AromatherapyAromatherapy essential oils for headaches & migraines

Aromatherapy essential oils for headaches & migraines

There are many different types of headaches, each with their own triggers and patterns of pain. The most common are:

Tension headaches

An aching type of pain that feels like the head is being squeezed. The pain can be constant and can affect the whole of the head and neck and can last for several hours.


A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Other common symptoms are feeling nauseous, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light or sound. Symptoms can last from four hours up to 3 days.

Cluster headaches

These are less common and can be more severe than migraines. They are more prevalent in men and heavy smokers. An intense pain, which comes on very quickly, is usually felt around one eye and typically lasts 30-60 minutes. Sufferers can experience anywhere between one and eight headaches per day for several weeks or even months. Alcohol, smoking, strong smells, exercise, and overheating are well-known triggers.

Hormone headaches & migraines

Many women experience these around the time of their period when oestrogen levels fall. They can also be triggered by the contraceptive pill, the menopause and pregnancy.

Sinus headaches

These can occur when the sinuses become inflamed and when there is a build-up of mucus – usually caused by an infection (cold or flu) or an allergic reaction. This leads to a buildup of pressure which causes a deep and constant pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose and cheekbones.

Treating headaches

Persistent headaches are not to be over-looked and should always be checked by your GP as they can be related to High Blood Pressure, Thyroid problems, Anaemia or other health issues that need to be checked out. They can also be caused by eye strain – so it may be worth having an eye test! Most of us would get the all clear – at which point you can take matters into your own hands and really take note of your body language – and what it is trying to communicate to you! Here’s our top tips for dealing with some of the most common triggers.

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Most of us know excess alcohol intake causes dehydration and headaches, but did you know drinking coffee and tea can dehydrate your body as they have a diuretic effect? Caffeine is a stimulant and can cause nutrient deficiencies in excess too – so drink at least 1 ½ litres of water daily (herbal teas count) – more if you are getting a lot of exercise or have high stress levels.


Many of us quite simply do not get enough sleep. If headaches are regular – try getting an extra hours sleep regularly and see if it helps – everyone”s needs are different and you maybe one of those who needs 8 hours instead of 6 or 7. Our need for rest and recuperation can also go up if we are stressed or convalescing.

There are lots of essential oils that can be helpful for tiredness – the ones you chose will depend on the reasons behind the fatigue! For a quick fix – Rosemary, Black Pepper, Ginger, Plai and Peppermint are excellent to help stimulate brain function/circulation. Inhale Rosemary or Peppermint direct from the bottle if tired when out and about or vaporise in an office or home environment. For massage to stimulate concentration, vitality, immunity, and circulation try 30ml base oil with 4 drops Rosemary, 5 Bergamot, 2 Plai and 1Black Pepper.

If you’re tired but find you can’t sleep at night, try diffusing 2 drops Roman Chamomile, 4 drops Mandarin and 2 drops Vetivert for 30 minutes before bed. Alternatively, our Sweet Dreams essential oil is a great choice if you want a pre-blended option.


If your adrenal glands are constantly over-stimulated it leads to a combination of different things happening – including muscular tension, clenching of the teeth/rigid jaw muscles, difficulty in relaxing, hyperventilation – and all of these issues can lead to headaches. Stress related disorders often respond very effectively to regular aromatherapy massage and aromatic baths. Try 15ml of our Bath Oil or SLS free Shower Gel, with 2 drops Neroli, 2 drops Roman Chamomile and 6 drops Lavender.

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Muscular tension

If your stress levels are high, your posture is poor – and especially if you get very little exercise – any mental or emotional tension can lead to muscular tension building up – especially in the upper back/neck/shoulder areas. I call it emotional backpacking! This tension can then create pressure which can cause headaches.

Essential oils are fantastic at helping to loosen and release muscle tension – coupled with the massage action itself. Again, the selection of oils depends on the cause – but for a good all-rounder try 30ml base oil with 5 drops Lavender, 4 Marjoram, 3 Clary Sage and 1 Peppermint.

Sinus pain

Steam inhalation can help to open the passages in the nose and relieve pressure. The moisture can also help to thin the mucus in the sinus cavities and promote drainage. Using anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antimicrobial essential oils will also help. 

For sinus headaches caused by a cold or flu try a steam inhalation with 4 drops Tea Tree, 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Eucalyptus and 2 drops Thyme. Read more advice in our Sinusitis blog.

For congestion and inflammation caused by allergies use 4 drops Lemon, 3 drops Eucalyptus and 2 drops Basil.

Poor digestion – constipation

If your body’s “waste removal process” is not operating efficiently toxins can be reabsorbed which can cause lethargy, headaches, wind, piles, and various other problems. Try Peppermint Tea, plenty of water, and eat liquorice and prunes as a daily snack.

Regular aromatherapy massage with abdominal massage rotating clockwise around the tummy mimics the peristaltic action of the gut. Oils to aid digestion include Sweet Orange, Rosemary and Peppermint. Try 30ml carrier oil with 3 drops Rosemary, 5 Orange, 1 Ginger. If digestion is inflamed substitute the Ginger for Peppermint and the Rosemary for Roman Chamomile or Lavender.

Liver congestion

High alcohol intake, high fat, and sugar intake from a diet low in fresh produce and high in refined foods, and unresolved emotion especially anger can cause what they call “liver stagnation” in Chinese medicine. This can cause a variety of issues, including high cholesterol, and headaches can be one of the side-effects. Various oils can act as liver tonic and aid the detoxification process. Grapefruit is particularly recommended as a liver tonic, and Juniper, Fennel and Cypress are all excellent to help aid a detox process. Use in massage regularly – try 30ml base oil with 6 drops Grapefruit, 4 Juniper, and 3 Fennel.

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Spinal misalignment

Mild spinal misalignment, caused by uneven muscular tension, minor whiplash and other accidents can cause cranial compression and/or neck pain – which can lead to headaches. A Cranial Osteopath can identify even very subtle issues and treatment can put your body back in balance – eradicating the headaches and other associated health issues.


If you are constantly eating or drinking something that does not agree with you, headaches can often be one of the results. If you get a headache immediately after eating, a food diary can help you connect the culprit with your reactions.  Applied Kinesiology can also quickly and easily help you to see which foods are disagreeing with you.

Nutritional deficiencies

No one specific nutrient is related to headaches – apart from iron causing anaemia – but a poor nutrient deficient diet will contribute to a variety of health issues including a predisposition to headaches. We really are what we eat!

Best essential oils for headaches 

In general Basil, Lavender, Neroli, Peppermint and Rosemary are some of the best oils for headaches – especially if stress related or when they are the result of tiredness. For a quick fix try inhaling Peppermint direct from the bottle or diffusing it. You can also mix up a soothing headache balm with 20ml Aloe Vera & Rose Gel, 5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Neroli, 2 drops Basil and 1 drop Peppermint. Apply to the pulse points on the wrists, the temples and back of neck.

Or, for a pre-blended option try inhaling our Head Ease essential oil or mix into a gel or carrier oil and use as described above.

Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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