Mindfulness & MeditationEven A One-Minute Meditation Can Deliver Profound Benefits, According to Research

Even A One-Minute Meditation Can Deliver Profound Benefits, According to Research

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Shortly after assuming leadership of the department at a university where I was a professor, I was tasked with a complex and daunting assignment. As the days passed and my to-do list grew longer and longer, I went from being the first to enter the office in the morning to the last to leave at night.

As I began to feel more and more overwhelmed, muscle stiffness and soreness seemed to tie me up in knots. My legs and back ached. I felt as though I was teetering. A visit to the doctor revealed the cause of my physical discomfort—work-related stress.

It’s well documented that stress is a silent intruder that can wreak havoc with our mental and physical wellness, worsening existing conditions such as high blood pressure and asthma and even creating new issues.

“Meditate,” the doctor advised.

I had no formal training in meditation. But I was familiar with Savasana from my yoga practice. My personal trainer had once told me, “Always end your exercise with Savasana because it relaxes your muscles and doubles the value of your workout.”

I couldn’t just roll out a yoga mat in the office. But one afternoon, feeling distraught over the ceaseless demands of the day, I found myself physically drained and breathless. Unable to proceed, I set my pen down, closed my eyes, and placed my palms flat on the table.

As I surrendered to helplessness, the rhythms of stillness stole into me second by second. My body relaxed and my tension evaporated. Within a minute, I felt surprisingly more like myself and ready for the challenges ahead. Unintentionally, I had stumbled upon the shortest, yet most revitalizing, meditation session of my life.

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The Benefits of One-Minute Meditation

The physical and emotional benefits of even short meditation sessions have been supported through scientific research by Harvard Medical School, Cleveland Clinic, University of California, Berkeley, and other research institutions. The findings suggest that small amounts of meditation can promote psychological and emotional balance.

Even the Mayo Clinic recommends “a few minutes in meditation” for a simple and swift remedy to unease and to “restore your calm.” The practice of sitting still helps you relax, feel more positive and tolerant, and perhaps even find inner tranquility. It helps not just to relax the mind, but also to loosen the body. In fact, every meditation begins by “letting go” of the body in a way.

One-minute meditation is what motivational speaker Brahm Kumari Shivani, also known as “Sister Shivani,” calls “Traffic Control” for its ability to provide a moment of respite from the chaos of the day. In just one minute, you can simultaneously quieten the mental noise in your head and energize yourself.

You close your eyes and scan your body in quietude and relax, muscle by muscle. This physical act helps you distance yourself from the previous moments of overwhelm. That helps free your mind from some of the distractions that cause stress and worry.  As a result, your experience of the moment is enhanced as opposed to allowing yourself to slip into dwelling about your perception of something that happened in the past or could happen in the future.

Then you repeat that meditation each day or maybe each hour you’re awake or at work.

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How to Practice One-Minute Meditation

Challenges can arise when you first practice one-minute meditation. You might initially struggle with convincing yourself to try it or being distracted by your thoughts. That’s okay. These sessions take practice, like everything in life. Everyone responds to meditation differently. Some might feel uneasy during meditation while others feel at home in that space. Don’t judge yourself.

Set a timer and in that one minute, pause your work or whatever else you’re doing and pause to become the observer of your internal self. You can try a variety of one-minute meditation techniques to discern what works for you. I practice hourly one-minute meditation throughout my day, and these are some of the various techniques that I find helpful:

* Take deep breaths for one minute
* Focus on your nose and observe your breath
* Chant a mantra of your choosing (it can be a single word)
* Recite positive affirmations that uplift your spirit
* Pray to your higher power
* Sit in silence for one minute
* Silence can lead you to self-discovery
* Visualize calming images of yourself

In just 60 seconds, you can begin to unlock tranquillity and resilience. It will look differently for everyone, so resist any temptation to compare your practice to anyone else’s. Simply rest in the reassurance that the regular practice of one-minute meditation as an everyday or even hourly habit can help you cultivate a rested mindset and a healthier relationship to all aspects of your life.

About Our Contributor
Viney Kirpal is a writer and former professor based in Pune, India. She practices meditation regularly.

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