Yoga Tourism5 Top Tips for Teaching Yoga Abroad

5 Top Tips for Teaching Yoga Abroad

Doing a yoga teacher training course opens up a world of possibilities – literally!

Not only can you share your knowledge with everyone in your hometown, but you can also spread yogic wisdom worldwide by becoming a travelling yoga teacher.

Teaching yoga abroad is a beautiful idea for anyone who loves to travel. You can share your passion with people from all walks of life, see new places and have fantastic experiences without burning through your savings.  

But how can you turn your dream of travelling and teaching into a reality? As a yoga teacher who has taught in numerous countries including some of the worlds best yoga destinations, I’m sharing the steps I followed to international success.

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How to Get Started Teaching Yoga Abroad

1. Make A Yoga CV

If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to create a yoga-specific CV (resume) that details your teacher training and other related education, along with any teaching experience you’ve banked in your home town.  

A yoga CV is more important when applying for overseas jobs than at home. You cannot simply pop into the studio or retreat centre you’re interested in and have a chat with the owner. 

Instead, you have to work harder to impress potential employees and stand out – because, remember, you’re now competing with yoga teachers from the rest of the world!

2. Film A Teaching Demo

Talking about standing out, having a video demonstrating your teaching style is a game-changer! It’s hard to sense a yoga teacher’s style through a CV, email, or video call. So it’s natural that employers overseas will be apprehensive about employing you if they don’t know what to expect.

However, if you send a teaching demo along with your application, this will immediately rank you higher than the instructors that didn’t. 

A teaching demo can be a video of you teaching to a group or an individual, so if you already teach somewhere, simply set up a camera in your next class. If you’re not currently teaching, ask a friend to be your “student” or teach to the camera as if you are creating an online video for people to follow.

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Teaching yoga Abroad can benefit from having a video demo.

3. Get Clear On Where You Want To Teach

Before looking for yoga jobs abroad, consider which countries or cities you would like to teach in. If you’re a travel enthusiast, this will be easy as you’ll already have a ‘bucket list’ of places waiting to be checked off!

But what if you’re unsure where you would enjoy visiting and teaching? 

In that case, think about the environments you like the best. For example, do you love the peace and quiet of the mountains and the countryside? Do you love being by the beach? Or do you prefer to be near a big city?

If you don’t have much experience with solo travelling, you might want to stick with western countries or places where English is widely spoken to avoid any culture shocks or language barriers. 

However, it’s important to ensure you can legally work in your chosen country, so research visa and work permit requirements first. 

Another thing to consider is how long you want to be away from home. Most yoga jobs abroad require at least one month’s commitment, but some will ask you to stay for 3 to 6 months. 

Know what you feel comfortable with, as this will help you find and apply for opportunities that match your intention.

4. Search For Opportunities

Now everything is prepared, and you know where you want to go, it’s time to find your first job as a travelling yoga teacher.

So where do you look?

I’ve successfully found opportunities to teach yoga abroad on Facebook. There are several groups like “Yoga Jobs All Over The World” and “YOGA JOBS“, where people regularly post looking to employ travelling yoga teachers. 

See also  The Ultimate Guide To Yoga Teacher Training Abroad 2023

You can also create your own post in some of these groups, introducing yourself and letting potential employers know what you are looking for.

Aside from Facebook, check out Yoga Trade, a dedicated online platform for finding yoga jobs abroad. It’s definitely the easiest place to search for opportunities based on your criteria, and there are new positions daily. 

However, from my experience, I’ve found most of the positions advertised are voluntary (work for accommodation) roles rather than paid ones. What’s more, you must buy a membership to apply for the jobs, which is currently $48 a year.

Lastly, you can also find opportunities the ‘old-school’ way by researching retreat centres in your desired locations and contacting them via email. 

It is more time-consuming, and you’ll likely have to contact many places before you get a successful response. Still, it shows initiative, and even if they are not hiring, they will likely keep you in mind when an opportunity arises. 

Yoga teacher training class lotus pose

5. Clarify The Details (Pay, Expenses, Working Hours, Accommodation, Etc)

So what do you do once you find a position that interests you?

Book your flights and pack your bags? No, hold up…

Like with any job, there are specific details you need to clarify before you confirm the position. I recommend arranging a video call with the employer to ask questions and get a better understanding of what the role entails – and also get a feel for their energy, which is essential.

Firstly, ensure you’re available for the dates advertised and that you are happy to stay for the required duration. 

Then, determine if it is a paid role or a work-for-accommodation position – This is important as the latter is VERY common. 

If you’re a new teacher looking to gain experience or interested in teaching yoga abroad as a way to travel cheaply, taking a work-for-accommodation position can be awesome.

See also  5 Top Tips For Your First Time At A Yoga Retreat

However, if you’re only looking for paid positions, you’ll want to clarify if 1. There is a salary, and 2. How much.

When determining if you’re happy with the pay expectations, get clear on how many classes you’ll need to teach a day/week. I also recommend asking if the position involves anything other than teaching, as some ask for help with social media, admin, or even cooking.

Finally, most yoga jobs abroad come with free accommodation at the retreat centre but never assume this. Moreover, ask for photos of your room, as some of these living arrangements are extremely basic and might differ from what you envision. 

Final Thoughts On Teaching Yoga Abroad

By following all the steps above, you’ll start your career as a travelling yoga teacher in no time. Teaching yoga abroad is an incredible experience that will remain a highlight of your career (and life) for years to come.

If traveling abroad isn’t your goal and you just want some tips for getting your yoga teaching career underway, have a read of my top tips for new yoga teachers.

Have you ever taught yoga abroad? If so, let us know about your experience in the comments!

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