AyurvedaAyurvedic Fasting: The age-old way to reboot your health

Ayurvedic Fasting: The age-old way to reboot your health


Recent research has proved that digestive issues are the leading cause of most illnesses and diseases and is known as the root of all evil. Ayurvedic fasting to reboot health and promote overall well-being is becoming increasingly popular as it takes the world by storm with its fast achieved benefits. Taking a break from food might sound almost impossible, but with the correct guidance and instructions for a full system reset according to the healing science of ayurveda, your body and mind will be well rested and rejuvenated.

What is Ayurvedic fasting?

Ayurvedic fasting is targeted to maximise nutrient absorption and promote a mindful relationship to food. It promotes a healthy equilibrium between the mind and body and helps restore the bodily systems to its utmost potential. Mindless eating habits are replaced by foods that are actually needed by the body and mind to reach its level of peak performance.

How does Ayurvedic fasting differ from regular fasting?

Ayurvedic fasting promotes the entire health system to take a break, rather than by merely starving the body. It aids in this process by offering a range of dieting types most suited to each individual– with the short term fasts involving a diet being restricted to one type of food. 

The duration required depends on each individual’s needs and capabilities, ranging from a fast which lasts only for one day, to a full 6 or 8 week ayurvedic reset diet. Fasting types may also depend on each person’s dominant dosha.

1. Benefits of Ayurvedic fasting

During the initial hours after eating, energy is primarily being made from the carbohydrate and protein sources in our diet. As these sources run low, the body switches to ketogenic (fat-based) energy production. Thus, intermittent fasting helps with improving fatty metabolism for energy production.

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On a cellular level, fasting has been shown to improve production of antioxidants, improve DNA repair, protein quality control, stimulate mitochondrial health, and reduce inflammation. Thus, it has a protective effect on the cellular level.

During the fasting period, the body’s organs are found to improve communication, integration and coordinate function.

Fasting has also been known to improve spatial memory, associative memory, and working memory, as well as learning capacity.

Other benefits include:

  • it helps with the digestive system and related illnesses
  • it rejuvenates both body and mind
  • it improves overall mood and other mental health benefits
  • it helps with skin and hair
  • helps reduce ‘brain fog’ which can be caused by overeating processed food 
  • it promoted mindful eating habits
  • it helps strengthen the immune system
  • it prevents chronic ailments

2. The Ayurvedic diet 

Depending on each individual’s history, for example, if they have food sensitivities, suffer from chronic inflammation or obesity, the diet will be modified to be well-tolerated by the different dosha types.

A few general tips to follow during this diet would be:

  • avoiding very heavy meals
  • incorporating spices and herbs which promote detox
  • Drinking a glass of hot water with lemon or ginger
  • maximising nutritious food intake such as leafy greens
  • incorporating natural juices and smoothies
  • practising ayurvedic cooking methods

3. Ayurvedic Fasting – Things to consider 

Fasting is not advised for pregnant ladies or breastfeeding mothers.

People who have nutritional deficiencies, patients who are recovering from illnesses and menstruating women or undernourished people should not fast.

If at any time during the fast you feel weak or unwell, immediately discontinue the fast.

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For people with a medical condition, it is best advised to consult your Ayurvedic Doctor for guided practice.

Contact us at The Ayurvedic Clinic and explore the age-old ayurvedic techniques of fasting. We offer step by step guidance and a simplified 1- week plan detailing the do’s and don’ts of ayurvedic fasting. 

Following a thorough assessment, an individualised fasting plan according to your dosha type (Vatta, Pitta, Kapha) will be provided which includes recipes, mindful eating tips and meal prepping techniques to help you on your fasting journey.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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