AstrologyWhat Does Taurus Season Mean for You, According to Your Sign

What Does Taurus Season Mean for You, According to Your Sign

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Welcome to Taurus season. As the Sun enters the grounded realm of this Earth sign, we are invited to tend to the foundations of ourselves. It is an invitation to come home to your body, tend to your nervous system, and revel in the pleasures found in your world. An invitation to move at a pace that honors your system, feels safe, and is sustainable. And an invitation to know what it means to live in sync with the Earth, be held by the Earth, and learn from the Earth.

This season, there is healing. There is grounding. There is a coming home to your inherent worthiness, value, safety, and belonging.

When Does Taurus Season Start?

Taurus season begins April 19, 2024, and continues until May 20, 2024. As the Sun moves through the cosmos, it touches each of the zodiac signs in cyclical fashion, calling forth their essence from within us. Each of us experiences Taurus as an archetype living within us, and during its season, its attributes and invitations play into our every thought, action, and emotion.

(Photo: Mara Fribus | Getty)

What Does Taurus Season Mean for You?

An Earth sign, Taurus is ruled by Venus. Earth signs bring us into the tangible world. They invite us to inhabit more of our bodies and find more of our sense of belonging in the physical world. They remind us of the sacredness of landing in this life that we somehow find ourselves experiencing. They speak to the divinity found within the everyday, the spiritual within the physical, and the magic within making our dreams tangible.

Venus, as expressed through Taurus, is the foundational healing of self love, simple pleasures, and inner worthiness. Taurus is remembering that we are art, that our physical bodies are sacred, that we are sculpted by something beyond us, that we are one with the Earth. It is fine-tuning our ability to feel, notice, be with, live with, and create with the beauty and richness of being alive. And it is the deep embodiment of our inherent value, the kind that leaves no space for questioning, doubt, or self-abandonment. The kind that we deserve.

Aries season, which precedes Taurus season, was our rebirth. It was the fires of passion, initiation, ideas, and a new chapter for us all. Taurus season is where we take what we initiated under the influence of Aries and lovingly, sustainably, and consistently tend to it. While Aries season sparked us, birthing new potentials and opening new doorways, Taurus season grounds us as we tend to these ideas and bring into being by tangibly building their foundations in the physical world. It is a season where we build in a way that is sustainable, pleasurable, and in tune with the movements and seasons of our bodies.

As the Sun shifts through Taurus, it simultaneously travels through the area of your astrological chart that Taurus lives within, highlighting certain themes, invitations, and directions that are calling your name. By looking to your rising sign, you can begin to unfold these invitations from within.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Aries Rising

Taurus season arrives with a clear message, Aries rising. You are safe and you are worthy of belonging. It is that simple. How would life shift for you if you experienced life from these truths? How would they change your everyday thoughts? How would they change the way you move through the world? And how would they seep into your reality, mirroring themselves back to you through your interactions with the outside world?

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Your season was your beautiful rebirth, initiating a new chapter for yourself. New desires were born there and have been calling your name. This season is where you are reminded that you deserve them. That you are worthy of this new way of being. How do you want your life to show you that you are safe, that you belong, that you are worthy? What do you desire to build around you that is a reflection of this?

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Taurus Rising

Welcome to your season, Taurus rising. The last few weeks have been a release and a letting go of a cycle and lovingly bringing things to a close. Taurus season is your new beginning. An opportunity to bring stability, security, and anchoring into who you are becoming. An opportunity to meet yourself again, and as you do, plant this new you into the Earth beneath you to lovingly tend to with time and energy.

This season is an invitation to bring your attention to yourself and ponder who you are choosing to be in this world and what life you are choosing to create. Pour your own curiosity, sight, and senses into who you are and who you are becoming for there is much that you are ready to meet from within.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Gemini)

Gemini Rising

As the Sun shifts through Taurus, it asks you to bring some of that mental energy of yours down into your body, Gemini rising, for this is where you will find the sacred. It’s a season of letting go, surrendering, and finding your trust in something both within and beyond yourself.

This time can help you tend to your relationship with the spiritual aspects of life and how these spaces seems to merge into the physical and tangible. How do you find beauty, safety, and surrender within yourself? How do you allow something sacred to hold you, guide you, remind you of your inherent belonging and worthiness? The next astrological season is your sign, Gemini, and a renewal awaits you. It is here, in Taurus season, that you make space for that renewal.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Cancer Rising

You belong, Cancer rising. You belong to yourself, to the Earth, and to the collective body of which we are all a part. For you, Taurus season is a continuous whispering of the words “you belong.”

As the Sun shifts through Taurus, it invites you to zoom out and begin to witness the interconnectedness of all of us on the planet. As you move through the world, you cannot help but feed into each person you come into connection with, just as they feed into you. And it is a season that reminds you that as you begin to embrace and value more and more of who you are, what you desire, and the dreams that call your name, the more goodness you will automatically feed into the collective. As you say yes to yourself, you offer us all a gift.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Leo Rising

It’s a dream-building kind of season, Leo rising. Let’s look ahead. Let’s give yourself permission to touch those whispers that call your name, those potentials at the heart of it all, those ideas that keep moving through your awareness. What are they? Where do they desire to take you? What life do you want to build for yourself? What legacy are you creating, the legacy that is your life?

Let yourself say yes to it. Let yourself go there And let yourself use the Earth magic of Taurus to anchor your desires into the tangible world and tend to them with sustainable actions, grounded building, practical steps, and the Venusian healing that draws you to the complete embodiment of your worthiness, value, and magnetism so you can create the life that is yours to build.

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(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Virgo Rising

Let life speak to you, Virgo rising. Let the sunrise reveal its whispers, the trees their wisdom, each moment its message. It is through being fully grounded in this human experience that you begin to unravel your own understanding, meaning, and connection with this life. It is where you remember your inherent belonging to each moment, to the Earth, to something sacred.

It is a season that invites wisdom. It invites listening. Questioning. Pondering. Exploring the terrains of truth and meaning. The beliefs you hold about life hold every moment and experience of your life within it. What are your beliefs? What perspectives are holding you, shaping the way you move through the world, shaping the experiences you have? You’re exploring what it means to be alive and why you are here. Understand that it is through your living, through nature, and through your body that you will find your answers.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Libra Rising

Taurus season brings you home to nature so that you may learn, or remember, her ways of being. As the Sun begins to shine once again following the spring solstice, life sprouts from what was previously thought to be barren land. It brings light to darkness. And it offers spark, movement, and life, revealing what was always waiting within the dark corners of the Earth.

This season, how can you be your own Sun? Traveling deep within your body and your underworld, touching the spaces that have been waiting for you? How can you witness the life, the wisdom, and the beauty that has been waiting in spaces less tended to from within? This season reminds us that no part of us is unworthy of our own love, sunlight, and tending. What parts of you have been waiting for your own love?

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Scorpio Rising

It’s all about love this season, Scorpio. Love for yourself. Love for the abundance of beauty, wonder, and opportunity in the tangible world. And love for others, namely your chosen people. It invites safety, belonging, and deep comfort in the spaces of your relationships. What do you want in partnership, whether friendship, romance, committed love, or something else? How do you want to feel in these partnerships? And how does embodying your inherent worthiness, tending to your pleasure of being alive, and remembering your belonging to yourself seem to feed into and bring magic to those partnerships?

This season, feel the safety within your love for yourself. Let your partnerships hold you in belonging and security. And, observe how tending to yourself also tends to your relationships and vice-versa.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Sagittarius Rising

Taurus is an archetype that reminds us of the body as your home. The way your senses interact with the beauty of this world, seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, smelling. The way your body serves you, your experiencing, your being here on the Earth. Your body makes it all possible, and this season invites you to come home to yours and witness the miracle that it is.

How do you wish to serve your body? How do you want to move through the world within it? How do you prefer to move with its seasons instead of against them? How do you clear away the noise to ensure that you hear its needs and desires? As you return to your body’s rhythm, you release much of the outside stories that tell you to live in a certain way. You release much of what stagnates your own vitality. You release the noise that is not yours, so that you may hear your own whisper.

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(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Capricorn Rising

What sparks your happiness, Capricorn? What reminds you of the abundance of this life, the beauty, the wonder, the miracle? This season invites you to soak in the magic of what it means to be alive and to be you. To remember laughter and play, and to bring even more life to the unique pleasures that are yours.

What do you love doing? Who do you love being? Offer yourself space and permission to go there. Offer yourself space and permission to be in lightness and in playfulness. Magic is born there. Healing happens there. Life takes place there.

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Aquarius Rising

What does it mean to belong to yourself, Aquarius rising? To be at home in yourself? This season invites you to tend to the roots that allow you to be you. To travel all the way within and down. What patterns lie there? What narratives, perspectives, memories, and experiences live within these roots? As you tend to the roots, the entire tree adapts. Taurus season reminds us that you are no different.

As the Sun travels through the lands of Taurus, it invites you to explore your own home within you. Within your body, your emotions, your mind, and your inner psychology. It invites reflection on what foundations were put in place in your formative years. Are they true to you? What do you want to place there now?

(Illustration: Mara Fribus | Getty)

Pisces Rising

The mind and the body are inextricably connected, constantly communicating and offering you space and selfhood in this tangible world. This season invites the question, how can you land more in yourself?

How can you honor the uniqueness that is you and no one else in this singular expression of what it means to be you? The way you see the world. The way you think, communicate, the ideas you have and the thoughts that move through your awareness. There is no one else with your body or mind. There is no one else that you are here to be. As you land more within your own body and mind, more of your magic becomes available to us. When you begin writing your own script, creating your own narrative, and opening to all that is available to you, you begin directing your own experience through the powerful force that is you inhabiting your body and claiming your mind. The time for that is now.

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Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

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Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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