AstrologyChakras and Astrology and You—Everything You Need to Know

Chakras and Astrology and You—Everything You Need to Know

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You already know that your astrological placements—your Sun, Moon, and rising signs as well as subtler aspects in your birth chart—influence how you show up to life. And you probably understand that astrological transits and phases of the moon can affect your moods. But you may not be aware of the correlation between astrology and your subtle energetic body, including your chakras.

The chakras are potent energy centers located throughout your body. Each chakra holds a specific role in your life and fulfills a unique purpose, similar to each sign of the zodiac. However, these vortices are prone to energetic fluctuations, including blockages or imbalances that can result in thoughts and actions that are unaligned with who you truly are.

The primary way to restore balance among the chakras is regular practice of yoga and meditation. But it can also help to become more aware of the interconnection between your chakras and astrology—and, more specifically, understanding how each of these vortices relates to your unique natal or birth chart so you can better understand their influence as you navigate life.

What You Need to Know About Chakras and Astrology

An exploration of astrology and the chakras begins with knowing which signs of the zodiac and ruling planets correspond to each chakra. When you do, you’ll be able to better read the way that energy moves through each chakra in your body. You’ll also be able to draw insights into your personal experience of each energy center based on your natal astrology chart or birth chart, which outlines your relationship with each sign and planet and how they express your unique energetic blueprint through you.

Not sure where to begin in your exploration of the interrelationships of the signs of the zodiac, planets, astrology, and chakras? Start by exploring the chakras related to your Sun, Moon, and rising signs. Knowing these placements and relationships can help you better understand foundational themes in your astrological and energetic makeup, which is based on ancient wisdom from Vedic astrology, a sister science to Ayurveda.

What the Planets, Astrological Signs, and Chakras Mean for You

Each chakra relates to two zodiac signs and one planet. Think of the signs as the realms in which each corresponding chakra and its related aspects of life reside, and the traits of the ruling planet as a sort of underlying archetype for its chakra.

If you have some familiarity with your birth chart, try exploring which chakras are related to any planets that hold prominent placements in your chart. Most planets will be related, whether directly or indirectly, to two chakras. For example, someone with Saturn in Sagittarius will need to look at the root chakra for Saturn and the sacral chakra for Sagittarius.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Muladhara is the root chakra of the body and located at the base of the spine. When in balance, it supports stability, structure, and safety.

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Zodiac Signs: Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn is an earth sign that holds a long-term vision for what they’d like to see exist on the earth plane. Aquarius is an air sign that takes what exists now and uses the mind to innovate new ways to approach the world at large.

Corresponding Planet: Saturn is the planet at work when things come into manifestation.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact: The intense force of Saturn is in charge of the bones of your body, which relate to Capricorn, as well as what you choose to stand for, which relates to Aquarius. Muladhara engages with Saturn’s force to bring life into manifestation through a recognition of the material and tangible aspects of life.

How You Can Work With This Intel: Anytime life is feeling burdensome or you’re experiencing a sense of self-doubt or unworthiness, connect to the rooted energy of your Muladhara chakra. Additionally, during Capricorn and Aquarius seasons, give yourself some time to tap into your root chakra to recharge and reflect on what you would like to call into manifestation in your life.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Svadhisthana is the sacral chakra, located a few inches below and behind the navel. This vortex holds creative potency, intuitive emotions, and an ability to receive pleasure. It is the space in the body which combats minor anxieties and the changing patterns of emotions by allowing you to tap into the joy that naturally arises when you align with higher forms of universal truth and understanding.

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. A fire sign, Sagittarius passionately explores life in search of broader horizons and philosophical truth. Pisces is a water sign that releases control and opens to the universal connection we have with all beings.

Corresponding Planet: Jupiter brings expansive qualities. When pleasure and fluid movement are at play, you connect more readily to yourself and others.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact: Connecting to what brings you pleasure will guide you where you need to go in terms of expanding your horizons. This relates to Sagittarius and the sign’s drive to travel and explore big-picture philosophies. It also relates to exploring your spiritual side, which aligns with Pisces’s capacity to dissolve into a meditative state. Finally, Svadhisthana chakra engages with the force of Jupiter to bring connection, joy, and inspired creativity to your dynamic experiences in life.

How You Can Work With This Intel: Connect to the sacral energy of your being anytime you feel life handing you temporary states of anxiety or sadness. Additionally, during Sagittarius and Pisces seasons, give yourself some time to tap into your pleasures and allow yourself time for sacred creativity and play.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Manipura is the solar plexus chakra, located at the center of the torso near the diaphragm, that  directs or contains energetic expression. Energy related to this chakra initiates action and can inspire forms of internally directed motivation.

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Zodiac Signs: Aries and Scorpio

Aries is a fire sign that is concerned with self-expression and acting out their most passionate vision for life. Scorpio is a water sign that holds energy in its potential form that can be directed in myriad ways.

Corresponding Planet: Mars is invoked when force, power, or will is active in your body.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact: Activity can manifest spiritually as power that is held or directed upward to the higher chakras, which relates to Scorpio and the sign’s capacity to move energy on the physical or spiritual planes. It can also manifest as external action that creates the life you’ve envisioned, which relates to Aries and the sign’s tendency to take directive action. Manipura chakra engages with the Mars force to align your will (what you want to have happen), with the actions you take.

How You Can Work With This Intel: Connect to the power center of your being anytime you feel a sense of disempowerment or victimization. Additionally, during Aries and Scorpio seasons, give yourself some time to tap into your inner power to build your sense of personal empowerment and decide how to direct your energy.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)

Anahata is the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, which connects you back to your authenticity and to your love of self and others.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus and Libra. Taurus is an earth sign that holds the energy of sensuality, richness, beauty, and love. Libra is an air sign that is concerned with action and reaction as well as maintaining harmonious and loving relationships.

Corresponding Planet: Venus is the underlying influence at play when love, beauty, and abundance feel infinite in nature.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact: The Venus force can manifest through the lavish outpouring of beauty, which relates to Taurus and the sign’s connection to true inner beauty, or through the heartfelt response to others, which relates to Libra and the sign’s love of relationship. Anahata chakra engages with the Venus force to align you with your true nature, which always abides in love.

How You Can Work With This Intel: Connect to the heart energy of your being anytime you feel your life is becoming disconnected from your love and your purpose. Additionally, during Taurus and Libra seasons, give yourself some time to listen to your inner field to hear the still, small voice within.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

5. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)

Vishuddha is the throat chakra, located in the center of the throat, which connects you to your ability to hear, speak, and think from a place of intuition and guidance from your higher self.

Zodiac Signs: Gemini and Virgo. Gemini is an air sign connected to associative learning, opinion formation, communication, and following thoughts to their conclusion. Virgo is an earth sign associated with logic and the capacity to organize material reality to match the vision of the mind.

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Corresponding Planet: Mercury rules your communication and everything about finding your voice. It’s at work when you’re hearing and speaking with clarity and guided by your intuition.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact Intel: The Mercury principle shows up in free-flowing, associative thinking, which relates to Gemini, or through analytical logic, which relates to Virgo. Vishuddha chakra connects to the Mercury force to transform your understanding of your life through study, reflection, and inner guidance.

How You Can Work With This: Connect to the purifying thought energy of your being anytime you feel that life is overwhelming your ability to speak your truth. Additionally, during Gemini and Virgo seasons, give yourself some time to check in with your habits of speech and thought, taking the steps to accurately reflect how you communicate with yourself and others.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Located in the center of the skull behind the brow, ajna is the third eye chaka. It allows access to your innate wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Zodiac Signs: Cancer and Leo. Cancer is a water sign and is associated with the energy of nurture, care, and the ability to reflect emotions to other beings and within the self. Leo is a fire sign associated with the divine spark of light that is held at the center of each being.

Corresponding Planets: The Sun and Moon are the principles at play in enlightenment. Far from being a one-time ordeal, enlightenment occurs as you repeatedly connect to yourself and others as light and life. We each experience many degrees of enlightenment in life, with each epiphany granting more light, Each time we complete a cycle, we may find new layers of enlightenment infusing our beings.

How the Chakras and Astrology Interact: The solar and lunar principles show up when you see and nurture others as your life principle, which relates to Cancer, or when you recognize your inner light, which relates to Leo. Ajna connects to the solar and lunar forces by uniting the various layers of your own consciousness.

How You Can Work With This Intel: Everyone has Cancer, Leo, the Sun, and Moon somewhere in their astrology chart. Connect to the third eye space of your being anytime you feel that you need a higher level of insight than you can get from mundane advice or following the status quo. Additionally, during Cancer and Leo seasons, give yourself some time to tap into your meditation practice and connect with your inner light.

(Illustration: Ramziya Abdrakhmanova | Getty)

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The highest chakra, Sahasrara, doesn’t have zodiac correspondences as it’s more of a doorway to other realms and symbolizes our connection to the higher potencies of cosmic energy.

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