AromatherapyEssential oils to blitz the winter blues

Essential oils to blitz the winter blues

So, it”s that time of year again, the clocks have gone back, and the nights are drawing in! While some of us look forward to the seasonal chill and roaring log fires, many people dread the start of Winter! As the days gets shorter, the evenings darker and the weather colder it’s not uncommon for the winter blues to strike!

The winter blues is a mild form of lethargy and depression which is attributed to a lack of sunshine and the psychological effect of the summer coming to an end! It is thought to affect 8 out of 10 people in one way or another. For 1 in 5 people this can lead to a more serious condition called ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ (SAD) which causes more severe fatigue and depression.

Symptoms of SAD:

  1. You wake up feeling heavy and dull.
  2. You feel exhausted and lethargic all day.
  3. You crave sugary starchy refined foods all the time.
  4. You tend to put on considerable weight throughout the Winter months.
  5. You feel consistently depressed and often disproportionately tearful.

If these symptoms are severe you may well need professional support – although milder forms can be resolved by the types of self-help that we outline below.

SAD can affect higher numbers of our population in the West than we might hitherto have recognised. Poor diet, high stress levels, lack of exercise and genetics can all play their part, but lack of natural light is the key factor. A significant reduction in contact with natural light can create a myriad of symptoms, including the disturbance in the production and functioning of serotonin. This natural brain chemical influences our sleep pattern, mood, our ability to concentrate and stay focused, and our appetite. So in turn, some or all of the classic SAD symptoms follow on  – which can include the obvious sadness (including untypical bouts of crying) alongside a reduced sex drive, weight gain through over-eating, difficulty in thinking clearly, and even physical issues such as headaches, backache and reduced immune response to infections.

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For those that do find the Winter months challenging – there are many ways to boost your mood, your circulation and your energy levels – naturally.

Tips for beating the blues

  1. Get outside in your lunch hour. It is not necessary to get actual sunlight to help prevent SAD – but regular natural light is important, even if the weather is over-cast. Try and take a brisk walk in the middle of the day for a minimum of 20 minutes, swinging your arms and legs and helping to add to your exercise regime.
  2. Ensure that you aren’t dehydrated. Many of us can consume significantly less water in the Winter months when we’re cold. This in turn can lead to difficulty in concentrating and fluctuating moods. Try drinking a litre of water with slices of fresh and squeezed lemon in – to ensure your liquid intake is maintained.
  3. Avoid too much caffeine! Many of us take most of our liquids in the form of tea and coffee in the colder months. This often means our adrenal glands are over-stimulated with too much caffeine – and our blood sugar fluctuation increases if we take sugar – leading to weight gain and mood /energy issues. If you do require sweetness in your hot drinks – try a little honey or Xylitol, which are lower on the Glycaemic Index than refined white sugar. Introduce more herbal teas, particularly using fresh Rosemary or Ginger – both natural warming agents that will also boost your ability to concentrate – naturally.
  4. Have a hot meal at lunchtime! In Chinese Medicine – they say warm food is “nourishing for the Chi” – meaning it boosts your energy. Most of us may not have time to have our main cooked meal in the middle of the day, but we could have a hot soup at lunchtime – which is easy to digest and nourishing if fresh/homemade (the latter is cheap too). Add circulatory stimulants/warming ingredients, like pepper, chili, paprika, garlic and ginger, to give an additional boost. SAD symptoms seem to respond to increased warmth as well as light.
  5. Have regular aromatherapy massages with warming and mood-enhancing essential oils. Warming essential oils (rubifacients) include Ginger, Thyme, Rosemary, Frankincense, Black Pepper, Plai and Benzoin. Mood enhancers, particularly for depression/sadness, include Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Rose and Neroli. Make up aromatic baths with combinations of these oils and diffuse them to help raise your spirits.
  6. The herbal supplement, St John’s Wort, can be an effective tonic to help combat the winter blues – try 300mg per day – but inform your doctor first if you want to take this as it can interfere with some prescription medication.  It may also be available on prescription which could save you money.
  7. Light Therapy: For those who suffer from severe SAD investing in a Light Box can be a fabulous option. The smaller versions are now much more reasonably priced than they used to be – and simulate the sun’s Summer rays very effectively. The smaller home units are approx 1.5 feet high and 2 feet long and have special bulbs that deliver a full spectrum of UV rays – unlike normal fluorescent light bulbs. The most effective units deliver 2500-10000 lux light intensity measurement, and cost between £200-£350. Put the light box in the kitchen or office or wherever you spend most of your time – the idea is to get on with your daily routine not sit staring at it!
  8. Finally, the latest research show that Vitamin D deficiency is particularly prevalent in the West. Being out in the midday sun for half an hour enables the body to manufacture up to 20000 ius of Vitamin D naturally! Recommendations vary on how much Vitamin D to take daily but I take 5000 ius per day in Wintertime (BioCare’s Vitamin D Bio-Emulsion drops are an excellent option). Foods rich in Vitamin D include: Oily/Bony fish, such as sardines, dairy produce and egg yolks.
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Aromatherapy blends for winter blues / SAD

Mood-Boosting Diffuser Blend

To warm up your home environment use 2 drops Ginger, 6 Orange, 2 Black Pepper and 4 Rosemary.

Bath / Shower Blend

To warm your body and lift your spirits mix 15ml SLS free Bath & Shower Gel, 1 drop Black Pepper, 2 drops Rosemary, 2 Frankincense and 6 Bergamot.

Warming Body Lotion

To use after a bath or shower in the morning only (not before bed) to boost circulation and immunity: Mix 150ml Moisturising Lotion, 10 drops Rosemary, 8 Plai, 8 Lemon, 8 Cypress and 25 drops Lavender. Shake well before use and use regularly after a bath or shower (in the morning only) to energise and boost the circulation and immunity.

Hope these natural tips help!

Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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