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It’s a profound week in the cosmos as Virgo and Mercury rule our experience for much of the week. The initial lunar eclipse of the year sensitizes our emotions and heightens our intuition. The beginning of Mercury retrograde asks us to loosen our grip on what exists within our minds and give the world within us permission to question, review, unravel, and rewrite itself. It’s a time of reset, review, and release. Your weekly horoscope for March 9-15, 2025, explores more space for imagination, reflection and closure.
Weekly Horoscope, March 9-15, 2025 Preview
March 9 | Moon Enters Leo
March 12 | Saturn Cazimi + Moon Enters Virgo
March 13 or 14 | Lunar Eclipse + Full Moon in Virgo
March 15 | Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Saturn Cazimi
Coming together with the Sun in Pisces on March 12, 2025, the annual Saturn cazimi invites us into a space of commitment, devotion, and action toward our inspirations, desires, and creative visions.
Cazimi is an Arabic term meaning “in the heart of the Sun.” In astrology, it refers to when a planet comes into an exact conjunction with the Sun, when the planet becomes magnified within our consciousness and experience. This initiates a new cycle infused with the life-giving vitality of the Sun.
Saturn is our planet of commitment, long-term building, and responsibility. It guides us into self-mastery and the realization of our desires through boundaries, discipline, resilience, practical movement, and patience.
As Saturn comes into the heart of the Sun while under the influence of Pisces, we interweave the intangible world of imagination and potential with grounded action and commitment. The day is a time to observe your creative visions and ideas and simultaneously take a tangible step toward the commitment, practical steps, and sacred responsibility required to bring them into existence.
Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
This week we meet our first lunar eclipse of the year during the full Moon in the earthy sign of Virgo on March 14, 2025.
The word eclipse comes from the Greek word eklipsis meaning “to abandon an accustomed place.” While we are accustomed to our monthly cycles of the Moon as she wanes from full to new, every so often we meet a cosmic occurrence—an eclipse—that seems to disrupt that cycle. A lunar eclipse occasionally meets us during a full Moon when the Earth sits precisely between the Sun and Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon.
In astrology, eclipses bring closure and revelation, release and healing. Lunar eclipses also connect us to the mystical points known as the lunar nodes which speak to our purpose in the form of divine realignment and soulful evolution. They thin the veil, heighten intuition, and ask us to listen.
From January 2025 to July 2026, these nodes shift through Virgo and Pisces. During this time, we are healing our relationship with control and trust as well as disconnection from the divine. As we remember the inextricable sameness of self and sacred, we create a sense of safety as we allow in more support.
This lunar eclipse is a threshold for this unfolding, releasing, and unravelling of patterns, narratives, control, mental noise, outdated perspectives, and critical self-judgement. It invites us to create enough safety, acceptance, and trust in ourselves and in life that we can unclench our grasp and surrender to the unknown.
Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Beginning March 15, 2025, Mercury retrograde commences in Aries. Mercury is our planet of communication, thought, mental processing, and learning. It rules the mind, our narratives, stories, and patterns of thinking. Mercury is the voice in our heads that we are in conversation with day in and day out.
While in Aries, this conversation and patterned thinking move quickly and boldly toward desire and passion. Aries is concerned with courageously moving as guided by inspiration. It is a sign of selfhood and confidence, desire and authority. As Mercury begins its backward spin in this fiery sign, these are the themes that we will observe, consider, review, and understand within ourselves.
Narratives continue to run our lives until questioned. Beliefs continue to shape our perspective until updated. Often, these narratives and perspectives aren’t even ours or belong to a long-gone version of ourselves. Mercury retrograde is our sacred pause, space, and invitation to take a step outside of the motions and look at what lives within our minds – and, therefore, what shapes our lives.
This is a space to review our sense of identity and creativity, trust in intuition, and relationship to action. It’s also a time to observe our narratives around desire, worthiness, self-authority, and inner courage.
Weekly Horoscope, March 9-15, 2025
Eclipses work intimately with our emotions and ask us to trust as they initiate change—change that can either be felt and understood now or unfold throughout the following years.
As Saturn and Virgo rule the cosmos for much of the week, the eclipse sensitizes our emotions and heightens our intuition. The magic is found in coming into your body, grounding, and creating safety within your system. Embodiment practices and nervous system support is especially medicinal at this time as you surrender, rewrite your relationship with control, and navigate the mystery of life.
Also folded into the disruptive eclipse energy is Mercury stationing retrograde. It’s time to loosen your grip on what exists within your mind to give the world within you permission to question, review, unravel, and rewrite itself. Your weekly horoscope helps you understand how.
Aries Rising
Listen to the whispers in the silence—they will guide you toward your next commitment and ask that you release old habits and structures that keep you from experiencing it. Also, Mercury retrograde asks you to reconsider your identity and replace your expired narratives.
Taurus Rising
Your inspirations are waiting for your commitment. Commit to your vision while bringing surrender to your creativity and closure to your fears of being seen. This eclipse brings more love flowing through you as Mercury retrograde invites your mind to rest. It’s a time for surrender, intuition, cleansing the mind, and resting in silence.
Gemini Rising
It’s a week to tend to the roots of your emotional self by befriending your inner waters and observing how they guide you into release. There’s support for you committing to a larger vision calling you forward. As Mercury begins its backward spin, review your dreams, hopes, and direction.
Cancer Rising
This week brings both a deep release of the mind and an expansion of your perspectives. It’s a space to release control and welcome higher wisdom, vaster truths, and a broader lens through which you see existence. It also invites you to take some space and consider where you desire to go in your life.
Leo Rising
Where does your power come from? Where does your worth, security, and trust come from? This week invites closure to any spaces within that seek this power, worth, security, and trust from anywhere but within. It also invites a review of your larger beliefs.
Virgo Rising
It’s a week of healing, transformation, and sacred closure. Your role within it all is to create safety within your body so that you can surrender and trust where your heart and life are leading you, even in mystery. It’s also a week to review your narratives related to intimacy and power.
Libra Rising
While Mercury retrograde invites you to review your desires in partnership and collaboration, your weekly horoscope invites you to step into mystery, trust in intuition, and renew your felt relationship with the sacred. What connects you to the spiritual? What reminds you that you are sacred? Go there. Much awaits you.
Scorpio Rising
The lunar eclipse invites release of outside noise and fears. It’s a space to take your creative authority back, move in your own way, and show your creative visions they matter by committing to them. As Mercury retrogrades, reconsider your habits, routines, and everyday structure.
Sagittarius Rising
Life is on your side this week as it invites you to be open to receiving vaster support as you heal your relationship with trust and control. It’s also a time to rewrite your narratives around being seen and experiencing creativity. You can build a happy life and you can commit to dreams and visions—even if they feel bigger than you.
Capricorn Rising
Life works in mysterious ways. The more space you can create in your perspective, the more it can reveal these ways. What ideas have come to you recently? Ground them through tangible action this week and trust in the vaster support that is yours.
Aquarius Rising
It’s a week of empowerment and self-reclamation. Deep surrender is required as your emotions take you inward and your mind is under review. Waiting on the other side, though, is intimacy, truth, and honesty with your emotional world, relationship with control, and trust in yourself.
Pisces Rising
Your weekly horoscope invites release and closure of the relationship dynamics that hold you back from intimacy and love. It also invites reflection on your narratives around money. Honor who you have become and where you are going.