AromatherapyAromatherapy essential oils for fainting

Aromatherapy essential oils for fainting

Fainting (syncope) is when you suddenly lose consciousness for a short period of time. It is caused by a temporary reduction in blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Your body normally corrects blood flow to the brain very quickly, but it can make you feel a bit odd, dizzy, or sweaty. If it doesn’t correct quickly it may cause you to faint. Loss of consciousness is usually very temporary, as falling or lying down brings the head level with the heart helping restore blood flow back to the brain.

What causes fainting

Fainting can occur for a number of reasons. The most common occurrence is when one of our major nerves (the vagus nerve) is overstimulated which slows the heart rate and lowers the blood pressure. This can be caused by intense stress, fear, pain, or shock.
Fainting can also be caused by low blood pressure, i.e. when you stand up suddenly, circulatory imbalances, low blood sugar, an overloaded system, standing up for a long period of time, over-heating, dehydration, coughing, sneezing, anaemia or an abnormal heartbeat. If you are in any doubt as to the cause of your symptoms you should consult with your GP.

Symptoms of fainting

When you faint, you”ll feel weak and unsteady before losing consciousness for a short period of time, usually only a few seconds. You may or may not experience warning signs such as ringing in your ears, blurred vision, or spots in front of your eyes, nausea, rapid, deep breathing, sweating, light-headedness, or confusion.

Treatment for fainting

If you think you are about to faint you should lie down, if possible, with your legs raised above your head. This will encourage blood flow back to the brain. If you can’t lie down, sit down, and place your head between your knees. If you are with someone who has fainted, and they don’t regain consciousness within a minute or two, you should put them in the recovery position and dial 999.

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For most cases of fainting, no further treatment is required, but you can help prevent it occurring again by avoiding triggers or by recognising the warning signs and lying down to increase blood to the brain.

Essential oils for fainting

There are several essential oils that can help with fainting or shock. The most beneficial being Peppermint and Neroli. Lavender and Rosemary are also good.

Try mixing equal quantities of Neroli and Peppermint oil (50/50) OR Lavender and Rosemary (50/50) in a small glass bottle.

Simply sniff direct from the open bottle top when feeling faint, or pop 2-3 drops of the blended oils onto a tissue. This may help to prevent loss of consciousness.

If someone has already fainted hold the bottle or tissue underneath their nose to help them recover.

You can also make a pulse point roller by adding 2 drops of the blended oil into a rollette bottle and topping up with either Orange Flower (Neroli) or Lavender Hydrolat. Alternatively, blend 2 drops into 15ml of Aloe Vera Gel. Either can be applied to the pulse points on the wrists as and when required.

Depending on the cause of the fainting there may be other essential oils that can help moving forwards. For example, oils to help relieve emotional stress or pain, oils that can help with low blood pressure and circulation and oils that can reduce physical triggers such as coughing or sneezing.

Safety note:

Do not use Rosemary if you are pregnant or epileptic. Avoid Peppermint during pregnancy and with children under 7 years.

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Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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