AyurvedaInfertility management in Ayurveda | The Ayurvedic Clinic

Infertility management in Ayurveda | The Ayurvedic Clinic


Infertility is defined by the CDC basically as ‘not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex’. As a life science with practical teachings that span over 5000 years, Ayurveda has historic literature detailing the importance of treating infertility. Ayurvedic treatment for infertility has proved successful towards correcting ovarian, tubular and uterine problems that can cause infertility.

An Ayurvedic perspective on fertility

The focus of Ayurveda is always on promoting and ensuring good health rather than fighting disease. It is based on the belief that there should be balance between the mind, body and spirit governed by the dosha of vata, pitta and kapha, the body’s internal energies. This ancient form of therapy helps with both overall help and with treating specific health problems, working to remove impurities from the body, releasing tension and nourishing and revitalising the immune system to correct hormone imbalances.

A healthy agni or digestive system helps maintain healthy ojas which is what helps all living beings refresh and marks the beginning of life or an embryo.  According to ayurveda treatment for infertility includes nurturing and nourishing the body to create the perfect environment for new life to begin.

Ayurvedic treatments in modern medicine

There are a variety of modern treatments for infertility while ayurveda provides a holistic approach towards achieving fertility through methods such as diet and lifestyle changes and cleansing detoxes. In ayurveda the belief is that the body may lack nutrition owing to a number of reasons such as an imbalanced diet, poor digestion and toxins in the body, all problems that affect the reproductive system.

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Can ayurveda help treat infertility?

As mentioned, ayurveda endorses strengthening and nourishing the body, both male and female, to create balance rather than depending on external or foreign substances to correct hormonal issues. This is done through a number of lifestyle changes such as through dietary management, by understanding your body type and consuming foods that increase Ojas and avoiding foods that reduce Ojas. Increased Ojas is important to regulate ovulation and enhances fertilization.

According to ayurveda the main dosha for infertility is vata, so treatments that correct the functions of vata are very important. Exercise routines and strict dietary management help towards this.

Ayurvedic treatments include detoxes to remove impurities and toxins from the body to reignite healthy agni. Ayurvedic panchakarma treatments help eliminate ama or toxins from the body contributing to healthy agni and healthy Ojas. Detoxification therapies expulse toxins from the body which helps correct tubular, ovarian and uterine problems that contribute to infertility. This helps nourish physical mental and spiritual wellbeing and health which in turn helps reduce stress and regulate body temperature to create the ideal environment for fertility.

What causes infertility?

There are many reasons that can cause female or male infertility. For a woman there can be external factors that affect the menstrual cycle such as diet, lifestyle, stress, excessive physical exercise and emotional issues. Internal issues can include age, ovarian factors, uterine problems, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis to name a few. All of these contribute towards a dosha imbalance.

For males, infertility is caused by factors affecting the sperm count, sperm transport or production such infections, hormone levels and ejaculation problems.

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What are the ayurvedic treatments available for infertility treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment options vary according to individual needs and are recommended and designed to suit each person’s unique constitution.

Cleansing treatments – Cleansing treatments such as panchakarma procedures eliminate toxins from the body. The combination of medicines used are based on the patients constitution.

Healing treatments – These include using a range of ayurvedic herbs to improve fertility in both men and women. Taken for a period of about 3-12 months at a time, they help in numerous ways, such as:

  • Improving dosha balance within the body
  • Increasing circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
  • Bringing oxygenated blood to the eggs to improve their health and nourish them
  • Breaking scar tissue in the fallopian tubes and reproductive system
  • Improving sperm quantity, quality and mobility
  • Promoting hormonal balance

Points to note when using Ayurveda to treat infertility

Ayurveda provides a holistic approach towards health and the benefits of treating the body as a whole unified force instead of focusing on specific ailments. It is best to get the advice of an ayurvedic doctor to determine your body type so that you can enjoy the most tailored treatment for you.

Based on this proper understanding of your body and the issues that maybe causing you to suffer with infertility, a qualified and experienced ayurvedic practitioner will be able to guide you on the correct course of action to follow. Improper digestion leading to toxin build up, anxiety, depression, insomnia are all be contributing factors which ayurveda will help you over come with natural remedies and therapies.

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Find a reputed ayurvedic practitioner to be your support guide and to advice you on the treatments that will help your body heal and achieve its best health. However, it is up to you to follow the given instructions properly and to take the correct prescribed herbs and to ensure you undergo the recommended therapies to steadily replenish and nourish your body to create a fertile environment.


Ayurveda teaches that fertility increases when the correct conditions are nurtured for the creation and growth of a child. Each child and each parent will require unique conditions based on the constitutions of the mother and father and with ayurveda treatments parents are helped to achieve a perfect environment needed for a child to be created and nurtured. Let ayurveda help with your infertility management and use a natural approach to increase fertility.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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