AstrologyWhat the Full Moon in Capricorn July 2024 Means for You

What the Full Moon in Capricorn July 2024 Means for You

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This year, we experience the rare occurrence of two full Moons in Capricorn. Each full Moon brings its own unique energy and potential for release, although they will feel different due to the proximity of other planets and influence of other signs. The second full Moon in Capricorn, which takes place in late July, serves as a unique and powerful moment of closure.

When is the Full Moon in Capricorn?

The upcoming full Moon in Capricorn will take place on July 21, 2024, at the end of Cancer season when the Moon is near Aquarius and the Sun is close to Leo. The first full Moon in Capricorn occurred on June 21, 2024, at the start of Cancer season, when the Moon was close to Sagittarius and the Sun was near Gemini.


What the Full Moon in Capricorn Means for You

Our second full Moon in Capricorn provides space to process the vast array of feelings stirred during Cancer season. As we shift away from the influence of Cancer, it’s an opportunity to convert strong emotions into aligned actions. The full Moon will bring emotional discernment so we can decide what we need to continue to work with and what we need to release.

It has been more than six months since we set our intentions on the new Moon in Capricorn at the start of the year. This full Moon is a time to revisit the road you have traveled since then and decide the changes you want to make in your course during the coming six months.

Think of this full Moon as a new starting point. One that will help you say goodbye to energies and emotions that you no longer want to carry while working toward your potential. It can help you understand what you need to dismantle in your life that’s distracting or limiting as well as what you need to rebuild in its place in order to reach your desires in your lifetime. It has the potential to become your guiding light for the rest of the year.

The perpetual phases of the Moon create a looping effect from new Moon to full Moon. Additionally, remain aware of the themes happening for you at the time of a new Moon in a sign and the full Moon in the same sign six months later. (Photo: mikroman6 | Getty )

What the Full Moon in Capricorn + Sun in Cancer Mean for You

It is a time to clearly define spaces in your life that can hold the immensity of your feelings. When we don’t give our emotions space to be felt, they affect areas of our lives where they don’t belong. When we don’t give our emotions support, they demand it, and their demands often come at less-than-desirable moments. This can look like yelling at someone who doesn’t deserve it, crying around unsupportive people, or feeling generally overwhelmed by life at all times.

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The full Moon in Capricorn presents a powerful opportunity for self-reflection, particularly around emotional management and regulation. Capricorn encourages us to establish structures and systems that can support the full expression and understanding of our emotions. It’s a pivotal time for creating containers—literal and metaphorical—that allow us to safely explore the depth and array of our feelings.

Unsupported and unseen emotions demand to be felt and will seize any opportunity to surface, often at inopportune moments. They are like a child crying for attention. They will act out if necessary when all they truly desire is love and acceptance. This Full Moon is an opportunity to hold our emotions and see them as honest —giving them the love and acceptance they deserve. In return, they will show us our power and the clear path to our intuition.

This full Moon in Capricorn, therefore, is a call to action, a call to become more deliberate about how we handle our emotional lives. It asks us to create clear times and spaces dedicated to emotional expression and processing. By doing so, we not only prevent our feelings from spilling over into unsuitable areas of our lives but also strengthen our emotional resilience.

Additionally, the act of opening up to our emotions under the light of this full Moon also invites our intuition to speak loudly. This connection is vital, as our emotions often hold the keys to universal wisdom and can guide us towards more aligned and authentic paths. The clarity gained from such introspection can highlight and make obvious the steps needed to manifest a life that resonates deeply with our soul’s purpose.

As you engage with these energies, consider the practices and disciplines that will help you honor and explore your emotions, ask for what you need, and, importantly, allow the space for your intuition to emerge. This approach is not just about managing or suppressing emotions but about learning from them and then transforming them into insightful guides that pave the way to a more aligned and fulfilling existence.

Cancer season has brought up countless emotions, insights, and revelations. Our emotions are our power. They bring us information, but it takes a steady foundation to make sense of this information. Unless we ground our emotions, they can feel overwhelming, chaotic, and disruptive.

What Are the Other Astrological Influences on the Full Moon in Capricorn?

Our second full Moon in Capricorn lands at 29 degrees Capricorn, just next to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of transformation. It reminds us that our life is full of experiences, and what happens to you in this life is part of a larger backdrop of interlinked events that span many lifetimes. Pluto’s activation on this full Moon expands our consciousness to consider the far-reaching and longer-lasting impact of our overall energy.

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In the framework of the Universe, there is no past or future, only today. You may never fully understand your emotional reactions, but you can find your power within them. You can learn to sit and observe them, seeing them as information.

Your emotions can guide you to insights about who you are today and who you were yesterday. What you feel today is also linked to your future self. Additionally, you can tap into the emotions of your future self, harnessing them for hope, guidance, and insights on what to do next. How does your future self feel? The one who is nourished, healed, and held? How does this person feel, and what do they need from you today? What work do you need to do in order to meet them?

Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, has also been stationed retrograde since the first full Moon in Capricorn. Retrogrades spin the planet’s energy inward while Saturn governs our commitments. In retrograde, Saturn helps us identify which commitments resonate most deeply with our soul and our energetic evolution this lifetime.

Ruling planets are always active when a full Moon is in their sign. Feel Saturn’s energy today, helping you decide which commitments you will make to your future self. What do you need to say yes to, and what do you need to say no to disconnect from distracting energy? Where do you need to heal to align with how you want to feel?

This is a full Moon to look at how you are allowing your pain to contain and limit you. It’s a time to look at how your past experiences are holding you back from a future you know belongs to you. It’s also a time to see that your past is part of your future. You can’t have one without the other.

Commit to practices and routines that help you heal, detach, and evolve forward. Commit to how you want to feel each day.

Every experience in your life holds the keys to your power. Every emotion and every event is a pathway to your power. Connect with your power this full Moon and know that it, like your energy, has been with you through many lifetimes. Your power belongs to you, and it can create any life you desire. Own it, and do the work needed to embody it in every experience. Be willing to say no so you can hear your yes.

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(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation

This full Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to regulate your nervous system, breathe deeply, and give yourself the space you need to process and utilize the many emotions brought up by the energy of Cancer.

As you sit with this energy, commit to practices that help you nourish your foundation and your roots. What helps you feel at home with yourself? What helps you return to your core essence and soul vibration? These are the practices you need.

As you do, be open to new wisdom and intuition. This full Moon is highly intuitive and insightful. Be open to clear messages on where to go next. Remember, your emotions open the gateway to your intuition. They are your portal.

It takes courage, though, to follow your intuition. You must trust yourself and become your own inner authority. Align with the grounding earth element of Capricorn to feel your strength today. Hear your intuition. Listen to it. Make decisions based on how you want to feel, the life you want to live, and how you want to create balance in every aspect of your life so you feel authentic and resilient.

Capricorn’s influence reminds you of your authenticity, your resilience, and your self-reliance. It shows you that you are safe to place your trust in your intuition. However, this requires rest and nurturing. Take this time for self-care, allowing it to help you understand and interpret your emotions. What messages do they carry? What are they revealing to you. What is your intuition urging you to do? Engage deeply with these questions to unlock the transformative potential of the full Moon in Capricorn.

Learn more about the full Moon in Capricorn, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Capricorn Full Moon Workbook Special Edition, from which the above is excerpted. Also, learn how to step into your power in the 28-day course Fierce Living.

About Our Contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand devoted to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the Universe. She also writes workbooks on each full Moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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