AromatherapyBoosting immunity with nature’s finest essential oils

Boosting immunity with nature’s finest essential oils

I often talk about remedies being found in the wild – it’s a big part of my work to help people reclaim their true capacity to heal themselves.  Immunity is no different; we can powerfully work with essential oils to harness their healing power.

And as we move more deeply towards winter, each year, it becomes apparent that the dreaded coughs and colds and snivels and sneezes loom.  Just the last few weeks I’ve had a few sniffles, caught from my baby girl – so if you’re anything like me, with children at home – that can only mean one thing: we’re in deep desire of immunity boosting so that we can stay as healthy as possible.  So, this article is a timely reminder for me to get my own essential oil kit out, so that I can begin to focus on immunity-building oils.

Of course, all of these coughs and colds are nature’s way of building immunity, too, but there are also powerful ways that we can work with building our immune systems with essential oils – super charging our body’s natural systems.  What I’ve come to see is that we are able to harness nature to be able to cultivate our deepest health. And, as our immune system consists of the organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection and toxins, at times, it could do with a little support.  So, we thought that this month, it would be perfect to explore immunity-boosting aromatherapy tips and blends, so that we can all stay healthier this winter.

Top 10 essential oils to help boost immunity

There are plenty of oils that are immunity boosting so I thought we’d begin with a run-down of my Top 10 to have in your ‘immunity kit’ so that you can then begin to create blends that can both help soothe any symptoms of coughs and colds, as well as pre-empting by supporting your immune system.

Here are my Top 10 immunity boosting essential oils:

  1. Black Pepper – this woody, but spicy oil is really strengthening for the immune system.  It is anti-catarrhal, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and a great expectorant, too – having a deep affinity with the respiratory system.  So, it’s one of those oils that is simply a must-have for immunity building. It blends well with Cinnamon, Rosemary and Sandalwood.
  2. Cinnamon – this exotic, spicy oil has a warming effect and has powerful anti-microbial and anti-septic properties. It’s perfect for warding off colds, flu and other infections – and it’s also a smell very much associated with Christmas, so it’s perfect in those festive blends, too.  It blends really well with Sweet Orange and Lemon, which are also great immune-boosters (and also popular for Christmassy blends).
  3. Clove – this warming woody, slightly fruity oil has a restorative and stimulating effect on the immune system to help prevent coughs and colds.  It is another antiseptic oil and a popular choice for festive blends.  It blends well with Ginger, Orange and many other citrus oils. 
  4. Eucalyptus – this vibrant, fresh, woody oil is one of the most popular choices for immunity-strengthening, and again has a deep affinity with the respiratory system.  With anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, it is the epitome of a winter essential oil – for fighting coughs, colds and flu – and also building immunity to avoid them.  It blends really well with Lemon (and you can also get Lemon Eucalyptus) – as well as Lavender and Rosemary, which are also stimulating for the immune system.
  5. Lemon – one of my favourite oils, Lemon’s sweet, fresh aroma is one of deep cleaning – and always makes me think of the immune system.  It’s a great oil for supporting the immune system and fighting infection – it has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that help protect the body against bugs, and infection.  It blends really well with Tea Tree (also a popular oil for immunity), Peppermint, and other citrus oils.
  6. Grapefruit – this tangy, citrus oil has a beautiful aroma, that helps to rid the body of toxins – which means it is a wonderful immunity-booster.  It blends really well with Black Pepper, Juniperberry (another great cleanser) and floral oils.
  7. Ginger – with a strong, spicy, woody aroma, this warming oil (perfect for winter) has a stimulating effect and a particular resonance with the digestive system, but also the lungs.  It blends well with Orange, Cinnamon and Clove, so is another good choice for your festive blends.
  8. Peppermint – a fresh, minty aroma, this is a great oil for stimulating and invigorating the immune system.  It has a particular affinity for the digestive system, and also respiratory immunity, and is also cleansing.  It blends well with Eucalyptus, Lemon and Benzoin (which is also great for chesty bugs).
  9. Ravensara – with a woody, herby, camphor aroma, this oil is deeply anti-septic, anti-microbial, and anti-viral – as well as being an expectorant and immunomodulant.  All in all, if there was an oil made by nature to be deeply immunity-boosting, this was it!  It’s a popular alternative to Tea Tree, which has a lot of similar properties, but we’ve included this one in our top 10 as Ravensara’s scent can be a more popular alternative.  It blends well with Black Pepper, Grapefruit and Sandalwood.
  10. Sandalwood – our final favourite in this round up is Sandalwood, which has a woody, but sweet aroma often used in perfumes.  It has an affinity with the respiratory system, and it is an anti-septic, so is healing for immunity.  It blends well with Black Pepper, Lemon, and most citrus oils.
See also  Using aromatherapy in conjunction with other holistic therapies

It is also worth noting that many of the citrus oils have immunity-boosting properties, and also go well with most of the oils listed here, so these are worth considering for too – especially Sweet Orange – but also Lemongrass, Lime and Yuzu, etc.

Favourite immunity-boosting essential oil blends

So, now you know my Top 10 oils for the immune system, you’re wondering; ‘how can I begin to use them’?  So, here’s my Top 5 ways to create immunity-boosting blends.  Which, by the way, can also be mixed and matched with any of the above oils, according to those which your body has a preference for (our bodies are pretty clever, and the ones we like and are drawn to are usually the ones we need).


Diffusion is the blending tip I’m offering up first, because this feels one of the most potent – and often the easiest – way to work with essential oils for immunity.  All that’s required is either an electrical diffuser (which I’d recommend) or a candle-burner – so that you can pop your oils in and then let them diffuse into the air.

Blend guide: add water to your electrical diffuser or candle burner and pop in 2-3 drops (of each) of up to 3 of your favourite immune-boosting oils, and let them fill the air with healing aromas with the very properties required to boost your immune system.  Do this daily, for long-term effects.

Example blend: add 3 drops of each of Cinnamon, Clove and Sweet Orange mixed in water in your diffuser, and allow that to filter into your cells, via your sense of smell.  This one is a lovely Christmassy blend, too, if you want to get into the festive mood.

See also  Biblical anointing with essential oils

Aromatherapy Massage

One of my other favourite ways that is really powerful for embodying essential oils is to either have an aromatherapy massage with a healer, or to provide one for yourself.  This requires you to make a blend of the oils that you are drawn to, and to rub it in, daily – you could even use it as a moisturiser.  This is an effective way of really allowing the oils to seep into your skin so that they can create deep change.

Blend guide: add 2 drops of each (6 drops total) of your favourite 3 oils into 15ml of Grapeseed oil (or another carrier oil), and mix well.  Apply to your body, massaging gently into your skin, in the direction towards your heart – you don’t need to apply firm pressure; the oils do all the work (even a traditional Aromatherapist wouldn’t apply pressure in a massage, for this reason – you don’t want to be over-stimulated!)

Example blend: add 2 drops Black Pepper, 2 drops Grapefruit and 2 drops Sandalwood into 15ml Grapeseed carrier oil and mix well, before applying to your body, daily and allowing it to work its magic.


Another quick, ‘on-the-move’ method of building immunity is to use an aromatherapy inhalator. What this allows you to do is to take essential oils with you on the go, so if you’re super busy, there are really no excuses.  Aromatherapy is accessible to all.

Blend guide: add 3 drops (total) of your favourite oils (from above) to the cotton insert and place inside the aromatherapy inhalator.  Sniff as an when you remember, throughout the day, so that you’re breathing in the oils and opening yourself to their therapeutic benefits.

See also  Essential oils for Summer skin & hair care challenges

Example blend: add 1 drop Lemon, 1 drop Peppermint and 1 drop Ravensara.

Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is another great method – and it’s also one that is really handy if you’re mid-bug.  If you’ve got chesty cold symptoms, this is a great way to move some of that mucus so you can breathe again, whilst also being the perfect immunity-booster, with the right blends.

Blend guide: add up to 7 drops (total) of your choice of up to 3 essential oils to a bowl of steaming hot water (the hottest you can tolerate).  Placing a towel over your head, and covering/closing your eyes, lean over the bowl and inhale for at least 5-10 minutes.  Repeat this a few times a day if you’ve an infection or a bug – or once a day if you’re looking to work with immunity-building.

Example blend: add 3 drops Eucalyptus, 2 drops Lemon and 2 drops Peppermint to a bowl of steaming water, and follow the guidance above.


For those of you who love baths, another great way of getting these oils into your system would be to create a warm winter bath.  This is perfect for the cold season and will allow the oils to work their way into your body, so they can restore your immune system.

Blend guide: mix 2-3 drops of up to 3 oils (7 drops total) in 15ml Bath Oil or Shower Gel, and blend well, before adding into the warm running water of your bath. Shut the windows, doors, unplug your phone and lie back and relax, doing some deep breathing to inhale the scent of the oils.  You can do this daily.

Example blend: add 3 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Black Pepper and 2 drops Geranium into 15ml Bath Oil, and follow the guidance above to enjoy a relaxing, immunity boosting bath.

One thing to remember as you’re navigating this is that stress can be a common cause of low-immunity, so even the invitation to slow down and smell the roses (or the essential oils) can be deeply healing in and of itself.  The deep invitation this winter is to slow down, begin to tune into your body and to get creative with blends from there.

You’ll be feeling immuno-boosted in no time. But, if you”re not feeling inspired to create your own blends, check out our pre-blended essential oils – Breathe Easy, Bug Buster and Anti-Virus are all excellent choices for supporting you through winter!

Nicole Barton
Consultant Aromatherapist

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