility while being exhausted and depleted of energy in the body. Even for a healthy pregnancy, without this care and attention postpartum depression and other associated developments cannot be handled properly.

The Ayurvedic approach to pregnancy

According to ayurveda pregnant women experience a vata imbalance or elevated levels of vata energy which is directed towards the baby. When the mother is balanced there is enough apana vata for both the mother and baby, but if the mother feels tired or stressed then the vata is directed to support the developing foetus. If this imbalance continues however the mother will soon start to feel symptoms similar to depression.

That is why ayurveda focuses on revitalising the mother through diet such as including more coconut water, milk and ghee clarified butter, all easily digested and through rejuvenation techniques such as oil massage and prenatal yoga and plenty of rest. All of this helps the mother calm her nervous system and deal with postpartum fatigue and stress.

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Are ayurvedic treatments and remedies safe for pregnant persons?

Based on ancient teachings that promote a holistic approach to wellbeing focused on promoting and prevention rather than just cure, ayurveda is very effective during pregnancy and early motherhood. As it uses natural therapies such as dietary guidance and massages it is safe and helpful in uplifting spirits and dealing with complications such as high blood pressure, spotting and fluid retention.

Ayurvedic wisdom has been passed down over millennia with holistic methods that are tried and tested and trusted. There are different guidelines for the different trimesters of the pregnancy to ensure the overall health and happiness of both mother and baby.

How do ayurvedic treatments and remedies help with pregnancy?

Ayurveda uses traditional herbs such as shatavari and ashwagandha to support the healthy production of breastmilk. There are also herbal teas that create a healthy and balanced digestion essential for a feeling of wellbeing during pregnancy.

Balance between mother and unborn baby through ayurveda

The bond between a mother and her unborn child, ayurveda recognises as being intensely strong. A mother’s mood, emotions, mental and physical health all have an impact on the baby.  Ayurveda strongly promotes the wellbeing of the mother through nourishing her mind, body and soul so that her baby benefits for the best possible start to life.

Ayurvedic diet that’s ideal for pregnancy

Diet is very important during pregnancy and immediately after. Right after giving birth a mother’s digestion is generally very weak. As during the pregnancy, she should eat food that is very nourishing and easily digestible. Milk, ghee and warm foods such as rice and soups are idea. Fresh green vegetables and freshly cooked food are perfect for both mother and through her, the baby. A diet should incorporate many elements such as sweet, savoury and salty, to maintain the correct energy within the body.

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Ayurvedic treatments that are suitable for pregnancy

Ayurveda offers a variety of treatments that suitable during pregnancy such as eating small pinches of roast cardamom seed powder during the first trimester to counter morning sickness. Another good remedy is sipping tea made with ayurvedic herbs, ¼ teaspoon ginger powder and/or fennel seeds and hot water.

Regular ayurvedic therapeutic massages of Abhyanga are recommended during the third trimester as it is said to promote an easy labour. Head and belly massages are suitable during pregnancy and are ideal for relaxing and mental calm.

Ayurvedic approach to early motherhood

Besides the dietary guidance, ayurveda also stresses that a mother and her new born should have an unstimulating, quiet and protected environment during the first few weeks to nurture both the mother and child. A new mother needs a lot of rest physically and mentally and needs the help of family and friends to provide her with nourishing meals and a clean home environment. Following guidelines like these go a long way to dealing with issues such as postpartum depression and fatigue.

Points to note when opting for ayurvedic treatments for pregnancy

It is helpful to be guided by a qualified and experienced ayurvedic practitioner to gain the maximum benefits of ayurvedic treatments during pregnancy. From defining your dosha to recommending a diet suitable to your specific constitution to prescribing ayurvedic herbs and treatments that will help you, with proper guidance you will feel well looked after and nurtured during your pregnancy. Remember it is a time of change and transition and you should follow the instructions correctly so that you enjoy only benefits and do not cause any adverse effects.

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Adopting and practicing the ayurvedic view on pregnancy and early motherhood will help you experience the best, safest and most effective ante-natal and post-natal care. Ayurveda practices reminds us that we are all connected and that these ancient practices give us the tools we need to enjoy this transitional and joyous period in life.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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