AromatherapyAnti-ageing aromatherapy skincare

Anti-ageing aromatherapy skincare

Mature or ageing skin is something that will come to us all one day. As we grow older, our body’s functions begin to slow, cells aren’t renewed as quickly and our skin begins to lose its fullness and elasticity. Typical signs of ageing are sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, age spots (hyper pigmentation), open pores and broken capillaries (thread veins). The skin also loses its youthful radiance, becoming gradually drier, with a dull, crepey appearance!

A good skincare routine is a vital part of a holistic approach to managing ageing skin. Good and regular skincare treatments can keep the skin looking great for its time of life and may even help to slow down some of the signs of ageing.

Natural skincare for mature skin

There are so many creams, lotions and potions available for mature skin. Almost all of the products however on the market make false or hugely exaggerated claims and contain ingredients that include chemicals and various petro-chemical derivatives. I”m sure that very few people would continue to use these products if they actually realised what they contained. Unfortunately the ingredients lists include long and mystifying words, which many people don’t understand – even if they care to look at the list in the first place.

If you’re looking for natural skincare, then aromatherapy is a real treasure trove when it comes to caring for ageing skin. Prevention is far better than cure, and these wonderful, 100% natural oils can help to ensure that your skin:-

  • is well nourished
  • retains its natural moisture
  • is protected from environmental damage (sun, wind, pollution etc)

Throughout history, certain essential oils and vegetable oils have been intrinsically inter-connected with beauty, skin care, health and wellbeing. They have also been used in many religious ceremonies and spiritual practises. Plant-based ointments for the skin have been discovered in the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, demonstrating how highly prized their actions and effects have been throughout the eons of time.

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So, how do essential oils and base oils benefit our skin, and the “million dollar question”, why are they so effective when it comes to caring for mature and ageing skin?

Aromatherapy oils have a variety of skin care benefits, including:

  • stimulating skin cell regeneration
  • balancing sebum output (natural oil produced by skin)
  • helping “lock in” hydration
  • helping stimulate dead skin cell removal
  • lubrication and moisturising
  • anti-inflammatory action where skin is inflamed
  • astringent action, helping to close pores
  • antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic properties

They can also help to maintain our complexion by improving our psychological and physical wellbeing when used holistically.

Best essential oils & carrier oils for mature skin

Some of the most important essential oils for ageing skin are: Benzoin, Carrot Seed, Chamomile, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood and Vetivert. 

In addition to the above essential oils, we also need to consider the powerfully nourishing actions of a wonderful variety of rich, light, lubricating and emollient carrier oils, that provide so much more than a mere “base” for the delivery of our essential oils. The type or combination of these base oils should be chosen as carefully for your skin type as the oils that are diluted in them!

Some of the most important base oils for mature skin are: Argan, Avocado, Borage, Calendula, Camellia, Coconut, Evening Primrose, Hazelnut, Hemp Seed, Jojoba, Macadamia Nut, Melon Seed, Peach Kernel, Red Carrot, Rosehip, Sesame, Walnut and Wheatgerm.

Lifestyle improvements to support healthier skin 

Whilst aromatherapy can be a huge help, remember that your complexion will also be greatly influenced by lifestyle issues, such as those listed below. Whatever you put on your external skin cells, how you look after your overall wellbeing has the greatest impact of all. Your skin is in effect your largest organ – and will reflect your health in general and the state of your gut balance in particular. The following are all important to improve the condition of your skin:-

  • good hydration levels – the better hydrated your skin is the less noticeable wrinkles and lines will be.
  • positive nutrition with a diet high in fresh vegetables, fruit, essential fatty acids, complex proteins and a good general balance and variety
  • dietary supplements may be helpful – particularly for those over the age of 40, or those with high stress levels, and a poor medical history
  • plenty of sleep – to allow your skin cells to repair and renew
  • regular exercise
  • regular stress relief if tension levels are high – aromatherapy massage may be one of the best options
  • avoidance of toxins – such as excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, refined sugars, synthetic sweeteners, refined foods etc.
  • no smoking – smoking accelerates the ageing process, reducing elasticity and causes dullness. 
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Anti-ageing aromatherapy recipes

We’ve pulled together a selection of aromatherapy blends that are ideal for rejuvenating mature or prematurely ageing skin.

Nourishing face mask for mature skin

To literally ‘feed’ your face, stimulate your circulation and boost your complexion mix together the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp plain live full fat yogurt
  • ½ mashed avocado
  • 1 tsp runny honey
  • 1 tsp ground almonds
  • 2 drops each of Rose, Neroli and Frankincense essential oil

Combine the ingredients into a paste and massage into the face and neck avoiding the delicate eye area. The ground almonds will have an exfoliating action, helping to remove dull, dead skin cells. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Pat dry, tone and moisturise as below.

Our Kaolin Clay is also great for use on mature skin and can easily be mixed with a little water, hydrolat or aloe vera gel and your choice of essential oils to make a deep cleansing, complexion boosting mask.

Facial massage oil for mature skin

  • 5ml Jojoba oil
  • 5ml Macadamia Nut oil
  • 5ml Walnut oil
  • 2 drops each of Vetiver, Rose and Neroli essential oil
  • 3 drops of Carrot Seed essential oil

Mix together and massage in a few drops at night after cleansing and toning.

If you’d prefer a pre-blended option try our Rose or Neroli Facial Oil with skin nurturing Coconut and Sunflower Seed oil, Evening Primrose and Vitamin E.

Daytime moisturising lotion for mature skin

  • 80ml Moisturising Lotion
  • 5ml Avocado oil
  • 2ml Red Carrot oil
  • 10 drops each of Geranium and Lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 4 drops each of Neroli and Vetivert essential oil
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Combine all the ingredients and use every morning after cleansing and toning.

Rich night cream for mature skin

  • 80ml Moisturising Cream
  • 2ml Red Carrot oil
  • 5ml Melon Seed Oil
  • 5ml Argan Oil
  • 8 drops each of Frankincense and Geranium essential oil
  • 4 drops each of Neroli and Vetivert essential oil

For ready to use moisturisers we’d recommend our Neroli Moisture Lotion or Cream – both enriched with anti-ageing Guava extract and Vitamin E.

For gentle, yet thorough cleansing use our Cucumber Cleanser or our Micellar Water infused with Aloe Vera and Chamomile. And, for a 100% natural skin toner, choose our Rose Otto, Chamomile or Lavender Hydrolats.

Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist

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