This is a 7-day plan for the elimination of the symptoms of Covid-19. These instructions must be followed very carefully. It is also necessary to follow all official guidelines on quarantine and safety measures.
Follow all instructions for remedies 1-7 below for 7-days. If there is no improvement in the breathing or coughing after 4-5 days you can also follow the instructions for the vomiting treatment (remedy 8). Only if you have not experienced any production of fluid / phlegm from the lungs and if you feel physically strong enough should you undergo the final stage of vomiting. If you don’t feel able to do this, in any event continuing to follow the other parts of the treatment (remedies 1-7), the fluid in the lungs should come out slowly and may take up to 14 days.
1. Coriander and ginger tea
- 3 times a day (try to replace coffee and tea with this drink)
Ingredients (for 3 cups – enough for one day):
- Whole coriander seeds – 3 tablespoons
- Water – 750ml
- Fresh ginger – 3 slices the size of 10 pence piece
- Boil the water and coriander seeds in a pan for 5-10 minutes (to tea colour)
- Just before turning the heat off, add 3 slices of ginger
- Drink a small cup of this tea warm / hot
- Drink 3 times a day – roughly at 9.00am, 12.00pm and 5.00pm
- Leave the pot on the stove and reheat for 2 more cups on the same day
- Prepare a new pot each day
- After drinking this tea, you might experience a rise in body temperature and sweating and then cooling as it assists the body in killing pathogens. You may also urinate more frequently as the body is eliminating toxins through the urinary system
- Continue to drink this tea for as long as you have a fever / flu like symptoms with a new pot each day
2. Ginger, lime and honey remedy
- This is to be taken twice a day after any two meals
Ingredients (for 2-3 days):
- 100g fresh ginger
- 6 limes
- 6 teaspoons honey
- 3 teaspoons brown sugar
- 100ml water
- ¼ teaspoon of powdered black pepper per drink
- Cut, peel and blend ginger in blender with half a cup of water or peel and grate the ginger by hand
- Squeeze out the ginger juice from the pulp
- Mix ginger juice with the juice of 6 limes, 6 teaspoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of brown sugar and up to 200ml water
- To drink mix 1 tablespoon of the mixture with half a cup of hot water and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
- Mixture can be made in larger batch kept for up to 2 weeks if sealed and refrigerated
- Take after meals only
- Continue as long as you are experiencing symptoms of cough / cold / flu
3. Herbal Steam Inhalation
- To be done for a few minutes (as long as tolerable) if possible 2 or 3 times a day
Ingredients (for one procedure):
- Vinegar (any kind) – 3 teaspoons
- Turmeric – ½ teaspoon
- Boiling water – 750ml
- Mix the vinegar and and turmeric into a paste in a large bowl
- Add approximately 750ml of boiling water to the paste and stir
- Place a towel over your head, lean over the bowl and gently inhale the steam
- Try to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth for a few minutes
- Do the steam inhalation gently and take care not burn the nasal passages
- Take air in between if needed by lifting the towel and breathing normally – remember to do this procedure gently
- Continue as long as you are experiencing symptoms of cough / cold / flu
4. Herbal paste – external application
- To be done once a day if you can
Ingredients (for one application):
- Mustard (any kind) – 1 teaspoon
- Fine ground salt – 1 teaspoon
- Butter / ghee – ½ teaspoon
- Mix the mustard with the butter / ghee and the salt
- Mix to a paste
- Lay a towel on the bed and lie down on the towel
- Place a thin paper serviette on the chest area and spread the mustard mixture over it
- Use dry heat from a hairdryer on the chest area for 3-4 minutes
- Hold the hairdryer a few inches away from the chest taking care not to burn the skin
- After this, keeping the paste on the chest, wrap up in old clothes to keep warm
- Remain lying down for up to 2 hours if possible
- Wash the mustard away after this
5. Vi-langanam (fasting) – rice gruel
- To be eaten 3 times a day or as much as appetite allows
- Rice gruel is preferable but you can also eat rice and lentil gruel
Ingredients (for 2 meals – more may be needed depending on appetite):
- White basmati rice – 1 cup
- Butter / ghee – 1 teaspoon
- Cumin seeds
- Dry roast the rice in a frying pan until rice becomes lighter in weight and golden colour
- Once the rice is roasted, add 3 cups of water
- Add salt according to your palate, between a pinch and a quarter of a teaspoon
- Boil for 10 – 15 minutes until it becomes soft
- Blend / mash to make a gruel / soup
- Eat approximately one small cereal bowl or as much as the appetite allows per meal
- Eat 2 or 3 times a day with at least 5-hour gap between meals
- Do not eat any other food / snacks
- Eat a portion that is less than a full stomach, eat slowly
- Add spices fried in a little butter / ghee and cooked with the rice and lentils for lunch / dinner – cumin, coriander, black pepper, mustard seeds, turmeric (pinch of each in powder form), cardamom, cinnamon
- Do not use any chilli powder or chillies
- If you need a break from the savoury taste you can add a little honey to vary the taste for breakfast; also add cinnamon, cardamom etc
- If you need a break from the gruel, you can eat dry toast with a little butter / marmite or vegetable soup but try to stick as much as possible to the rice and lentil gruel for a few days
- The gruel can be stored for a few days if refrigerated
6. Vi-langanam (fasting) – rice and lentil gruel
- To be eaten 3 times a day or as much as appetite allows
Ingredients (for 2 meals – more may be needed depending on appetite):
- White basmati rice – 1 cup
- Red lentils – 1 cup
- Butter / ghee – 1 teaspoon
- Spices according to taste (see below)
- Wash and soak the red lentils in water for 30mins – 1 hour before cooking
- Dry roast the rice in a frying pan until rice becomes lighter in weight and golden colour
- Drain the lentils
- Once the rice is roasted, add the lentils and 3 cups of water
- Add salt according to your palate, between a pinch and a quarter of a teaspoon
- Boil for 10 – 15 minutes until it becomes soft
- This can be blended / mashed to make gruel or eaten as it is
- Eat approximately one small cereal bowl or as much as the appetite allows per meal
- Eat 2 or 3 times a day with at least 5-hour gap between meals
- Do not eat any other food / snacks
- Eat a portion that is less than a full stomach, eat slowly
- Add spices fried in a little butter / ghee and cooked with the rice and lentils for lunch / dinner – cumin, coriander, black pepper, mustard seeds, turmeric (pinch of each in powder form), cardamom, cinnamon
- Do not use any chilli powder or chillies
- If you need a break from the savoury taste you can add a little honey to vary the taste for breakfast; also add cinnamon, cardamom etc
- If you need a break from the gruel, you can eat dry toast with a little butter / marmite or vegetable soup but try to stick as much as possible to the rice and lentil gruel for a few days
- The gruel can be stored for a few days if refrigerated
7. Cumin and honey remedy
- To be taken before two meals each day – approximately 10 minutes before eating
- This allows detoxification of toxins created during digestion
Ingredients (enough for several days):
- Whole cumin seeds – 100g
- Honey
- Dry roast the cumin seeds in a frying pan for few minutes on a low flame
- Roast until seeds become lighter (some moisture evaporates). The sound of the seeds in the pan changes as they dry. A strong aroma is released
- Take it off the heat immediately and transfer to a cold plate
- Allow to cool
- Grind the cumin seeds in coffee grinder / mortar and pestel / crush in a bag with a rolling pin until it forms soft powder
- Sieve if necessary
- If you have no means to crush the seeds, they can be taken as they are also
- Mix ½ teaspoon of cumin powder with ½ teaspoon of honey and eat a few minutes before meal
- If you have diabetes or concern about sugar level, use only a small amount of honey
- Store in airtight container in a cool, dark place. This will keep for a few weeks.
8. Salt water treatment
- If you are still experiencing cough, phlegm, restriction of breathing after 3-4 days of following the above remedies then proceed to this next step if essential only. NB – if you are feeling weak, uncomfortable either do this carefully or avoid it. This last stage is not necessary for everyone.
- Do this once and only if necessary again the next day
Ingredients (for one treatment):
- Salt – ½ teaspoon
- Warm water – 2 litres
- Dissolve salt in the warm water
- Stay in the bathroom for this treatment
- Tie a long towel around the stomach (along the line of the belly button)
- Make sure the towel is tight enough to breath (the towel is prevent ingestion of too much salt water into the stomach)
- Drink as much as possible of the water in one go
- Sit for a few minutes if needed
- Then induce vomiting by leaning over the toilet / bucket either by pressing suddenly and firmly on the belly button area or by inserting two fingers into the throat for a couple of seconds
- Allow the body to gag and vomit as much of the salt water as is comfortable
- Do this procedure with great care
- Be careful not to force the body too much to vomit or strain to hard
- Rest after procedure is complete