AyurvedaAyurveda-based dietary guidelines for mental disorders

Ayurveda-based dietary guidelines for mental disorders


Ayurveda has a holistic approach to mental wellbeing as a life science that understands the correlation between the mind, body and soul. The ancient teachings that date back over 5000 years place emphasis on finding that perfect balance which is the ayurvedic definition of health. Ayurveda places focus on prevention rather than cure and promotes gentle intervention accepting mental health issues rather than stigmatising it.

An ayurvedic perspective to mental health

According to ayurveda our wellness both physical and mental depends on the correct balance between our life energies or dosha – vata, pitta and kapha. Each individual has a unique combination of these doshas and when they are in balance the mind is at peace and the body enjoys good health. Usually we each have a dominant dosha. An imbalance in the dosha impacts the mind and our mental health causing anxiety, anger, depression, obsessions and phobias. It leads to mood swings, apathy and low energy. Ayurveda states that mental illnesses can be helped through natural solutions to find mental wellbeing.

  • Vata imbalance leads to restlessness and anxiety
  • Pitta imbalance leads to anger and irritability
  • Kapha imbalance leads to depression and lethargy

Ayurvedic guidelines for persons living with mental illnesses

There are a variety of therapies suggested by ayurveda that increase sattva to regain balance and mental wellbeing. The mind has three qualities, sattva, rajas and tamas. Sattva is the pure, clear and happy quality of the mind, rajas the activity and restlessness while tamas is heaviness. When we increase sattva then we experience good mental health and the ability to function at our best capacity. Spiritual therapies, mental hygiene practices such as meditation, detoxes, yoga and an ayurvedic diet are all recommended by ayurveda as ways to successfully regain balance and peace of mind.

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Importance of diet for managing mental health conditions

Many of us are guilty of eating food such as junk food with no nutritional value when pressed for time. However, it is important that we consume a balanced sattvic diet that strengthens our minds and our immune systems. Ayurveda has always understood the connection between eating to suit your personal dosha makeup to maintain good mental health. A sattvic diets means plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables and easy to digest foods that incorporate the six main tastes with plenty of hydration between meals. Mind strengthening foods also include whole grains and lentils while avoiding processed or junk food and white sugar and flour that have no nutritional values.

Ayurvedic principles associated with food and its effect on mental health

According to ayurveda, food is our first medicine, as good dietary and nutritional practices have immense benefits on our mental, emotional and physical health. This is why ayurveda places such high emphasis on following a sattvic diet for healthy living and for a clear and peaceful mind. The concept of Ahara or a life supporting diet is understanding the different types of food and the effect they have on the mind, the balance of the dosha and on the digestion.

A good robust digestion and metabolism nurtured by the proper food will lead to good health according to ayurveda which is why it lays stress on consuming food that meet our personal needs. When we eat a diet that balances our internal energies it promotes vitality by balancing ‘agni’ or our digestive fire providing a simple way to promote good mental health. An important part of achieving wellbeing is understanding that some foods will create dullness, agitation, aggression or inertia and that those foods must be avoided. This will depend on your unique dosha combination.

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How to build a diet according to ayurvedic guidelines

The ayurvedic belief system for food is that each person should eat to suit their unique mind-body constitution or dosha. An imbalance is when one of the dosha becomes overly heightened and needs to be decreased for harmony to be restored. Applying ayurvedic principles or following the guidelines when selecting and preparing food will help you eat a diet that will genuinely benefit your mental health.

A meal should contain all the important nutrients such as carbs, proteins, dairy foods, whole grains, vitamins and seasonal fruits and vegetables to completely satisfy you without making you feel uncomfortable. Further eating for your dosha type will also help you feel better. If you have a vata dosha then you should avoid raw cold foods, pitta should avoid hot spicy and inflammatory foods while kapha should avoid sticky heavy foods like gluten and dairy.

Types of foods to include

Ayurveda says to eat seasonally so that you avoid or reduce the amount of processed food you consume. Seasonal food will be fresh and at their optimum nutritional levels. Eat fruits fresh during summer and stew apples, pears for fall and winter seasons. Eating cooling foods during summer such as foods with coconut oil, cucumber, cilantro, bitter greens will keep your digestive fire in control and your doshas in balance. Incorporate vegetables, greens and whole grains into your diet for healthy digestion.

Types of foods to avoid

Different dosha types respond differently to caffeine with some actually benefitting from small amounts of caffeine once in a while. Generally though ayurveda recommends avoiding highly caffeinated beverages as it can leave you feeling scattered and not at peace. It is similar with alcohol consumption which ayurveda believes can directly impact the heart and mind. This affects your dosha and subtly detracts from your life force that in turn affects your mental wellbeing.

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Herbs and spices that can be used in cooking

Herbs and spices play an important role in ayurvedic diets as they offer protections from disease, aid digestion and help with mental health issues. Turmeric, coriander, fennel, cumin, mint, black pepper, ginger, cardamon, cinnamon and nutmeg are some of the most popular ayurvedic spices that are recommended. Using them in your diet will enhance your digestion and metabolism and prevent digestive disorders such as bloating and gas. It also cleanses ama which is the build up of toxic by-products which the body cannot neutralise or eliminate.

Vata dosha people can benefit from fresh ginger, saffron, basil, cumin, fennel, black pepper. Pitta dosha will benefit from mint, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, turmeric, cardamom and fresh cilantro. Kapha dosha people should choose turmeric, mustard seeds, chili peppers, clove, fenugreek seeds that have been soaked overnight.


The ayurvedic guidelines to using food to strengthen your complete wellbeing is an effective way to boost your mental health and keep it calm and nourished. Find out your dosha and start eating accordingly to feel the benefits of a mind in balance with your body and spirit, which is the ayurvedic way to a mentally healthy and fulfilling life.

Author: Ayurvedic Clinic Team

The Ayurvedic Clinic is UK’s No.1 Ayurveda wellness centre. Based in London, the clinic offers traditional Ayurveda remedies for all types of disorders.

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