AyurvedaDo your foods create digestive toxicity?

Do your foods create digestive toxicity?

Ama, which translates as ‘’unripe or undigested,’’ is a toxin created within the digestive system in response to poor digestion. Ama overflows from the digestive system, coating the cells of the body and mixes with the doshas. Together with the doshas, ama interferes with the normal functions of the affected tissues.

Ama is caused by poor digestion and complicates diseases. Poor digestion occurs when agni, or ‘’digestive fire’’ is disturbed. It is vitally important to have healthy agni so that the body can fully and completely digest food and not create ama. This digestive fire may be disturbed by any of the three dosha—Kapha causes low agni and in turn, digestion becomes weak. Vata causes variable agni. It is during these periods where agni is low, that ama is created.

Pitta too can lead to the formation of ama, by overwhelming agni and comprising its ability to digest food.

Diseases are classified as occurring with ama (sama) or without ama (nirama). These types of diseases are often managed entirely differently. Hence, the ability of the practitioner to determine if ama is present is very important.

What causes digestive toxicity?

Certain food preparation and storage methods are the most common causes of digestive toxicity.

  • Raw uncooked food – if food is not prepared and cooked properly, many digestive issues may arise. This can lead to the build-up of many disease-causing pathogens.
  • Bacteria on meat, poultry, eggs etc – Diseases such as salmonella may present itself in the body.
  • Bacteria that haven’t been eliminated from fruits and vegetables- it is vital to wash and store fruits and vegetables in the appropriate manner to remove any bacteria from the soil or fertilisers used.
  • Bacteria found in soil
  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Foods that are not properly stored or preserved- mould and other bacteria grow quickly on food surfaces which are not preserved properly. These bacteria colonise fast and attack our body’s systems.
  • Mixing of certain foods- mixing certain foods can lead to digestive problems, and some may even lead to poisoning. Eating cassava and ginger or ginger-based drinks has been known to be poisonous to the body
  • Other conditions such as allergies or sensitivity to certain food/ food groups- allergies to wheat and gluten such as gluten intolerance and in some cases lactose intolerance, if left undiagnosed and untreated may create digestive toxicity in the stomach.
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What are the symptoms of digestive toxicity?

Digestive toxicity, ama, is most easily identified by its signs and symptoms. When ama is present in the body, the tongue usually has a whitish coat on it, along with foul breath and strong body odour.

Since ama occurs when the digestive fire is weak, the patient will usually have digestive symptoms as well. Ama interferes with tissue function, thereby making patients with ama appear fatigued.

Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Sluggish, bloated and constantly feeling sleepy, even though you may have slept well– especially after a meal
  • Strong cravings for fast foods or junk foods
  • Skin breakouts and/or foul breath, sweat, gas and stools
  • Grey or luster-less skin, whites of the eyes, or yellow teeth.
  • Clouded thoughts, feeling unable to focus, or generally unmotivated in life

What are the harmful effects of digestive toxicity?

When our bodies have a low digestive agni, our digestive system is only capable of partially digesting the food consumed. The remaining partially digested food putrifies and becomes the breeding ground for bacteria, fungus, parasites and their toxins and excrement.

Digestion toxicity: Treatment and Relief 

Hydration plays a vital role in treating digestive toxicity. Water helps flush out toxins and aids in the smooth-functioning of our systems.

Certain types of food should be avoided depending on your dosha type and the particular imbalances you may have.

If you feel you have certain signs and symptoms of digestive toxicity, speak to a licensed ayurvedic practitioner who will guide you on which steps to take. In certain situations, you will need to consult a medical practitioner. Most cases of digestive toxicity are easily reversible and treated as long as proper care and nutrition are followed.

See also  Essential oils for digestive problems


Due to our fast-paced lives, many of us suffer from ama. However, it is easily reversible if we take the time and effort to inculcate healthy eating habits and food practices. Ayurveda is a great way to understand our bodies and each of its functions. At theayurvedicclinic.com, we believe in balancing all the systems in the body to achieve total equilibrium. Once this equilibrium, or balance, is achieved—only then can we reap the benefits of optimal human health.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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