ReflexologyReflexology: Does it Actually Work?

Reflexology: Does it Actually Work?

Stress is one thing we all experience in a day-to-day basis. Because of our hectic schedule and various tasks in our workplace, at home, or in school, our body could give in to various pains and discomforts.

For 5 straight days, 6 for some, we spend most of our time working or learning at school. And for one or two days, we are given a free day to relax, unwind, and spend time with our family and loved ones.

We make the most out of these breaks. One thing most parents and grandparents do to loosen up is to engage in reflexology. What is this and why do most people love this service?

Reflexology is a method of massage. It is used to offer relief to the tension around one’s body and to take care of illnesses. According to the leading pioneers of such practice such as Relax The Feet, our body is filled with reflex points especially on the hands, feet, and head. These reflex points are linked to each part of our body.

But does reflexology actually work?

There are a lot of theories that back up the effectiveness of this procedure, and some of these are:

  • Connection with the Central Nervous System

    In the late 1890s, researchers named Sir Henry Head and Sir Charles Sherrington showed that there is a relationship between the skin and the internal organs. This relationship exists through the nerves that run all throughout our body. These connectedness links to our nervous system and it reacts to certain stimulus.

    This theory states that due to the application of pressure to one’s feet, ears, and hands, signals will be sent to the central nervous system. These signals will tell the brain to adjust the tension level of the body.

  • Reduction of pain and stress

    Theories like the Gate Control Theory and the Neuromatrix Theory of Pain support that reflexology acts as a pain reliever. According to the mentioned theories, pain is simply subjective and is only created by your brain.

    Why does our brain make us feel pain?

    This is in response to different emotional and cognitive factors. You forgot your mother’s birthday, therefore, she felt emotional pain inside of her. You burned yourself, therefore, your body reacts by swiftly moving away from the area that caused your burn.

    Another thing that influences our brain is stress and mood. Because of these, our brain may respond by letting us feel pain throughout our body. Through reflexology, you can avoid these types of pain. This is also in connection with the first theory we mentioned.

  • Vital energy is flowing in our body

    Our body cannot run without energy. And just as everything inside of us is connected, there is a channel that connects the energy inside of us. Once this energy is disrupted, you will feel stress and pain. And if one does not take action during the blockage of this energy, one would eventually succumb to various illnesses.

    Reflexology works by unblocking these blocked energies, therefore releasing you from the pain you will eventually experience.

  • Vertical division of our body

    According to some researchers and pioneers of reflexology, our body is divided into 10 different zones. If an organ that belongs to a specific zone does not perform well, one will simply touch the zone that organ is a part of.

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We are still on our road to figuring out how this type of massage works. But due to its popularity and success, we can all agree that this service does benefit a lot of people.

So get yourself a nice Reflexology massage in Chesapeake, Virginia through Relax The Feet.

Our massage and services are capable of helping people release stress. Once this happens, your body heals and repairs itself. You can now then begin your day anew and face the hectic week ahead of you.

If you want to inquire more about our services, you can do so by going to our website at

Give a break for yourself and the rest of the family. Enjoy our reflexology treatment.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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