Ayurveda7 of the Most Powerful Herbs and Spices that Help You Fight...

7 of the Most Powerful Herbs and Spices that Help You Fight Better

Against illnesses that is.

The immune system is your body’s first and best response to external attackers. It is, in essence, your internal army. As such, keeping it ‘well-equipped’, enhancing its capabilities, and boosting its strength is a sure-fire way of protecting against illness and disease.

So how do you go about strengthening an unseen entity? While lifestyle, hygiene, and exercise all play a role in supporting your immune system, nutrition is also a major factor. So, what you consume may just make all the difference.

This is where herbs and spices come in. Extremely nutrient-rich with exceptional health benefits, they boast of anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties which helps boost your body’s immune response, and protect against harmful substances such as free radicals.

Simply put, these 7 herbs and spices are extraordinary in terms of what they can do to protect your body against illness and disease. Want to know more? Read on below!

Why should you include herbs and spices in your daily life?

Besides adding aroma, fullness, and flavour to your dishes, these innocuous-looking substances play a tremendous role in your health and diet.

Boasting of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-oxidant properties, these incredible foods also help to:

  • Lower cholesterol and blood sugar
  • Improve digestion
  • Prevent allergies and colds
  • Treat respiratory infections
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Help maintain healthy skin
  • Provide relief to nervous tension and improve moods
  • Relieve joint pain
  • Reduce damage to tissues and cells

From ginger to tulsi, these Ayurvedic superfoods leave no stone unturned in bringing health, wellness, and vitality to your life.

What are the best herbs and spices for your immune system?

With a vast variety of benefits, it sometimes becomes difficult to pinpoint specific herbs and spices, for specific uses. However, we have managed to compile a list of seven herbs and spices that help strengthen your immune system and immune response like no other. Let’s have a look:

1. Turmeric

Rich in flavour and vibrant in colour, turmeric has long since been a staple in South Asian cuisine. But what makes it so good for your immune system?

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Turmeric contains the compound curcumin which has incredible anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties. Basically, it is the ultimate superfood.

This means that in addition to fighting infection and boosting the health of cells, it can also be used to treat wounds, prevent disease, and even reduce mucus production associated with cold and flu.

Turmeric has also been shown to improve cognitive function. It has the ability to stabilise and enhance focus and function; thereby improving memory and mood.

Turmeric is available in its natural root form, powdered form, and even in tablet form. And with 1.5 to 3g of dried turmeric powder per day being the recommended adult dosage, it can be used in numerous ways.

While turmeric is greatly enjoyed in curries, broths, and meats, it may actually be absorbed best when taken with a glass of warm, full-fat milk, and mixed with other spices such as black pepper; giving rise to the perfect golden drink.

2. Tulsi

The ‘Holy Basil’ or ‘Elixir of Life’, tulsi has been used for centuries to manage stress, relax the nervous system, improve cognitive function, regulate metabolism, and improve energy levels. No wonder it is treated with such reverence.

Rich in Vitamin C and zinc, it has immense anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. The true ‘all-rounder’, tulsi is also a natural immunity booster. It has been found to protect organs and tissues from physical and chemical stress.

It is also used to treat:

  • Sore throats
  • Colds
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Kidney stones
  • Heart disease

Although you should never chew on the leaves, tulsi can simply be taken by adding it to your tea (boil the leaves in water and allow to simmer for 8-10 minutes). And the best part? The plant can easily be grown in your own home, even in a pot on the windowsill!

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3. Cinnamon

A constant in every baker’s pantry, cinnamon is a warm spice that adds incredible flavour to dishes. But more than that, it has amazing health benefits that include antioxidant, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Adding cinnamon to your diet helps prevent heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases, fight respiratory tract infections, and improve digestion.

Cinnamon can easily be consumed in the form teas, capsules, or even as a dusting on your toast, pies, fruits, or coffees.

4. Moringa

Providing you with the buzz of coffee (without the caffeine), moringa is celebrated for its rich nutrients that enhance both physical and mental function.

Known to boost energy levels, promote alertness and focus, and regulate stress levels, moringa is incredibly effective in increasing the body’s resistance to stress.

But one of the most important uses of moringa may be as a powerful immunity booster. It is rich in Vitamin A and iron (both known to improve immune function), and is full of antioxidants. In fact, moringa has been used effectively in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Moringa is available in capsule form, powders, and whole leaf. It is also extremely versatile as it may be consumed in the form of teas, smoothies, soups, or even baked into desserts.

5. Ginger

From preventing colds and clearing up congestion, to easing muscular aches and even nausea, ginger is well-deserving of its superior reputation. In fact, it may be undersold.

It is absolutely bursting with flavour (and vitamins), and has immense immunity-boosting effects. This is because not only does it exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties, but it also helps to open up the lymphatic system and activate T-cells; all of which are vital to produce a healthy immune response.

While it can be consumed fresh or in powdered form, ginger tastes great in sweets, meats, and of course teas.

6. Ashwagandha

With excellent immunity-enhancing properties, ashwagandha is a plant like no other. It exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, which decreases oxidative stress, and provides immense relief from the painful effects of arthritis.

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A powerful Ayurvedic herb, ashwagandha is renowned for its energising properties. Not just that; ashwagandha is also known to enhance muscle strength and physical endurance, making it the perfect herb to combat the effects of fatigue.

It also helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, making it even more medicinally appreciated.

Usually found in capsule or powder form, it is ideally taken in the morning with a warm glass of milk or even blended in smoothies.

7. Amla

A potent medicine and tonic, amla is chock-full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, iron, and antioxidants.

This means that in addition to boosting immunity, amla also:

  • Fights infections like the common cold
  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • Has anti-ageing properties
  • Improves eyesight
  • Aids weight loss
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Helps in cancer prevention

A couple of amla fruits are best taken each morning on an empty stomach.


They may be small but do they pack a punch!

Nutrient-rich, good for health, readily available, and incredibly flavourful. It is easy to see why these herbs and spices are so valued. In fact, incorporating them into our diets may be the easiest (and tastiest) form of healthcare ever.

The best part? As they are densely packed with nutrients, even a small quantity, can make a big difference. Meaning a small, inexpensive change in your diet can have a significant effect on your mind, body, and wellbeing. And the incredible variety of these foods makes them appealing to even those with the most discerning of palates.

Looking to incorporate these powerful herbs and spices into your daily diet? Need guidance as to how and where to start?

Consult our panel of Ayurvedic experts at The Ayurvedic Clinic today to find out how you too can reap the incredible benefits of these superfoods and become healthier than ever before!

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