AromatherapyEveryday ways that essential oils can save you money

Everyday ways that essential oils can save you money

With living standards falling and 92% of households reporting an increase in their cost of living, many people are looking for ways to save money. A survey of 2000 people, carried out by OnePoll, showed that the current financial crisis is making it even more difficult for people to make healthy choices and manage their weight and wellbeing. 68% of those surveyed said it’s easier to be healthy when you have money. 31% are prioritising the cost of food over how healthy it is and 30% said they have less motivation to exercise. And it’s not just physical health that’s being affected. 46% of people said that their mental wellbeing is also taking a hit.

In the current climate, it’s easy to understand why buying essential oils probably wouldn’t be a top priority, as many people might view them as a luxury rather than a staple item. When thinking of aromatherapy, people commonly think of more indulgent uses such as a massage, bath soak, or fancy diffuser blends. These wonderful oils, however, can have so many multi-tasking uses around the home, that can not only help to reduce your shopping bill, but can also support your physical and emotional health. Read on for more information on how you can use even just a small selection of essential oils around the home.

How to use essential oils in everyday life

Our Home Essential Oil Set contains 8 popular, multipurpose essential oils that can be used in a variety of ways around the home. Representing great value for money it contains French Lavender, Eucalyptus globulus, Rosemary, Peppermint, Lemon, Tea Tree, Sweet Orange and Citronella, which can easily be used in the following ways.


Research shows that many household cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that can burn the skin, irritate the eyes, cause allergies, headaches and breathing problems, with some even being linked to cancer. A Norwegian study actually found that regular inhalation of chemicals found in cleaning products is as dangerous for the lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes a day!

Many of us have cupboards full of cleaning products for this that and the other, which not only adds to our ‘chemical load’ but also adds up on our shopping bill too.

So, instead of buying multiple bottles from the supermarket you can easily save money by making your own cleaning products with just a few drops of essential oil and basic household items such as water, vinegar and baking soda.

Essential oils are renowned for their anti-microbial, antiseptic and antibacterial properties and their natural, therapeutic powers can also help to boost your mood and support your immune system while you clean!!

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Essential oils that are particularly useful for cleaning are Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary and Tea Tree.

For a simple Antiseptic Surface Spray mix 100ml of cooled, boiled water with 10 drops Tea Tree, 5 drops Eucalyptus, 5 drops Peppermint and 5 drops Lemon. Shake well before use to help disperse the oils in the water. 

To clean floors add 15 drops of Eucalyptus to your mop bucket!

You can add a little squirt of washing up liquid to both blends if you prefer a foamier consistency, and this will also help disperse the oils through the water.

To clean the toilet, mix 1 tablespoon baking powder, 20ml distilled white vinegar, 6 drops Tea Tree, 2 drops Eucalyptus and 6 drops Lemon. Sprinkle around the toilet bowl and scrub with a loo brush as usual.

To clean windows, mix 1.5 cups of cooled boiled water in a spray bottle with 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar and 25 drops of citrus essential oil (e.g., Lemon or Sweet Orange). Shake well before spraying onto glass.

Air Fresheners

We all like a scented candle, room spritz or posh reed diffuser, but these can be expensive, and some can also be loaded with chemicals that can damage your health. So, these probably don’t take priority on your ‘cost of living shopping list’.

Instead, you can use naturally therapeutic essential oils to not only deodorise and freshen the air, but also to support your physical and emotional wellbeing.

To freshen your room, boost your immunity, and help keep flies away, try making your own potpourri mix with 15 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil and 5 drops Citronella. Making potpourri is a great way to reuse and recycle natural materials such as dried flowers, herbs, leaves, pinecones, seed pods, dried citrus peel, wood shavings or cinnamon sticks etc. Mix your decorative materials and essential oils together with a wooden spoon and display in an attractive non-metal bowl in a warm spot (to help diffuse the scent) or pop in sachets to scent cupboards and drawers (and keep ingredients away from pets or children). You can add more essential oil as required to replenish the scent. If you don’t want to make potpourri simply diffuse the oils in a candle burner or aromatherapy diffuser.

You can also diffuse blends to help boost energy levels, concentration and aid relaxation.

Diffuse 5 drops Lemon and 3 drops Rosemary for a mental boost whilst working on important tasks. You can substitute Rosemary with Peppermint if you prefer the scent.

For stress, tension, anxiety and insomnia diffuse 3-5 drops of Lavender with 3-5 drops of Sweet Orange.

To help mask unwanted odours try popping a few drops of your favourite oil on to cotton balls and place strategically – perhaps in the bottom of your bin, or in stinky shoes. You can also drip a few drops of oil onto the inner cardboard tube of your loo roll to help freshen your bathroom.

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Deterring insects and pests

Citronella essential oil is best known as an insect repellent but can also help counter lethargy and indecision and be of benefit to both the nervous and digestive systems. Try diffusing it or pop a few drops into the melted wax of an unscented candle – add the oil when the candle is unlit as essential oils are flammable, then re-light.

Peppermint is also thought to help repel flying insects and other pests such as spiders, ants, mice and rats. Make a simple spray by adding water and a few drops of oil to a spray bottle. Always shake well before use as the oil and water will separate, then spray wherever you’re having the pest problem. Always spot test first on delicate surfaces. You can add more oil if you feel the spray isn’t working. Alternatively, you can pop a few drops of oil on to cotton balls and place these in problem areas. Remember to refresh the oil regularly.

Natural health and first aid

Essential oils have a myriad of uses for health and wellbeing and we have included some of the most useful oils in our Home Essentials Kit. Generally essential oils should be diluted before direct application to the skin, so it would also be useful to add a small bottle of carrier oil to your shopping list.

To clean minor cuts, wounds and grazes make an antiseptic wash by adding 5-6 drops of Tea Tree or Lemon to a bowl of warm water. Gently swab the area with cotton wool.

For minor wounds, burns, bruises, bites and stings you can apply 2-4 drops of neat Lavender as an antiseptic and to aid healing. 

For Athletes Foot have regular foot baths 6 drops Lavender and 3 drops Tea Tree. Dry your feet properly and apply 1 drop of neat Tea Tree to the affected area.

To relieve symptoms of colds and flu, do a steam inhalation with up to 5 drops of Eucalyptus, 3 drops Peppermint and 2 drops Lemon. Inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Repeat as necessary to help unblock congestion. 

For colds you can also place 3 drops of Eucalyptus on a cotton pad or tissue and inhale throughout the day. 

To help prevent colds and viruses diffuse 3 drops each of Tea Tree, Lemon and Lavender in an aromatherapy diffuser or oil burner.

For headaches massage 2 drops of neat Lavender into back of neck and temples to ease headaches. Alternatively, make a cold compress. Add a few drops of Peppermint and Lavender essential oil to a bowl of icy cold water. Soak a clean cloth in the water and apply to the temples. Refresh when the cloth begins to feel warm. This same cold compress could also be used for sunburn or heat rash.

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If you’re feeling tired, faint or nauseous sniff Peppermint oil either directly from the bottle or pop a few drops on a tissue or cotton pad.

To help relieve muscle pain or tension, mix 3 drops Peppermint and 3 drops of Lavender with 12ml carrier oil (e.g., Sweet Almond Oil) and massage into the affected area in a direction towards the heart.

If you’re struggling to sleep pop 5 drops of Lavender on a tissue and place inside your pillowcase. You can also massage a couple of drops of neat Lavender into the pulse points on your wrists and temples.


Essential oils are also widely used for general skincare.

The Lemon essential oil in our Essentials Kit is a great cleanser and balancer for oily and blemish prone skin. Add 1 drop into 5ml of a basic cleanser, toner or moisturiser.

To balance and soothe dry skin, try adding 1 drop Sweet Orange and 1 drop French Lavender into 10ml of fragrance-free moisturising cream or carrier oil.

For acne / spots dab 1 drop of neat Tea Tree or Lavender on several times a day with a cotton bud.

For more uses for all the oils in our Home Essentials Set read our blog on using these oils for your summer travels.

Buying quality essential oils

Although this article is all about trying to save money, it’s important that you buy good quality essential oils from good suppliers. If an oil’s price appears too good to be true, it could mean that the oil isn’t 100% pure or that it’s been adulterated in some way. Only 100% pure and natural essential oils will yield the desired therapeutic benefits, so please do ensure you’re purchasing from a reputable supplier such as ourselves. The good news, however, is that pure essential oils are highly concentrated, so even a little goes a very long way.

Buying essential oils in a kit, such as our Home Essentials Set, can help save money. You might also like to consider buying pre-blended essential oils for specific purposes, which means you don’t have to buy all of the single essential oils necessary to create a blend.

Safety note

Please read our notes on administering essential oils safely and read the safety notes on each individual oil prior to use.

Sharon Lovett

Marketing Manager

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