ReflexologyImproving Blood Circulation with Foot Reflexology

Improving Blood Circulation with Foot Reflexology

Reflexology has been known for its benefit to the central nervous system and immune system. A lot of people use this body work to help them relax and enjoy a better sleep if they have occasional or chronic insomnia. Although we can do reflexology exercises on our own, they are usually more effective if done by a professional reflexologist from Relax The Feet.

Why the Feet Can Experience Poor Blood Circulation

Good blood circulation is necessary for the body’s overall health because blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. Therefore, there is no way the body can function properly if circulation of blood is poor.

Blood circulation can result in hardening of the arteries and varicose veins, as well as hypertension. But the good thing is that we can know if we have poor blood circulation. Signs like bluish tinge of the nails and foot skin, and lots of cramping during cold weather are signs of this condition.

Tips to Deal with Poor Blood Circulation

  • Consider medical options.Cayenne or Capsium is a proven treatment to improve blood circulation. It can be used as a tincture, cream, liniment, and infused oil. Rubbing it on the feet will give an instant blood flow boost in that area. Cayenne also stimulates the heart, increases metabolism, and strengthens the arteries.

    Also, you can take one aspirin a day to improve blood circulation. This leads to thinning of the blood that will make the blood pumping work of the heart easier. But, ensure you consult with your physician before you take any medicine.

  • Consider your diet and movement.Consistent exercise and healthy diet are necessary if you want to improve your blood circulation. To make sure that you can exercise consistently, make the activity fun. Walk with nature, walk with a friend, or walk while listening to your favorite music.

    If you are overweight, your heart will need to work harder than it should to pump blood to all parts of your body, which means poor blood circulation. Make sure you go for a realistic diet you can stick to. Think about consuming moderate portions of food and always making healthy choices of food. In addition, you might want to incorporate some natural herbs like ginger into your diet for improved blood circulation.

  • Quit SmokingIn addition to the numerous negative effects of smoking on our health, it can contribute to poor blood circulation because it restricts the flow of blood to the arteries. As a matter of fact, a lot of physicians do not perform operations on people who smoke because smoking prevents new tissue growth that slows down recovery from surgery.
  • Avoid StressIf a person is stressed, his body gets into fight or flight mode. The reaction of the brain to any stressful or risky situation means having to pump lots of adrenaline into the body while supplying blood on the body’s internal organs. In order to overcome stress, it is imperative to set aside some time daily to relax the mind. You can meditate or do yoga for 15 minutes. This can already make a difference in your mental state. Also, you can consider taking your dog to a walk or focusing on your favorite hobby. There are other ways to relieve yourself from stress. Just ensure that you enjoy what you are doing.
  • Don’t forget foot reflexology.This body work helps stimulate the body’s overall blood circulation. It can target the heart and related organs to reduce blood pressure. The feet’s area in which the heart is situated is under the big toes. A reflexologist will target such area to help in improving blood circulation.
See also  What are the Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology?

Have you tried foot reflexology for poor blood circulation? Let us know by writing a comment below.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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