AromatherapyEase back into school, uni or work with therapeutic essential oils

Ease back into school, uni or work with therapeutic essential oils

With Autumn just around the corner, many of us will be getting ready to go back to work, school or university. While we may feel sad that the long, hazy days of summer are coming to an end, it’s hard not to feel a sense of anticipation at the opportunities we may be blessed with over the coming months, although, initially, these may be considered challenges. Feeling anxious, for example, at the prospect of little ones starting ‘big school’, or whether older children will make new friends as they move from primary to senior school. Saying goodbye to excited teenagers, who are leaving home for the first time to go to university, causing ‘empty nest syndrome’. Seeing such challenges as opportunities can, however, be beneficial for our mental and physical health. We may decide to resume careers previously on hold, change career or even go back to college. Using essential oils can help both parents and children deal with change so that everyone can get ahead in the new academic year.

Essential oils for starting or changing school

Some children sail into their new school, making friends and settling easily. For others, the transition may be more difficult causing minor ailments such as an upset stomach and disturbed sleep. One of my favourite aromatherapy blends successfully addresses both problems and really should be called, ‘calmness in a bottle’ because it does such a good job in calming nerves and aiding restful sleep. It is so easy to make too, simply blend 4 drops of Mandarin essential oil, 8 drops of Roman Chamomile and 2 drops of Sandalwood in 50ml of Base Formula’s Moisturising Cream and gently massage a small amount in a clockwise direction onto your child’s abdomen twice a day, morning and evening. Alternatively blend the essential oils together and add a few drops to an electric aromatherapy diffuser (much safer than a candle burner), then place in your child’s bedroom prior to bedtime.

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Essential oils for anxious parents

Of course, parents can get anxious too, worrying about whether their children are settling. For those of you who have more time on your hands and find yourselves ruminating on how well your children are doing at school, I would strongly recommend booking a course of treatments with a professional Aromatherapist, who can make up a prescriptive blend suited to your individual requirements. If this is not possible, you can make a very effective blend by blending 2 drops of Bergamot essential oil, 4 drops of Lavender and 1 drop of Rose Otto oil in 14ml of Base Formula’s SLS Free Bath & Shower Gel or Bath Oil; add to warm, running bath water and enjoy ‘Me time’ in an aromatic bath at the end of the day. I can safely say that emotional equilibrium will soon be restored!

If you are returning to the workplace after time away, or worrying about a new role, blend 2 drops of Basil essential oil and 4 drops of Rosemary into 12ml of Sunflower Seed oil and massage a small amount into the temples before going into work. Our Rollette Bottles are perfect for this as you can take your blend to work with you and roll-on as and when required – impressing everyone with your ability to stay on-task. This blend can also be used if you are returning to studies.

Essential oils and going to university

Starting university at any age is a major milestone in anyone’s life. For many students, it may be the first time they have been away from home; it is an exciting time, but can also cause anxiety, as young people learn to become independent. Sometimes it is difficult for them to remember to eat well or get sufficient rest and these factors can contribute towards becoming poorly with bugs and viruses. There is a huge array of essential oils that are recommended to boost the immune system, however, in my opinion, the best blend comprises of 2 drops of Tea Tree, 2 drops of Red Thyme, and 8 drops of Ravensara. Add a few drops to an aromatherapy diffuser or to a tissue and inhale throughout the day. This blend will ease stress and tension, as well as protect against infections.

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For parents worrying about how their off-spring are coping at university – a good blend to try is 4 drops of Sweet Orange, 8 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Frankincense. For a soothing aromatic bath, blend with 30ml of Bath Oil and add 10ml per bath. Alternatively mix with 30ml of Sunflower Seed oil and massage into the skin after a bath or shower. Either way, parents will benefit from the therapeutic relaxing and calming properties of the blend, enabling them to be more positive about this new chapter of their lives.

Other useful tips

  • One of the reasons we feel good after a holiday in the sun is that our body has generated high levels of Vitamin D. When we come back to less sunshine our mood can lower due to a huge drop in Vitamin D. You might find it helpful to take a good quality supplement to lift your spirits and help boost your immunity too!
  • Don’t forget Bach Flower Remedies as well as your essential oils. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can help to comfort and reassure, and Walnut is excellent for aiding adjustment to change. Rescue Remedy is now available in a children’s version as well as in pastille format.
  • For children off to uni, why not send them off with BioCares Travel Guard – a probiotic formulation that boosts immunity and soothes tummy troubles (does not need to be kept in the fridge either). BioCares Refresh is also useful for aiding recovery from heavy nights out or illness.
I hope this article has given you lots of ideas on how Aromatherapy can help you get ahead for the new academic year or return to work, so that you can overcome challenges and embrace the opportunities.

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If you’d prefer not to blend your own oils, remember that we do a fantastic range of pre-blended essential oils. These include Sweet Dreams, Relaxing, Uplifting, Focus, PMT, Anti-Virus, Bug Buster and Nit Aid – everything you could possibly need to ease you back into that work/school routine.

Christine Fisk
Consultant Aromatherapist

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