Sound HealingSound Therapy and Trauma - The Sound Healer

Sound Therapy and Trauma – The Sound Healer

When we hold on to the strong emotional charge that a traumatic response elicits, we create areas in the body where the charge is “stored”. That stored charge can create contraction, pain, mood swings, restless sleep, nightmares and many more seemingly unrelated symptoms.

The therapeutic application of sound vibration, as it travels through bones, muscles and fascia, can help to bring movement to these stagnating or contracted areas, therefore helping the stuck energy to circulate again. Instruments such as tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls are particularly indicated for this purpose.

If we think of our bodies as made of vibrating energy, we can picture how every cell has its own signature vibration, like a specific musical note. Many cells together will be like the many keys of a piano, each one contributing a note, therefore creating a sort of biological music. If a section of the piano is out of tune, the whole instrument will not function properly. In this metaphor, the piano is the individual and the introduction of an external, therapeutic sound vibration can have a similar effect to the tuning of an instrument.

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